After 40, These 18 Things Just Aren’t Worth Worrying About

Many people say that life begins at 40, and it’s true! At 40, you have a wealth of experience, memories to cherish, and better knowledge about the world. To help you live the rest of your life to the fullest, here are 18 things to stop worrying about at 40.

A Job You Hate

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If you’re 40 and hate your career, remember that it’s never too late to start again. You can still achieve a lot before inhibitions in your senior years kick in, so make a change! Bad jobs take a toll on health, and you shouldn’t be dealing with them going into old age.

Bad Relationships

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Moving to your personal life, you don’t want to deal with a toxic relationship where you feel insecure, abused, and underappreciated. It’s one of those things you’ll regret a decade from now because you waste time and expose yourself to long-standing mental health issues like low self-esteem, PTSD, and depression.

Others’ Achievements

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Comparing where you are in your professional or personal life isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you’re using it for inspiration. However, as Forbes explains, “If comparison makes you feel worthless and demoralized and you resent others for what they have, it’s time to stop comparing or shift your approach to it.”

Making Mistakes

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At 40, you already understand that mistakes are a part of life. You just can’t avoid them, especially if you’re doing something for the first time. Therefore, you shouldn’t be afraid to fail on your path to success as long as you intend to learn and improve from your failures.

Past Mistakes

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What about the mistakes you’ve already made? Just let them go. The past cannot be changed, and worrying about it only inhibits your enjoyment of the present. Even worse, giving past mistakes so much reverence instead of learning from them is a precursor to making bad decisions that affect the future.

Holding Grudges

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Being unable to forgive others for their actions towards you is similar to living in the past. You live with anger and resentment against someone for too long, and these negative feelings start to affect your physical and mental health. You deal with anxiety, which you don’t need in your older years.

Trying to Control Everything

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At 40, you also know that many things in life are beyond your control, and you can’t beat yourself up over them. You can’t be a control freak anymore because it doesn’t just affect your health through stress and frustration; it also affects your relationship with loved ones.

Getting Old

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Aging is inevitable, so why worry about gray hair and wrinkled skin? ScienceDirect research reveals that anxiety from worrying about aging is directly associated with increased disability, depression, cognitive impairment, and decreased well-being in old age. And guess what? Worrying makes you age even faster, too!

Others’ Opinion

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At 40, you should realize that your own opinion about yourself matters most. You shouldn’t seek validation before doing the things you love, as this only forces you to live for others and leads to an unhappy and unfulfilled life.

Trying to Be Someone You Aren’t

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When you live a life that doesn’t represent who you truly are, you put barriers between you and the people who love you for who you are. You set yourself up for anxiety, insecurities, and depression, and you end up with a lonely life when you can’t keep up with the facade anymore.

Others’ Needs

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At 40, you can’t keep putting other people’s needs above yours, as it’s a form of self-neglect. It can even cause resentment toward others because your own needs aren’t met, and you risk losing your identity going into your senior years. It’s good to help, but always be comfortable saying no.

Minor Inconveniences

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After 40, it’s important to recognize the difference between major setbacks and minor inconveniences so that you know where to channel your energy towards. You don’t have as much energy at this age, and minor inconveniences are more common, so worrying about them more than you should only make you burn out faster.

Fear of Rejection

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Verywell Mind explains that fearing rejection pushes you into unnecessary self-doubt, lack of authenticity, and people-pleasing, and this remains the case at 40. Yes, rejection is painful, but you’ll agree that missing out on a lovely relationship or an amazing opportunity to grow in your career hurts even more.

Societal Expectations

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There are many things society says you should have at 40—career stability, financial security, and a family or partner you have settled with. The truth is that worrying about societal expectations is putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. Don’t worry about where you “should” be, and focus on what you want from life.

Tolerating Disrespect

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Boundaries are crucial because they tell others how you like to be treated and protect your image and mental health from constant disrespect. You should speak up against things you don’t like and not continue to tolerate someone who never stays within the healthy limits you have set.

Messy Breakups

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Grieving the loss of a loved one is unavoidable, but when it comes to breakups, you must bounce back as soon as you can. Worrying about a messy breakup for so long leads to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and social isolation—things you don’t need at the age of 40.

Being Perfect

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You should also be less critical of yourself from 40. In fact, the University of Michigan links having overly high standards to decreased productivity, troubled interpersonal relationships, and low self-esteem! It’s great to have ambition, but those unrealistic goals you chase aren’t worth your health anymore.

Perfect Relationships

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Last but not least, you should know by 40 that you can’t expect your relationships to be perfect. There will be disagreements, and arguments are fine as long as they’re settled appropriately. It’s key to be open-minded and realistic about your relationships so that you don’t keep chasing people who care about you away.

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Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: CREATISTA/Shutterstock

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