20 Actions That Reveal Someone’s Real Character

Sometimes it can be hard to understand someone’s true character. You may be getting to know someone new and you’re struggling to figure out whether they’re a good person or not. Here are 20 actions that reveal someone’s real character.

How They Treat Service Workers

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A great way to work out someone’s character is by observing the way they treat service workers. If they interact by being polite and respectful, this is a good sign that they’re polite and respectful with all people they interact with, which is a good characteristic.

Response to Conflict

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The way someone responds in conflict is a great way to reveal their true character. If someone can remain calm and collected during a conflict, this is a good sign. Someone with a good character will be looking to resolve the disagreement in a healthy manner, and you will not see them get personal.

Handling of Setbacks

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CardioCrown CEO Heraldas Gaspariunas reports on LinkedIn that while we can’t control setbacks, we can control how we respond to them. We all face setbacks in life, and people with a good character will try to take them in stride. They’ll be looking for solutions, accepting responsibility for any mistakes, and looking to learn from them.

Behavior When Intoxicated

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Observing someone’s actions when drunk can be a great way to understand a person’s true character. Alcohol can often bring out hidden aspects of a personality, and intoxicated people tend to express suppressed emotions and thoughts. If these differ massively from when they’re sober, this could give you an indication that their character isn’t genuine.

Interaction with Animals

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Judging people based on how they interact with animals is often a good way to understand their personalities. If they tend to show kindness and compassion toward animals, this is usually a positive sign. A person with a good character is often likely to show empathy toward animals.

Financial Management

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According to Cowry Wise, “It turns out that each of us has a unique set of traits and characteristics that dictates our personal style for managing finances—whether we’re consciously aware of them or not.” People who are good with their finances show signs of self-discipline compared to those who are poor at managing their money.

Treatment of Strangers

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Many people will often treat those they know well in a good way, but a true sign of character is how someone treats strangers. If they’re polite and respectful and show kindness to a stranger they may never see again, this is a positive sign they have a good character.

Reaction to Others’ Success

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Unfortunately, there are people who are close to us who aren’t happy for our successes, which is a true sign of their character. If you have people around you who genuinely celebrate the success of others, these are the people you want to keep in your life. This reflects that they’re supportive in relationships and want what’s best for you.

Expressions of Gratitude

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People who are always expressing gratitude, even for the little things, can often have a good character. If they’re sincere in expressing their thanks and frequently do it, then this is a good sign they have good values. If you come across people who don’t have simple manners, then this can be a clear indication of their true character.

Willingness to Apologize

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Someone who is willing to admit when they’re wrong shows strength in their character. For example, ABL Wise Consulting reports that “apologizing demonstrates a recognition of our own imperfection and a willingness to admit those imperfections to others.” Someone who wants to apologize is someone who is mature and takes accountability for their actions.

Valuing of Privacy and Boundaries

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Someone who doesn’t respect another person’s privacy or boundaries can present a clear indication of their character. On the other hand, if someone respects others’ boundaries and never oversteps the mark, this is a strong indication they have good character, as they understand and respect others’ wishes.

Social Media Presence

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The way someone interacts on social media is a good way to observe someone’s true character. If it aligns with how they are in person, this is usually a good sign. However, if they use social media to indulge in negative interactions, this should be a warning sign to you about their true character.

Approach to Teamwork

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According to Indeed, “team players actively listen to their coworkers, respect ideas and aim to improve the product or process at hand.” The approach an individual takes to teamwork can reveal their true character. If someone acts negatively in group situations, this can reveal they’re selfish, which is a clear sign of their character.

Punctuality and Respect for Others’ Time

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People who lack punctuality are often people who don’t respect other people’s time. They have no concerns about being late or keeping others waiting, which is a poor personality trait. On the other hand, people who are always punctual are respectful of other people’s time, which shows they’re also reliable.

Listening Skills

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When communicating with someone, you can often understand their true character based on their listening skills. If they’re genuinely paying attention to what you’re saying and actively listening, this is a good sign. Someone with a good character will listen without interrupting, which demonstrates they’re respectful towards others.

Handling of Personal and Sensitive Information

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If someone demonstrates that they keep your personal and sensitive information private, this is a great sign that they’re respectful. It means they’re trustworthy and reliable, which is a great quality to have in a friendship. Anyone who divulges your personal information to others isn’t someone you want to have in your life.

Volunteering and Community Service

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A great indication someone has a good character is if they volunteer in their community. Volunteering shows compassion and a sense of community responsibility. There are many ways we can spend our free time, but if someone does it by helping others, it shows they’re caring and have strong values.

Attitude Towards Learning and Growth

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Someone who has a desire to learn and grow in life often has good character. They’ll be people who like to interact with people and ask questions, as it’s an opportunity to learn from others. Their curiosity often leads them to learn new things or experience new activities.

Reaction to Authority and Rules

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The Cato Institute reports, “While respect for authority figures is a universal human trait, it is more salient for some.” Someone who is respectful of authoritative figures and rules is generally a respectful person in all other aspects of life. They respect and adhere to the rules set out for them and won’t overstep the mark.

Environmental and Ethical Practices

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People who respect the environment and ethical practices are good people. They want what is best for everyone and will give back by making choices to live sustainably. This is a great characteristic, as it doesn’t just show they care about the current people living on Earth but also those who will be in the future.

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Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Lestertair/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock

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