
Hello and welcome to my little corner of the gardening world! 🌸 I’m Pauline, a 62-year-old garden enthusiast originally from beautiful Thailand.

I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for over 40 years, and together, we’ve raised two amazing kids who are now off on their own adventures.

Gardening has always been a passion of mine—there’s something magical about watching a garden bloom and grow!

Whether it’s planting vibrant flowers, tending to our vegetable patch, or just spending quiet moments in the yard, I’m happiest with my hands in the soil and the sun on my face.

This is our beautiful back garden. My husband manages the greenhouse every summer and mows the lawn.

I’m in charge of flowers and watering the plants! Isn’t our view just incredible?

Our yard is a true labor of love, reflecting a blend of our adventures and my roots back in Thailand.

When we’re not gardening, my husband and I love to travel and explore new places, always finding inspiration in the different gardens and landscapes we visit around the world. We like to travel with our children whenever possible.

If you ever have any suggestions on what you’d like to see on my site, please reach out to me at [email protected]. Other than that, I’m excited to share my gardening tips, favorite plants, and a bit of my heart with you all.

I’m not great at social media, but if you like, you can follow my Facebook account which is run by my daughter. You can also follow me on TikTok where I occasionally post about our garden and our daily lives.

Thank you for stopping by—let’s grow something beautiful together! 🌿