We all want to be in a happy romantic relationship. But if your partner has the wrong personality traits, you might never be happy together. Which traits are we talking about? You’ll find 19 examples of them in this article.
Being in a relationship with someone who is jealous is very difficult. This kind of person won’t let you do anything. They’re constantly asking you where you are, and they don’t like it when you talk to anyone else but them. They don’t trust you, and this puts a strain on your relationship.
“Nearly three in ten women and one in ten men in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner (or former partner),” says the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Being in a relationship with a violent person is scary and very dangerous.
Some people don’t know how to control their emotions, and they allow tense situations to get the better of them. Instead of calmly explaining their feelings and trying to work through a problem, they fly off the handle at the slightest thing, and no one can calm them down.
Selfish people don’t make good partners. They only think of themselves and always put their needs before others. A selfish person is only concerned about what they can get out of life and will step over anyone else to achieve their goals. They’re not interested in their partner’s well-being.
Someone who is unyielding doesn’t like to compromise. They want to have everything their way, and they’re not willing to give up their preferences. An unyielding person will never make exceptions for anyone else, not even their partner. Being in a relationship with someone with this trait guarantees unhappiness.
Some people like to be in control of what everyone does. They get pleasure out of micromanaging situations. People like this don’t tend to make good romantic partners. A controlling person won’t give you any freedom in the relationship and will try to be the boss of your life.
BetterHelp says that “dishonesty in a relationship can result in a lack of emotional intimacy, feelings of isolation, negative impacts on mental and physical health, and breakups.” If your partner is repeatedly dishonest with you, your relationship will suffer. It’s almost impossible to trust someone who always tells lies.
Being in a relationship with a bully is very scary. This kind of person always wants to have their own way and pushes you to do things that you’re not comfortable doing. This person has no boundaries and doesn’t respect you. A relationship with a bully won’t last long.
Negative people are hard to be around and even harder to cohabit with. If your partner is a negative person, they’ll constantly get you down and won’t see anything in a positive light. They’ll have negative feelings about the relationship and will constantly question your ability to stay together.
Verbally Abusive
Verbal abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse. Verbal abuse affects us emotionally and can scar a person on the inside. Being in a relationship with someone who is verbally abusive isn’t healthy. This kind of person puts their partner down to make themselves feel better.
Being impulsive can often be a bad thing in a romantic relationship. An impulsive person might start a relationship just because they’re feeling lonely and might end the relationship on a whim. Impulsive people struggle to stick with their commitments long-term and they don’t make good life partners.
Marriage.com explains that “in the context of a romantic relationship, sarcasm often involves saying something that is the opposite of what you really mean, usually with a humorous or ironic tone.” A little sarcasm isn’t damaging to a relationship, but someone who’s always sarcastic won’t make a good partner.
Over-sensitive people are hard to be around and are even harder to be in a relationship with. These kinds of people think that everything is a personal attack on them. They over-analyze everything you say and do and criticize it. It’s tough to be with someone like this.
Impatient people don’t make good partners. They don’t like to wait, and they quickly get frustrated when things don’t move at their pace. Impatient people are always putting pressure on their partners and trying to force them into doing things they’re not ready for. They’re tough to be with.
Being in a relationship with a lazy person is one of the most frustrating things. This kind of person doesn’t want to lift a finger around the house and doesn’t respect the hard work you do to keep on top of chores. They don’t put any effort into the relationship.
A sexist person doesn’t make a good romantic partner. This kind of person will only do the jobs that they think correspond to them and won’t help you out in any other way. This kind of person is unyielding and shows a lack of respect for their partner.
Commitment Issues
Verywell Mind admits that “boredom with the marital relationship may lead both men and women to cheat.” But a partner who doesn’t want to work on their relationship and has commitment issues will continue to cheat. Being with someone who doesn’t take the relationship seriously is very hard.
No one wants to be in the presence of a rude person. Being in a romantic relationship with a rude person is almost impossible. This kind of person insults you, your friends, and your family. They have no boundaries. Rude people don’t make good partners, and you should avoid them.
Critical people are never happy. They judge everything you do and don’t do. They have an opinion on everything, and everything annoys them. Being in a relationship with a critical person is very tiring, as this person is never happy with anything you do. The relationship won’t last very long.