Selfish people aren’t great to be around. They can make other people feel bad about themselves, they take all the time and never give back, they only think of themselves and not the bigger picture. Here are some more ways that selfish people typically behave.
Prioritizing their own needs
Selfish people are not great with compromise, and they don’t like to consider alternative solutions to accommodate the needs of other people. As Psych Central explains, they tend to have a pattern of acting in their own self-interests with no regard for who they may hurt. Even at the expense of other people, they will always put themselves first.
A little greedy, honestly
People who are selfish will keep everything for themselves, as they are unwilling to share resources or information, even if it may help others. They are not team players and don’t like to collaborate with others and share or help in a group, as this does not benefit them directly.
People with a penchant for selfish behavior will often exaggerate their contributions to make themselves feel more important. According to CNBC, selfish people tend to assume that they always bring exceptional value to others. They often try to undervalue the contributions of others too, diminishing their efforts and worth.
They use other people
A relationship should be equal, with give and take on both sides. When a selfish person is in a relationship, either romantic or platonic, they tend to see this as an opportunity to advance their own interests. In these exploitative relationships it is all give from one side and all take from the other.
Selfish people often expect to be treated differently, and feel entitled to the time and efforts of other people. This selfish attitude leads people to act rudely when they don’t get what they want, causing resentment in relationships. As Global News notes, “The selfish person doesn’t always recognize that there are issues because their needs are being met.”
Not very responsible
Being responsible is part of being human, we sometimes have to do boring or difficult tasks. Selfish people try to avoid responsibilities, especially if they take too much effort or do not reap any benefits. As well as this shirking of duties, they will pass blame, to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.
Without empathy
Dismissing the feelings of those around them is a common trait among selfish people, notes Business Insider, as their own feelings and how things are affecting them is all that they care about. This obvious lack of empathy can put a strain on relationships in their lives, as family and friends realize that their feelings are not considered.
Lie and deceive
Selfish people can be manipulative, and lying or bending the truth is a common tactic that they use to get their own way. The effect that deception has on relationships can be devastating, and the erosion of trust that comes with this manipulation makes for very unhappy relationships.
When a person is selfish they won’t show appreciation for efforts made by other people, as they have a tendency to take others for granted. The failure to acknowledge or thank other people will often demotivate and dishearten those who have been trying to help or have been working hard..
Being unreliable is something that can be expected from a selfish person, as they will often break promises and commitments when they no longer serve their interests. This kind of behavior undermines trust and reliability in both personal and professional contexts, making relationships with selfish people unstable, as others can’t depend on them.
Rudely interrupting
It’s rude to interrupt, most of us were told that growing up. But selfish people don’t usually care about being rude; they like to dominate conversations, and frequently interrupt others to redirect focus onto themselves. This is not nice for other people, who can feel undervalued, and like their voices are being silenced.
Not listening
When a person is selfish, they will only listen to other people when they have something to gain. They will be selective with their attention, ignoring any input that does not benefit them. Often in conversation, people with a selfish nature will be waiting for the other person to stop speaking so that they can talk.
Sorry, not sorry
Sorry seems to be the hardest word, for selfish people, at least. People with a selfish streak don’t like to admit fault for anything, and to them, apologizing feels like doing just that. This reluctance to offer genuine apologies can make relationships difficult, as arguments are slow to be resolved when only one side makes an effort.
Pushing boundaries
Personal and professional lines are often crossed by selfish people, as they put their own desires in front of everyone else’s. They are happy to ignore the boundaries that have been set down by others as long as they get what they want. This is extremely disrespectful and can make other people uncomfortable.
The green-eyed monster rears its ugly head a lot where selfish people are concerned. They can feel begrudging of other people’s happiness or achievements, and this can lead them to undermine others to give themselves a feeling of superiority.
Conditional support
When it benefits them in some way, selfish people love to help others. But this assistance is conditional, and will not be offered unless they have something to gain from it. This can impact relationships, as people with this trait can’t be depended on, and it is hard to know where you stand with them.
Selfish people will often dominate conversations and get-togethers, as they like to be showered with attention and are constantly seeking validation from others. This can be frustrating for people around them, and the constant need for attention can be draining on energy levels, and leave people feeling exhausted.