The dating world is a tricky labyrinth to navigate, but many rules no longer apply after the age of 50. Relationships are built differently; the older you get, the more the game changes. For example, these 20 relationship rules just don’t matter anymore after 50.
Wait for him to make the first move
While many consider this an outdated dating rule, many younger singles still follow it. However, after 50, it can be completely disregarded. Why waste time waiting for someone else to make the first move? If you like someone, show them. After 50, it is not a time to play it cool.
Grand gestures
If you spend your entire relationship waiting for the grand gestures, you’ll miss out on the small moments. As we age, we realize that small moments matter and a happy life is built on these. Older relationships are about the little things, not the big ones.
Play hard to get
ScienceDaily found that playing hard to get is a genuinely effective dating tactic. However, dating after 50 is more about transparency than game-playing. At this age, playing hard to get is more of a turn-off than a turn-on, so if you like someone, show it!
Don’t date a friend
After 50, some of the best relationships are built from friendships. The friendship dynamic may make things tricky in your younger years, but this is easier to navigate with enhanced maturity. If there is someone in your life with whom you have a genuine spark, there is no reason not to explore it.
Make compromises
Relationships are all about compromise, and you should prioritize your partner’s wants and needs as much as possible. However, the older you get, the less you need to compromise. At this stage, you are a fully established person, and there is less of a need to meet people halfway.
Children complete your relationship
A relationship is between two people, and while growing a family together is a natural path, children are not the glue that holds a relationship together. After the age of 50, you may have your own children or no children at all; either way, children will not complete the relationship.
Opposites attract
It’s a common saying that opposites attract, and while many successful relationships are built on this rule, more sustainable relationships are built on common ground. In our younger years, differences are exciting and intriguing, but later on, it is extremely important to have things in common.
Your partner must complete you
In the early years of dating, it’s commonly believed that you’re in search of the missing piece to your puzzle. The older you get, the more you realize this isn’t true. You should never rely on another person to fulfill you, and you must be content alone before entering any relationship.
The male is the breadwinner
The notion that men are the breadwinners is pretty outdated, and many women in younger relationships outearn their partners. While some younger people still follow this archaic rule, later in life, it really isn’t important. Both members of a relationship have an equal share in supporting the household.
The man should always pay on dates
While this dating rule is changing, discovered that 78% of people still think a man should cover the expense of at least the first date. While this levels out throughout the course of the relationship, in older relationships, this rule is completely irrelevant.
The first year will make or break a relationship
The first year is the most intense in a relationship’s lifespan, as everything is heightened in this period. When your foundations are small, it is easy to call it quits over the slightest thing, but those over 50 have more stamina and are willing to build things over time.
You must share all interests
A common theme in younger relationships is being joined at the hip. You share each other’s hobbies and interests, even if you’re not that interested. It’s typical to involve yourself in every corner of your significant other’s life, but over 50, you understand the importance of having your own life.
Never discuss money or politics
Never discussing money or politics applies to all relationships in our earlier years. However, these are two of the most important topics you can discuss as you age. For a successful relationship, you should be aligned on these values, and they are easier to discuss when you’ve formed solid opinions.
Never go to bed angry
An unspoken rule of relationships is to never go to bed angry. Couples tend to continue arguing with heightened emotions when it’s better to take a breather. After the age of 50, it’s more common to sleep on it and reconvene when each party has had a chance to think it over.
A relationship leads to marriage
Although there may be a greater population swaying away from the idea of marriage, in most relationships, it is still expected that one day there will be a wedding. However, Kiplinger points out that as we get older, there is a realization that marriage won’t change anything other than crippling our finances!
Keep your relationship private
People say you should never air your dirty laundry and keep your private life to yourself. However, an outsider’s perspective can give you great insight into your relationship. You may consider things you’ve never thought of before, and as we grow, we learn to lean on people for support.
You don’t always need a prenup
When 50% of marriages end in divorce, it’s always important to get a prenup. Earlier in life, it’s easier to view marriage with rose-tinted glasses, but with age comes greater clarity. After the age of 50, it’s also more likely you’ll have greater assets you need to protect, so get that prenup!
Love at first sight
We’re all hopeless romantics when we’re younger, truly believing in love at first sight. However, as PsychologyToday states with disappointment, this is a myth. That feeling when we first meet someone is lust, and great relationships require more than lust. Couples over the age of 50 don’t rely on that ‘love at first sight’ feeling.
Don’t take relationship advice from singles
People say the ‘single perspective’ is useless to couples, but in reality, it’s one of the most important angles to consider. Particularly after age 50, we have enough relationship experience to give great advice regardless of whether we are single or taken.
Exes are past tense
Finally, with less life under our belts, leaving exes in the past when we were younger is easier. However, after age 50, our exes commonly hold a greater place in our lives. This is particularly true if we have children with an ex, so we oldies are never scared to talk about our old flames.