People can surprise you; you may think badly of a person but then notice them being kind to an elderly relative, and you immediately see them in a completely different light. There are many examples similar to this, so here are 20 actions that show what someone is really like.
Being respectful to everyone
Someone’s efforts to include everyone indicate strong beliefs in equality. Everyone has equal rights under the law, as noted by Britannica, so it’s nice when people show interest and respect for different cultures and perspectives. It shows the strength of their character and how they’re willing to challenge discriminatory attitudes or behaviors.
Their responses to constructive criticism
A person’s reaction to constructive feedback indicates how open they are to self-improvement. A negative response shows an unwillingness to change and may be driven by ego more than a desire to grow. If someone is mature and open-minded, they’ll be able to accept feedback gracefully and learn from it.
How they act towards service staff
Want to know what someone is like on the inside? Watch how they treat servers, cashiers, and other service employees. If they are polite to these people, that shows that they probably treat everyone equally. If not, this will show you how they feel about people that they think are beneath them.
Their behavior under pressure
Keeping your head straight in a stressful situation requires patience and resilience. If you notice someone in a stressful situation and they stay calm and try to help rather than making things worse, this will tell you a lot about the person. It will show how patient and rational they are.
Helping people selflessly
When people do a favor for someone, it’s important to question whether this was an act of kindness without expectation of reward. Volunteering one’s own time and effort to another person or a cause, without wanting anything in return, shows that a person is dedicated to improving their world.
How they apologize
Sincerity involves acknowledging wrongdoing and accepting fault, demonstrating true understanding and regret for one’s actions. Taking full responsibility without trying to blame others shows a genuine effort to make amends, while in contrast, apologizing with words like “I’m sorry, but—” or “I’m sorry if—” sounds insincere.
Having respect for boundaries
Everybody sets boundaries–these are defined by UBC as mental, emotional, or physical limits you put in place to establish expectations for both sides in any relationship. These boundaries should be respected. When people recognize our boundaries, it shows that they want us to be comfortable, and when they don’t, they’re clearly selfish.
Consistency in their behavior
A person could talk about how lovely they are for hours but kick your grandmother the very next day. You will notice if someone is consistent in their words and their actions. This is a good indication of how honest and reliable they are, or alternatively, how dishonest and two-faced they could be.
How they act after failure
An optimistic and resilient person will see failure as an opportunity to learn, grow, and change. Learning from your failures and setbacks shows real strength of character. The ability to reflect on failure, then bounce back and try again is an indication of courage and determination.
Listening, instead of just hearing
Giving your full attention in a conversation without interruption, shows respect and a genuine interest in others. Sometimes, people just wait for a break in the conversation so that they can talk about themselves, but the ones who pay attention and remember details are the ones who show real empathy and care for others.
Their treatment of animals
Animals can’t speak, and they can’t show you when they are being mistreated, but we wish they could! This is why kindness and compassion toward animals can reflect a person’s empathy towards all living things. It can also indicate whether or not a person has a nurturing and caring nature.
How they handle finances
Financial responsibility is an indication of maturity; if a person can manage their finances responsibly, they’re probably reliable. This works both ways, as some people will flash cash to seem well off when they haven’t even paid their rent, demonstrating bad intentions. CNBC claims that affluent millennials are particularly bad for doing this!
Their reaction to other people’s success
Being happy when learning of others’ achievements without jealousy or resentment shows self-confidence and a lack of pettiness. People should learn from the successes of others and use these successes to set goals of their own rather than seeing them as competition or as a reflection of personal failures.
Prioritizing personal relationships
How someone prioritizes their relationships indicates the value they place on others. Suppose a person spends quality time on close relationships rather than solitary pursuits or work. In that case, it shows that they are committed to sustaining the bonds of friendship and love with the people they care about.
Involvement in their community
Participation in volunteer work or community events shows that a person is committed to making a positive difference in the world around them. It shows that they have a sense of responsibility and are making an effort to contribute to society. If they don’t get involved, it shows that they only care about themselves!
Openness to learn new things
A keen interest in exploring new ideas can indicate an open mind. Someone who searches out new experiences shows a need to grow and understand the world around them. Meanwhile, someone who is stuck in their ways and refuses to learn new things shows a level of rigidity that is frankly unattractive.
Sharing what they have learned
Sometimes, people can be selfish about what they have learned in their lives and refuse to share it with others. This unwillingness to help others grow and learn is quite selfish. They learned it from somewhere else; why not pass it on?!
Conscious efforts to be environmentally friendly
Our seas are 80% full of plastic, as is sadly shared by UNESCO, so it’s good to see when people try to help. The willingness to make personal sacrifices in daily life to help the environment, such as reducing waste or using public transport, shows that a person is conscientious and caring.
Embracing change
Some people hate change, and while it can be undeniably difficult, it’s really something that we all need to accept. Change happens all the time, everywhere. People who accept and embrace change show open-mindedness and the ability to stay positive, as they know it can be an opportunity for growth.
Accepting personal accountability
Finally, everybody makes mistakes–we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. This is why owning up to our mistakes and accepting responsibility for them is important. Not everyone can do that, but when they do, it shows a real commitment to personal growth and that they’re ready to work on their flaws.