19 Characteristics Of Someone Who is Highly Intelligent

When we think of someone highly intelligent, a scientist or mathematician will most likely come to mind. However, intelligence is far more complicated than having ‘book smarts.’ If you’re looking for signs, keep an eye out for these 19 characteristics of someone who is highly intelligent.

Naturally Curious

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Highly intelligent people develop their intelligence through curiosity. They are fascinated by the world and by people and love learning new things. They will actively engage in their passions and interests, no matter how minor, by researching, reading, and asking questions.

They’re Observant

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IdeaPod says that observant people possess a different skill set that provides greater complexity. Highly intelligent people sit back and take it all in, only contributing when they feel they have something of value to discover. They notice patterns and things that many others wouldn’t.

Self-control and Discipline

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Maturity is a part of intelligence, and self-control is a big part of it. People with high emotional intelligence are more likely to think before they speak or act and don’t indulge emotions or impulses unnecessarily. They also act in a manner that is respectful of all parties.

An excellent memory

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A good memory is key to intelligence as it stores all our thoughts, feelings, experiences, and knowledge. A great memory shows high-functioning skills that are essential for staying focused, paying attention, and absorbing information. It also allows you to transition easily between things without any cognitive delays.

They’re aware of their limitations

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An intelligent person doesn’t believe they are good at everything. Instead, they acknowledge their strengths and are aware of their weaknesses. They have no issue admitting when they have reached their limit and are open to learning from those who possess different skills.

Embracing change

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Embracing change shows great emotional intelligence, as it is the only constant in life. There is no point worrying over things you can’t control, and intelligent people are both flexible and open-minded. They have the capacity to find a solution to an issue that comes their way.

They’re passionate

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Intelligent people devote a lot of time and energy to their interests, showing a passionate attitude toward them. Research published by the National Institute of Health concludes that growth mindsets are heavily linked to passion, which drives people to engage with their interests.

They always question things

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An intelligent individual will never accept what they are told as gospel. They will question things and are always prepared to debate. They won’t just reject ideas they disagree with, though; they will instead provide thoughtful insights to enhance their knowledge on a topic and help teach others.

You can trust them

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A person you trust is quite likely to be highly intelligent. Even if they don’t know your questions’ answers, they will provide thoughtful insights that can still be used to your advantage. You can rely on their opinion and wholeheartedly trust their judgment.

They Persevere

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Never one to give up at the first hurdle, intelligent people will always persevere. A sign of intelligence is knowing that everything is possible. They know that just because it doesn’t go right the first time doesn’t mean it never will, and only by persevering will you receive the payoff.

They’re Humorous

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A good sense of humor shows high cognition. Wordplay and irony are top humor traits, allowing someone to showcase their ability to quickly build connections between situations and ideas. Quick wit is also common, highlighting mental agility and the ability to think on your feet.

Empathy comes naturally

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Empathy is a highly valued trait, but did you know it is linked to intelligence? Bustle even claims that there is a correlation between a high IQ and high levels of empathy due to cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence being directly linked.

Excellent analytical skills

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You may think analytical skills are exclusively linked to math or science, but they are simply the process of breaking down a problem to find a solution. When any challenge approaches, anyone with intelligence can analyze the situation, draw conclusions, and solve problems efficiently.

Attention to detail

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Paying attention to both the bigger picture and the smallest parts, intelligence notices subtle nuances as well as larger discrepancies. While it may be seen as striving for perfection, attention to detail is more about being susceptible to the tiniest elements of any project or situation and comes easy to highly intelligent people.

Strong intuition

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Intelligent people make insightful decisions based on what their subconscious is telling them, and they can quickly analyze intuitive feelings, which act like a built-in compass. Your intuition will tell you a lot about a situation as long as you tap into it, so remember that trusting your gut is extremely important.

Connecting the dots

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Intelligent people can always connect the dots with their keen observational, analytical, and intuitive skills. They easily see patterns emerging, identify correlations, and draw conclusions based on their knowledge. This helps them connect the dots, gaining unique insights that others may miss.

Great time management

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Intelligent people are rarely flaky; in contrast, they often plan their days to the very last minute. They always know where to be and hate to let others down. They know it is important to prioritize, so they will always allocate their time effectively.

They enjoy solitude

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Forbes states that intelligent people enjoy spending time alone as they value productivity. This makes a lot of sense; the greatest time for self-reflection is during moments of solitude. Without the buzz of everyday life and other people, this is when we connect our thoughts and feelings away from the background noise.

Great teachers

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Finally, the intelligent among us are natural teachers. With so much knowledge and insight, they are bursting to share it and happy for others to learn from it. They know how to communicate effectively to get the message across and have strong leadership skills, which are signs of a great teacher.

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