Boomers and millennials have grown up in totally different eras with different resources available to them. Millennials have embraced modern technology and rely on it, which means they lack some traditional skills. Here are 18 things boomers just do better than millennials.
Face-to-Face Communication
Because boomers grew up in a pre-digital era, they appreciate face-to-face and direct communication, as per Powell Software. This means skills such as keeping eye contact, active listening, and expressing themselves through their body language come naturally to them. They prefer this over email communication.
Thanks to boomers’ greater life experience and the period they grew up in, they’re better at being patient compared to millennials. Boomers didn’t grow up with instant gratification, which meant they learned to wait for things. They understand the value of time better, which makes them more likely to appreciate delayed rewards.
Respecting Tradition
Boomers tend to respect and understand the importance of traditions better than millennials. Boomers often uphold time-honored practices and customs and appreciate historical and cultural traditions. Millennials, however, don’t have as much education about certain traditions as boomers, which means boomers are better at respecting them.
Long-term Commitment
When boomers were growing up, they were taught the value of long-term commitment. This was both in relationships and in their careers, which has seen them become a loyal generation. They value sticking with something for the long term and overcoming any setbacks along the way.
Understanding AM/FM Radio
Understanding the more traditional AM/FM radio is something millennials will have no issue admitting boomers are better at. Millennials prefer to opt for the digital radios available today, but boomers still prefer using terrestrial radios due to their simplicity and the nostalgia they provide.
Handyman Skills
Guide2Free reports, “In today’s always-on, technology-driven world, it’s easy to overlook the value of practical household skills. For Baby Boomers who grew up in a different era, these skills were a necessary part of daily life.” This practical knowledge would save them money and prevent them from having to depend on a professional.
Cooking from Scratch
Boomers have always been a generation that prefers to cook from scratch. They have many family recipes that have been passed down to them. Millennials, however, tend to live busier lifestyles, which means they cut corners on cooking or avoid it altogether by eating out or getting takeout.
Landline Phones
Landline phones have been used by both generations, but nowadays only boomers tend to use them. Boomers grew up with these phones, so they value the familiarity and stability of landlines. Millennials prefer to use cell phones instead, as they find them more convenient because you can use them anywhere.
Reading Newspapers
Newspapers for boomers have always been one of the main resources to provide them with news. Boomers love the ritual of reading news in print, as it supports traditional journalism. However, millennials don’t share this view and instead prefer to get their news online or through social media.
Cursive Writing
Cursive writing is something that is definitely performed better by boomers than millennials. Boomers grew up being taught it in school, and it is a skill they have used throughout their lives. Millennials didn’t get this opportunity in school and it’s something they’ll unlikely ever learn now that the digital age is here.
Home Gardening
Boomers take great pride in their gardens. It’s a hobby they enjoy that keeps them active and connected with nature. Many boomers like to grow their own vegetables to get fresh produce from their garden. Millennials opt for more simplistic gardens that don’t need a lot of maintenance.
Keeping Pen Pals
Many boomers would have had a pen pal at some point in their lives. Before the digital age, it was popular to maintain friendships through handwritten letters. It helped to have deep, meaningful, long-distance relationships. With the options available to millennials, they prefer to keep in contact with long-distance friends online, as they find it quicker and more efficient.
Playing Board Games
Board games have always been a great form of entertainment for boomers, especially if they have friends or family over. It’s a way to get everyone together and enjoy each other’s company. Millennials aren’t as good at board games as they prefer digital gaming, where they can enjoy playing games and interact with their friends online.
Dressing Up for Special Occasions
Having a smart appearance has always been important for boomers and something they would always do on special occasions. They believe their attire shows respect for the occasion and maintains social norms. Millennials and younger generations are often seen dressed more casually, as it’s become the new fashion trend.
Writing Letters
According to Windsong, “Handwritten letters (including postcards) provide a personal connection between the writer and the recipient.” Both of these generations grew up writing letters; however, millennials saw an abrupt stop to this when they started using computers. Today they much prefer to send an email or a message for quicker communication than writing out a letter.
Value of Money Management
There is a strong argument that boomers manage their money better than millennials. Boomers have more experience when it comes to finances and understand the importance of saving and investing wisely. Millennials also do this but they’re known to spend and enjoy purchases in the moment.
Knowledge Transfer in the Workplace
Boomers are better than millennials at transferring knowledge in the workplace because they are more experienced. They have a wealth of experience and knowledge that they share with younger generations and sometimes they even mentor and train younger people. Transferring valuable lessons they have learned is often vital for organizational success.
Navigating Without a GPS
Yahoo! reports that young people should know how to navigate familiar places without a GPS. Millennials are a generation that has fully adopted technology in every sense, including using it for navigation. It makes life easier for them, and they may struggle if they had to navigate without one, but boomers wouldn’t have this issue.