18 Things Boomers Are Better At Than Millennials

While each generation has its own strengths, nobody can deny that boomers have unique skills and values that set them apart from the rest. From cursive writing to mending clothes, this article shares 18 of the things that boomers just do better than millennials.

Navigating Without GPS

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

For many of us, the idea of heading out without GPS or the Maps application on our phones sets us into a panic. Boomers, however, are proficient in reading maps and following directions without digital aids. Why? Because this is how they grew up. They have a strong sense of orientation, developed through experience.

Maintaining Privacy

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Boomers also tend to be more cautious about sharing personal information online. While younger generations have grown up with social media, it’s a different story for the baby boomers, and they’re less reliant on social media for personal interactions. They understand the value of privacy in a digital world.

Saving Money

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According to Yahoo Finance, boomers have “saved and accumulated more wealth than any other generation.” They place a strong emphasis on frugality and budgeting, prioritizing their savings and financial security. Compared to other generations, they also have tighter spending habits.

Writing Checks

Old man writing check
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In all honesty, checks aren’t used too often these days. However, one thing is for sure—boomers are far better at writing them and more skilled at balancing a checkbook than their younger counterparts. Despite the gradual decline in use, they have a preference for checks over digital payments.

Mending and Repairing Clothes

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The ability to perform basic clothing repairs is not a skill often held by young people these days, but for boomers, it was something they grew up being taught how to do. Boomers place emphasis on sustainability and extending the life of garments—a stark contrast with current fast-fashion trends.

Appreciating Vinyl Records

Photo Credit: Dejan Dundjerski/Shutterstock

Vinyl records are simply a novelty or a unique collector’s item for younger generations, but only boomers seem to truly appreciate them. They value the sound quality and nostalgia of vinyl records and often have collections of classic albums.


Photo Credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock

As confirmed by Tomorrow’s World, people are becoming increasingly impatient. Boomers, however, grew up in a less instantaneous world and so have learned to value time and the art of waiting. If you were to compare patience levels across different age groups, you’d find boomers coming out on top.

Face-to-Face Communication

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While millennials and Gen Z may feel comfortable with digital communication, boomers excel in physical interactions. They recognize the importance of non-verbal cues in communication and have a preference for in-person interactions.

Respecting Tradition

Photo Credit: Red Stock/Shutterstock

Another thing that boomers are better at than other generations is respecting tradition. They’re great at upholding time-honored customs and practices and are also more inclined to preserve long-standing traditional values. They recognize the importance of the legacy and continuity they provide.

Long-term Commitment

Photo Credit: SpeedKingz/Shutterstock

Boomers are renowned for their dedication to long-term commitments, whether in careers or personal relationships. This approach contrasts with the more transient mindset of younger generations because boomers value stability and longevity over frequent change. Whether this is a good trait or not, we’ll leave that up to you.

Understanding AM/FM Radio

Photo Credit: janta.rus/Shutterstock

While younger generations don’t know much about it, boomers maintain a unique relationship with traditional radio, valuing its simplicity and nostalgia. As shared by Creating Results, “Adults ages 50–64 and 65+ spend more time listening to radio than any other age group.” This preference highlights a generational divide in media consumption and entertainment choices.

Handyman Skills

Photo Credit: Ann Rodchua/Shutterstock

This may not apply to all boomers, but many are quite proficient in DIY and home repairs—at least more so than younger people. This skill is often honed through necessity, and they rely on their experience rather than online tutorials. It’s a testament to a generation that values self-sufficiency and resourcefulness!

Cooking From Scratch

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While cooking is still enjoyed by many today, we can’t deny that the convenience of jarred sauces and pre-sliced veggies are often involved. With this in mind, boomers tend to be more skilled in preparing homemade meals from scratch because this is what they grew up with.

Using Landline Phones

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In an era dominated by smartphones, it’s not too often that you come across landlines. When one needs to be used, however, boomers seem to be the most capable. Their comfort with this technology speaks to a time when communication was more stationary, offering a reliable and straightforward means of staying connected.

Dressing Up for Special Occasions

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Boomers often exhibit a strong sense of formality and propriety when it comes to dressing for special occasions. They love to present themselves well for events like weddings or parties, whereas younger people often take a more casual approach. Presentation was given far more importance in the era that boomers grew up in, and we’ve got to give it to them!

Cursive Writing

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“In 2010, cursive was omitted from the new national Common Core standards for K–12 education,” as per The Atlantic. So, naturally, the youth of today aren’t too familiar with cursive writing. The elegant penmanship of boomers is becoming a lost art, much to their dismay!

Home Gardening

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Boomers tend to be far better at home gardening than younger generations, with skills in cultivating gardens and growing plants. They value the therapeutic and environmental benefits of gardening, which contrasts with the urban, tech-focused lifestyles of younger generations.

Playing Board Games

Photo Credit: AnnaStills/Shutterstock

A word of advice—you don’t want to be up against a boomer when it comes to traditional board games. Having spent lots of time playing these games when they were younger, they tend to be better than the youth of today, who prefer to play games digitally.

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