18 Habits That Make You Look ‘Old’ Without Realizing It

We all want to look and feel our best. But as time passes, we sadly allow bad habits to sneak into our routines, and these add years to our appearance without us even noticing. In this post, we talk about a few of these habits and how they make you seem older than your age.

Neglecting Your Posture

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You may feel comfortable when you slouch, but over time, doing this can lead to a rounded back, stooped shoulders, and a shuffling walk. Sound familiar? It gives you the appearance of someone who has lost the energy of youth.

If you already find yourself slouching, take up exercises to strengthen your back and core to improve or restore your posture over time.

Wearing Outdated Clothes

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Clothes say a lot about who you are, and wearing outdated styles makes you appear out of touch with the world of today. Yes, sticking to trends that were fashionable decades ago might be more comfortable, but sadly, they properly won’t give someone a good impression of you.

You don’t need to follow every fashion trend—in fact, timeless, well-fitting pieces are key. But, as much as possible, opt for modern classics, like tailored jeans or a crisp shirt.

Not Sleeping Enough

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Bad sleep doesn’t just leave you tired or make you appear older, according to the Guardian, it actually makes you feel older, too. A lack of rest often shows up as dark circles, puffy eyes, and dull skin, and soon enough, it can contribute to premature wrinkles and saggy skin. It’s always a good idea to establish a bedtime routine or limit screens so that your body and skin can repair.

Ignoring Your Skin

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A little neglect here and there might not seem like much, but over time, it adds up. And when you don’t have a proper skincare routine, you make fine lines, dullness, and dryness more noticeable. For those looking to make a change, try to keep your skin hydrated and protected through simple routines like cleansing, moisturizing, and wearing SPF daily.

Overplucking Your Eyebrows

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Eyebrows frame your face, and when they’re overly thin, you look older than you are. Years of overplucking can leave your eyebrows sparse, and this lack of definition can even draw attention to other aged features on your face.

Full, natural-looking brows are associated more with youthfulness, and if your brows are already thin, try using brow gels, pencils, or powder to fill them in softly.

Not Drinking Enough Water

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Dehydration is linked to aging, as it affects more than your energy levels. It can show up on your skin, making it look dry and flaky, and it also rids your skin of the plumpness and glow seen in younger individuals.

We advise that you drink water consistently throughout the day and even go for herbal teas and water-rich foods like cucumber and watermelon as supplements.

Wearing Heavy Makeup

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You want makeup to make you look beautiful. However, too much of it can have the opposite effect. Heavy foundation, harsh eyeliner, or dark lipstick can emphasize fine lines on your face or give the impression that you’re hiding more than just minor blemishes.

Instead of covering up, go for a dewy foundation or tinted moisturizer to give your skin a fresh glow, or use soft eyeliner and natural lip tones to brighten your face.

Neglecting Your Hair

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Hair is so crucial to your appearance, and you don’t want yours looking dull, dry, or in an outdated style. Get regular trims to keep your hair looking fresh and lively and also don’t forget that a good conditioner can help add shine and softness to your hair. Update your hairstyle to something more modern and flattering as regularly as you can, too.

Skipping Exercise

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Health experts and fitness enthusiasts preach against having a sedentary lifestyle due to its impact on your health. But sadly, it can affect your appearance too. You don’t have to hit the gym every day, but rather than not exercising at all, simple activities like walking, stretching, or dancing around the house can help keep your body strong, your posture straight, and your skin glowing.

Wearing the Wrong Glasses

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Just as glasses can enhance your look, the wrong pair will surely have the opposite effect. Outdated frames or overly harsh styles can give your face a dated look, and this is unnecessary when you could just choose modern, lightweight frames or subtle designs that brighten up your face and make you feel more confident.

Overusing Hair Dye

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When you constantly apply color to your hair, you risk drying it up and making it brittle, leaving you with breakage. Whether you’re doing this for the fun of it or to cover up greys aggressively, always consider softer, more natural shades that blend well with your hair. Take breaks between dye sessions, too.

Ignoring Your Teeth

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Your teeth are one of the first things people notice about you, and outright neglecting them is a bad call. Yellowing, staining, or gaps in your smile, common with aged dental, undoubtedly have a big impact on your overall appearance. You can get yourself a bright, clean smile by simply having regular dental check-ups, brushing, and whitening treatments.

Forgetting About Your Hands

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Our hands often show our age before anything else, and some of the common, natural blemishes from aging include dryness, sunspots, wrinkles, and brittle nails. If you don’t moisturize or use sunscreen regularly, be rest assured that your hands won’t need 50 years to develop these blemishes.

Hands are exposed to the elements every day, so keeping them hydrated and protected is key.


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It’s no secret that smoking impacts your health, so it shouldn’t be surprising that it also takes a toll on your appearance. Smoking reduces blood flow, and this potentially leaves your skin looking dull and speeds up wrinkles, especially around the mouth. We understand that quitting can be difficult, but the benefits to your appearance and health are always worth it.

Wearing Ill-Fitting Clothes

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Wearing too baggy or too tight ill-fitting clothes can make your body look shapeless and your overall style dated too. Other mistakes you can make include wearing cheap fabric or poor undergarments. Well-tailored pieces, on the other hand, give you a polished, youthful appearance

Ignoring Accessories

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Accessories can make or break an outfit, and hence, choosing the wrong ones easily age your style. Outdated jewelry, clunky shoes, or mismatched accessory items can drag down your overall look. And this is sad, given that you don’t need to overdo it. Simple hacks like wearing a chic scarf elevate your appearance and keep you looking modern and stylish.

Not Smiling

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A smile has the power to brighten your entire face and take years off your appearance. Constantly frowning or keeping a neutral expression can make you look older and less approachable. Smiling, however, naturally makes you appear more relaxed, youthful, and positive. What’s more, it’s contagious—you’ll make others feel good, too.

Sticking to the Same Hairstyle

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Finally, don’t hold onto the same hairstyle for years, as people may mistake you for ‘boring’. While doing this might feel like a safe choice, a dated hairstyle can make you look like you’re not up to date with the current trends. A fresh cut, subtle layers, or a modern twist on your usual style is always better, and a good hairstylist will definitely find a look that suits your face.

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