17 Things That Aren’t as Easy After 60

Most people would agree that life begins to get difficult after age 60. Why is this the case? You’ll find 17 things that are harder to deal with after 60 in this article.

Finding cheap travel deals

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Although retirement makes it easier for us to travel at cheaper times of the year, travel still isn’t inexpensive for people over 60. Those over the age of 60 have a new issue to face, which is the rising price of travel insurance when they get past a certain age.

Struggling to pay for food

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The price of groceries is always increasing. According to Food & Wine, “Since the pandemic began, the Federal Reserve says grocery prices have risen 25%, leaving consumers—and even President Biden—fuming over food costs.” Inflation has made it difficult for older people to afford groceries on their limited budget.

Being respected by others

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Society tends to look down on older people. Their voices are not heard and people tend to think that they are unimportant members of society because they’re not young anymore. Being looked down on by others is very difficult for anyone to come to terms with.

Losing your identity

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Most people stop working at 60 and retirement can be a very enjoyable time of life. But one challenge that normally goes unnoticed is having to find yourself again after retiring. You can no longer identify yourself with your profession, and that makes you feel lost.

Fearing abuse

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“According to a survey of 577 nurses and nursing aides in long-term care facilities, 81% of the staff said they had seen emotional elder abuse take place,” says the Nursing Home Abuse Center. Getting older is complicated because we fear being abused by those who are supposed to be looking after us.

Losing media attention

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When we’re in our twenties and our teenage years, we’re the center of media attention. Advertisements are usually aimed at us and that makes us feel good about ourselves. By the time we reach our 60s, we’re not in the limelight anymore, and this can make us feel unwanted.

Rising gas prices

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Many older people are being forced to stay home rather than enjoy their retirement, going on road trips and visiting different places due to the high prices of gas. Without an increasing income to rely on, people over 60 are afraid they’ll run out of funds.

Divorcing their partners

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USA Today describes gray divorce as “rising divorce rates among older adults.” Many people in their 60s fear falling out of love with their lifelong partners and ending up getting divorced. They’re afraid of being alone during the time of life when they’ll need company the most.

Maintaining a busy schedule

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Back when we were working, staying busy was easy. But now that we’ve retired, we have to be proactive in looking for things to occupy our time with; otherwise, we’ll get bored. Some people are afraid of stopping working because they don’t know what they’ll do with their time.

Irritating their partners

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Another issue that older people have to face when they retire is having to spend more time with their partners. In the past, they lived separate lives from their partners, and now, all of a sudden they’re spending every waking moment with them. This can be stressful for some couples.

Trying to keep up

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For those over 60 who try to live in the same way that they did when they were young, buying all of the latest goods will soon leave them out of pocket. Some people dread getting older and not being able to afford the latest goods with their retirement budget.

Rising costs of healthcare

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Healthcare becomes very expensive when we reach 60 years of age. Figures from the National Institutes of Health show that “on average, older adults visit physicians’ offices twice as often as do people under 65.” These visits are expensive and can be very daunting for an older person.

Taking on too much

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Another thing that scares people when they get older is taking on too many responsibilities. They want to help out their family and friends now that they have a lot of free time during retirement, but they also need time for themselves. They’re afraid of overcommitting.

Getting bored

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

There are lots of things that older people can do to enjoy their retirement, but these pastimes are often very expensive. Gym memberships and excursions cost a lot of money. Many people fear getting older and feeling bored and alone during their retirement years.

Being stuck in the city

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When we are younger, we enjoy city life, but this can become a burden when we get older. But the thought of having to uproot ourselves and move to a quieter and calmer place away from our families in our old age can be rather daunting and nerve-wracking.

Family disappointments

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We’ll imagine our retirement as being able to spend lots of time with our family. But the reality is that our families are still working and live very busy lives. The likelihood is that we won’t be able to spend as much time with our family as we dreamed.

Planning for the future

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One of the most daunting things about getting older is having to make plans for the future. Deciding where you’ll go if you need round-the-clock care and who will look after you is a very difficult decision to make. These decisions can make an older person feel afraid.

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