18 Things That Become Useless in a Society Breakdown

If society were to break down, a lot of the things we depend on every day would suddenly become useless. Our focus would shift to just getting by, and these 18 once-important items would lose their value. This list shows how quickly our modern-day comforts would become irrelevant in a crisis.

Credit Cards

Photo Credit: Suradech Prapairat/Shutterstock

Without the internet or electricity, credit cards cannot process transactions for consumers. iNews says, “Banks tend to have batteries or generators to survive short-term power cuts, but without any internet access many people wouldn’t be able to get into their accounts, and over time ATMs would go black.”

Digital Currency

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Suppliers need access to a functioning digital network to verify and process transactions in digital currencies, and this cannot be done without the internet or electricity. If there is some access to power, the currency may become more vulnerable to cyberattacks or hacking.

Luxurious Vehicles

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High performance cars often need very specific parts and services, which may become scarce if society were to break down. This would make them very hard to maintain, and you’d be better off with an older, easy-to-repair car that you are able to work on yourself.

Smart Home Devices

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As with many of the other devices we use on a day-to-day basis, smart home features need continuous power and an internet connection to be able to function. They are also unlikely to function unless the system provider can continue to operate.

Online Services

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According to Forbes, “A vast majority of Americans rely on a daily internet connection for work, entertainment, staying connected with friends and family and more.” Without power, WiFi would go down, and it would be very difficult to access communication channels or online data.

Designer Furniture

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Expensive or delicate pieces of furniture are impractical if you are facing an emergency situation. Instead of beautiful home aesthetics, you’ll need storage space for food, water, and medical supplies. You’ll also want lightweight and durable furniture you can move in case you need to relocate.

Beauty Products

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Your bathroom shelf may be full of expensive cosmetic supplies and makeup, but in the event of an emergency, you’ll need access to hygiene and health products. Essentials such as soap, disinfectants, medicines, and first aid supplies will become much more important for keeping you safe.

Gym Memberships

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Without access to payments or communications, gyms are likely to shut down. There may also be public safety measures in place to protect people. Instead, try to keep fit by doing simple at-home exercises to ensure you’re prepared for any manual labor you may need to do.

Streaming Subscriptions

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No power and no internet means streaming subscriptions will become fairly pointless. Providers will also be unlikely to be able to accept payments, and their systems will shut down. Having a good supply of books and board games will keep you entertained.

Office Supplies

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Items such as printers, paper, and office gadgets would quickly become unnecessary as businesses and offices would shut down. Many employees would have to shift from clerical work to work that is essential for survival, such as farming, maintenance of systems, or building.

Fresh Foods

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Fresh foods are difficult to preserve or store, so foods with long shelf lives would become essential. The BBC says, “Our complex food supply chains quickly fall apart without computers to coordinate where produce needs to be, or the fuel to transport it or refrigeration to preserve it.”

Fine Jewelry

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If law enforcement was no longer active and people became desperate for food and money to survive, any expensive items would start to attract thieves. While jewelry is tradable, it is less valuable than food, water, or tools, as it offers no functional benefits for survival.

Collectible Items

Photo Credit: MR. AEKALAK CHIAMCHAROEN/Shutterstock

If the internet goes down, the majority of society would be unable to access money, and the economy would no longer function. This would mean that items such as collectibles would quickly become unnecessary and be thrown out to make space for food, water, and medical supplies.

Fashionable Clothing

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Functional clothing would become more important, as you’ll need to be comfortable and protected. You’ll also want your clothes to be durable. According to MasterClass, “Due to the structure of cellulose, which makes up natural materials, most plant-based fibers are very strong. Animal-based fibers, like silk and wool, are also strong.”

Formal Education

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Hands-on skills such as farming and carpentry would become much more of a priority for communities as access to water, food, and shelter is the most basic of human needs. The only exception is those with a medical education who would be needed for their skills.

Travel Documents

Photo Credit: Viktoriia Hnatiuk/Shutterstock

Border forces and government structures might collapse, and that will mean that international travel restrictions no longer apply. Instead of having your travel documents up to date, you’ll need to learn to navigate your local environment using maps and landmarks to survive.

Fancy Devices

Photo Credit: Maridav/Shutterstock

Smartwatches and drones might be at the top of your wish lists at the moment, but if we were to face a national or international emergency, they would become fairly useless. These items don’t offer any help for survival, and you’d be unlikely to be able to operate them without power or the internet.

Specialized Kitchen Gadgets

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Many of our most used appliances, such as espresso machines and food processors, need electricity to function, so they may become useless in an emergency. Instead, you’ll want to make space for basic cooking tools so that you can preserve foods and survive.

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