17 Signs You’re Officially Rich, Not Just Middle-Class

Wealth is a subjective term—how wealthy we feel depends on those around us, and even people who are comparably well-off might not realize how privileged they are if surrounded by super-rich friends and colleagues. This article aims to offer some clarity by describing 17 signs that suggest you’re not just financially secure but truly wealthy. Lucky you!

Total Financial Freedom

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We don’t just mean having enough money to cover your bills and live comfortably; we mean having sufficient savings so that your lifestyle isn’t dictated by work or the stress of keeping your job. You can choose to pursue your personal interests, travel extensively, or simply relax without worrying about running out of money or getting fired!

Growing Investment Portfolio

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Are your investments a mix of valuable assets like stocks, bonds, and real estate? Are they generating a steady income stream covering most of your living expenses? If so, The Independent states that you are ‘comfortably’ rich and will likely continue to increase your capital, particularly if the investments you have are smart and lucrative.

Taxes Require Strategy

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For most of us, taxes are a dreaded annual chore, but they don’t require specific planning to reduce our payments. If you have a financial advisor or tax professional who helps you navigate complex tax strategies to minimize your tax burden and maximize your wealth accumulation, congratulations! You’ve hit the big time!

You Buy Based on Quality

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For the truly wealthy, making purchases and spending on experiences becomes all about personal preferences, quality, and availability—you rarely look at the price tag. You can afford to splurge on a dream vacation, buy an expensive designer handbag, or attend a once-in-a-lifetime concert without feeling guilty or having to economize.

You Survive Financial Storms

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Economic downturns or unexpected financial setbacks don’t cause panic attacks for wealthy people. If you have a significant financial buffer, an emergency fund, or multiple resilient investments, you’ll be able to weather such times with ease. This is in stark contrast to the lower and middle classes, who will suffer from inflation, rising interest rates, and unemployment.

Regular Philanthropy

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According to Investopedia, “Philanthropy is charitable giving by individuals and organizations to worthy causes and includes donating money, time, and other forms of altruism.” Suppose you’re rich enough that you can afford to regularly donate money or other resources. In that case, you likely have plenty to go around. You needn’t worry about negatively impacting your own finances.

Time is More Valuable Than Money

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Is your time no longer solely dedicated to earning a living, and therefore highly precious? If you’re rich, you’ll have the flexibility to pursue your hobbies, travel the world, spend time with loved ones, or simply relax and recharge—only time is the limiting factor because you have sufficient funds for things like air travel, leisure activities, and extravagant celebrations.

You Own a Vacation Home

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That second home on the beach or in the mountains isn’t just a fantasy; it’s a reality you can enjoy regularly. Many wealthy individuals have more than one property and may designate at least one as a vacation home, allowing them to escape their daily lives without worrying about accommodation costs or availability. They often take friends and family along, too.

You Work Because You Want To

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Long gone are the days when work was a financial necessity—the paycheck is now relatively unimportant, and you work because you want to. Maybe you enjoy the social scene, find the tasks fulfilling, or simply want a challenge. Whatever the reason, you now have the freedom to choose work that fits with your values, interests, and schedules.

Debt is a Distant Memory

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Many lower and middle-class people struggle with high-interest debt, credit card fees, or risky personal loans—but not the wealthy. You might still have a mortgage, but it feels manageable and secure, and you likely have other property that you own outright as a safety net. You’ve achieved financial independence and no longer require assistance from lenders.

Estate Planning

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Yahoo! Finance offers estate planning advice for wealthy people but doesn’t mention what poorer folks should do! This is because only people with enough money and property to divide up need to worry about their estate. If you need to manage your wealth to benefit you and your loved ones now and plan for the future, you clearly have a significant net worth.

College Planning is Easy

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The rich can comfortably afford to send their children to any college they qualify for without worrying about tuition fees, scholarships, or living costs. Children of wealthy parents often benefit by getting access to quality education without the need for mountains of student debt and/or part-time employment, which can make studying even more challenging.

Quality is King

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Do you genuinely appreciate and yearn for the finer things in life? Do you invest in luxurious bed linen, expertly crafted furniture, or a performance vehicle? These tend to be things that only financially healthy people can afford to focus on because they’re willing and able to invest in the best that money can buy without any budgeting constraints.

Global Citizenship

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When you have money and free time, the world is more accessible, and the number of places you can visit becomes almost endless. International travel has become something that is a regular experience rather than a rare treat. Planning and saving aren’t necessary—you can jet off at the last minute and experience other cuisines, cultures, and landscapes on a whim!

Security as Standard

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If you have next to nothing, protecting your home, family, and possessions is either unnecessary, unaffordable, or both. Tatler reports that this is not the case for wealthy people, who often invest in top-notch security systems for their homes and cars. They have both the necessity and the means to protect their families and valuables, so security is no longer a luxury item.

Small Social Circle

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If you find yourself becoming more selective about who you spend time with, this could be a sign of increasing wealth and discernment. You might find yourself surrounded by other successful people who share your values and interests. Not only are they less likely to take advantage of you or make financial requests, but they also offer good advice and financial opportunities.

You Give Back Professionally

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Although your time is precious, you may be in a position to mentor or guide younger colleagues, sharing your knowledge and experience with others. Activities like mentorship may be appealing because you’re not restricted by hourly pay rates or strict deadlines. Many wealthy people get satisfaction from contributing to the success of others and have the means to do so.

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20 Personal Things You Should Never Share With Others

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Photo Credit: JGA/Shutterstock

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18 Items at Walmart that Aren’t Worth Your Hard-Earned Money

Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock

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