19 Things You Only Do When You’re in a Hotel

Staying in a hotel offers a unique blend of freedom, comfort, and the occasional indulgence in behaviors we might not usually exhibit at home. Whether it’s the anonymity of being in a new place or the luxury of having services at our fingertips, hotels can bring out a different side of us. These are 19 things you might find yourself doing only when you’re staying in a hotel.

Overusing the “Do Not Disturb” Sign’

Photo Credit: LADO/Shutterstock

Ever find yourself hanging the “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door for the entirety of your stay, just because you can? It’s the ultimate way to ensure privacy and uninterrupted relaxation, something we might not always get at home with family or roommates around.

Taking Long, Uninterrupted Showers

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There’s something about hotel showers that invites you to forget about water conservation for a moment and indulge in a long, steamy shower. Maybe it’s the endless supply of hot water or the luxurious shower heads, but it’s a small luxury we guiltily enjoy.

Jumping on the Bed

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Admit it: no matter your age, there’s a small part of you that can’t resist the urge to do a little jump on the bed upon arrival. It’s a playful way to test the comfort level and momentarily revert to childhood excitement. Trend Hunter says, “Hotel Stayers from across the country have been snapping pics of their hotel jumping escapades and sharing them with the world.” So you definitely aren’t alone.

Hoarding Toiletries

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Those mini bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion are irresistible. Even if you don’t need them, there’s a strange satisfaction in collecting hotel toiletries—a small reminder of your travels once you’re back home. And who knows? You might need them one day.

Watching Random TV Channels

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Flipping through channels you normally wouldn’t watch at home becomes oddly entertaining in a hotel. It’s a way to disconnect from your usual routine and maybe even discover a new favorite show or movie.

Ordering Room Service for the Experience

Photo Credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV/Shutterstock

Even if it’s just for a pot of coffee or a slice of cake, ordering room service feels like a special treat. Travel + Leisure reports that “43 percent of U.S. hotels surveyed said, ‘Guests prefer more casual cuisine behind closed doors, à la burgers in bed.'” It’s not just about the food; it’s the luxury of having it delivered right to your door.

Using Every Single Pillow

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Hotels generously provide an abundance of pillows, and it’s only right to create the ultimate pillow fortress. It’s a comfort we seldom have at home and a simple pleasure that makes hotel stays memorable unless you have a wife who has more throw pillows on the bed than space.

Taking Advantage of the Free Breakfast

Photo Credit: Syda Productions/Shutterstock

“91% of the guests interviewed said they prefer an in-hotel breakfast. Another 83% said breakfast service is essential for a positive hotel experience, and 65% said they chose the hotel based on breakfast service,” according to a Revenue Hub survey. Whether it’s waking up early to make the most of the breakfast buffet or filling up your plate with more food than you can eat, hotel breakfasts encourage a level of indulgence that’s hard to replicate at home.

Pretending You’re a Critic

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Judging everything from the décor to the service, staying in a hotel turns us into amateur critics. We notice details we’d typically overlook and form opinions on every aspect of our stay. Some of us keep these reviews in our heads while others run to the internet to let the world know they found a small amount of chipped paint in a corner behind the chair; either way, it can be a fun game.

Exploring Every Nook and Cranny

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The curiosity to explore every facility the hotel offers, from the gym to the swimming pool, even if you have no intention of using them, is a common hotel behavior. It’s about seeing what you’re getting for your money.

Taking Photos of the Room

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Before touching anything, there’s a moment where you feel compelled to document the pristine condition of your hotel room. It’s a way to capture the beginning of your stay and share the experience with others. The question is whether or not to post on Instagram…

Ignoring the Phone

Photo Credit: KR_Netez/Shutterstock

The hotel phone becomes purely decorative during your stay. Honestly, why are they still in there? Unless it’s a wake-up call you requested, the likelihood of answering the hotel phone diminishes, embracing the true sense of being unreachable.

Creating a Mess You Normally Wouldn’t

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The knowledge that housekeeping will tidy up after you can lead to messier habits than you’d usually allow at home. It’s not something to be proud of, but it’s a liberating break from daily chores. Just remember “a $1 to $5 per-day tip for the hotel housekeeping staff,” according to Nerd Wallet—maybe more if you brought out your inner rock star during your stay.

Checking Out the Mini-Bar

Photo Credit: Mulevich/Shutterstock

Even if you don’t take anything, there’s a ritual in inspecting the mini-bar contents. It’s a mix of curiosity and the thrill of seeing what’s on offer, even at exorbitant prices. Of course, you also looked at the prices and laughed out loud because no can of soda is worth $16.

Sleeping in Ridiculously Late

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

With blackout curtains and a cozy bed, hotels are the perfect environment for catching up on sleep. It’s a chance to ignore the alarm and wake up naturally, a rare treat for many. Put that “Do Not Disturb” sign up and don’t schedule a wake-up call; you know you won’t answer it.

Trying to Connect to Wi-Fi with Every Device

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

The moment you enter your room, there’s a scramble to connect all your devices to the hotel’s Wi-Fi. It’s a modern necessity, ensuring you’re set up for entertainment, work, or staying in touch. But why are we like this at hotels? We would never pair all our devices the second we walked into a friend’s home.

Reading the Emergency Evacuation Plan

Photo Credit: David Pereiras/Shutterstock

Do you even have an emergency evacuation plan for your home? Perhaps it’s the novelty or a moment of responsibility, but reading the emergency evacuation plan on the back of your door is a hotel-specific habit. It’s a brief acknowledgment of safety before you proceed to relax.

Cranking the Thermostat

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You’re not the one paying the utility bill, so feel free to make your hotel room as frigid as a meat locker or a sweltering sauna on the hotel’s dime. This is especially great for those who are traveling without the people they live with. If you’re a 74 and your husband is a 68, this is your time to shine!

Walking Around in Your Underwear

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There’s something incredibly freeing about strutting from the bed to the bathroom in just your undies without a care in the world. No need to grab a robe—the hotel room is your temporary kingdom of semi-nudity.

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Photo Credit: Wollertz/Shutterstock

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Image Credit: 9nong/Shutterstock

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