20 Best Things to Do When Someone Has No Interest in You 

Sometimes, it can be heartbreaking when we discover our feelings aren’t reciprocated. Luckily, there are still ways we can pull ourselves out of being upset over it. Here are the 20 best things to do when someone has no interest in you.

Accept the Reality

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Firstly, the most important thing you can do is accept that a relationship isn’t going to happen with this person. You can’t change the way a person feels, but you can change how you feel about the situation. Know that your feelings won’t last forever and you’ll soon move on.

Give Them Space

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BetterUp writes, “Smartphones, social media, and messaging apps make it easy to communicate, even when you’re not in the same room. Think about how much you’ve initiated contact lately. If it’s too often, it might be time to stop texting so much.” Try not to change their mind and instead use the time to give yourself some much-needed love.

Focus on Self-improvement

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Focusing on your self-improvement is not only a way to better yourself, but it also keeps you distracted. Try taking up a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to do, or try things to improve your mental health, such as going for a walk in nature.

Spend Time with Friends and Family

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Your friends and family will be the most important people in your life, so try spending some quality time with them. They can offer support and listen, especially if you want to vent about what went wrong. Try planning fun activities, whether that’s shopping or going out for dinner.

Pursue Your Interests

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Giving yourself some time to pursue your interests or passions can be a great way to focus on yourself. It’ll help you develop skills or spend more time doing what you love. It can help you forget about the person who isn’t interested in you and give you time to grow as a person.

Keep a Positive Outlook

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The Mayo Clinic tells us, “Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health.” There are still so many positives in life and you should focus on these rather than what you believe has gone wrong in life. That person may never have been the right one for you, and something better could be right around the corner.

Engage in Physical Activity

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Regular exercise is a great way to reduce your stress levels and blow off some steam in a healthy way. It’ll keep all the good hormones running through your body and allow you to think clearly. You could also consider joining a gym or taking up running.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

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We don’t always deal with things as well as we can, and that’s when we may need to seek professional help. You can try counseling to help process your feelings or join support groups to help you connect with people going through similar things.

Reflect on Your Relationship Patterns

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Now may be the perfect time to look back on your relationship patterns to see if there’s anything you could improve on. You may realize there are certain aspects in which you want to be better at going into another relationship. It’s a great way to grow and reflect on where you may have gone wrong.

Have Some Self-Compassion

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Self-compassion can have many benefits. For example, Mindful writes, “Individuals who are more self-compassionate tend to have greater happiness, life satisfaction and motivation, better relationships and physical health, and less anxiety and depression.” Try not to be too hard on yourself regarding your situation.

Set New Goals

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You may want to set some goals as a way to give yourself something to focus on. Both personal and professional goals will help you develop and create new pathways in your life. You can create a plan with checklists to help you achieve certain goals.

Try Creative Outlets

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Creativity is a great way to express your feelings. You can try writing, painting, or music as a way to explore how you’re feeling. All of these expressions can be a great way to heal, and it can even mean you pick up a new hobby along the way.

Limit Social Media Usage

Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

If you think you’re going to be constantly checking up on the person who’s no longer interested in you, then you might want to think about limiting your time on social media. It can become harmful to your mental health and prevent you from moving on.

Date Casually if Ready

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If you feel up to it, then dating could be a great way to help you get over this person. It opens your eyes to people who may be better suited for you and stops you from thinking about the other person. Try to keep your expectations low and your dates casual, such as heading to a coffee shop.


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According to HelpGuide.org, “Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer.” It can pick you up mentally and make you feel like you have a purpose in life. You’ll meet new people while creating a positive impact.

Practice Mindfulness

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By incorporating mindfulness into your everyday routine, you’ll learn to live in the moment and appreciate the things you have, not the things you don’t have. It’s a great way to manage stress, and it has many mental health benefits. Explore different techniques, such as meditation, until you find one that works for you.


Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

If you want to express your thoughts and feelings in a more private way, then you may want to try out journaling. It’ll allow you to write down how you truly feel, giving you time to process everything. It’s something you can do every day and is a great way to heal.

Reevaluate Your Priorities

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Now could be the best time to think about what you actually want from a relationship. By figuring out your values, it’ll stop you from taking the bare minimum in any future relationships. You can work out what your deal-breakers are, preventing you from getting hurt in the future.

Focus on Your Career

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Elite Daily tells us that relationships are “extremely time-consuming and honestly a waste of our energy. Invest your time and effort into something that will actually bring you good returns.” Focusing on your career will give you a sense of purpose and may lead to even greater rewards.

Embrace Being Single

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

There’s so much freedom that can come from being single. You don’t have to answer to anyone else and can live life on your terms. You can go out all night, eat whatever you like, or even take the solo trip you’ve always wanted to. Enjoy being single now before you get into your next relationship.

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Photo credit: Tanja_G/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

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