18 Biggest Reasons Why Men End Their Marriages 

Divorce rates in the U.S. are higher now than ever before. What are some of the main reasons why men end their marriages and leave their wives after just a few years? You’ll find 18 of them in this article.

Their wives are violent

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Cases of men abusing their wives are most common but there are still many cases of women abusing their husbands. Physical abuse is a game changer and a man who is in a relationship with a woman who physically abuses him will soon end the marriage.

Their wives don’t respect them

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According to Verywell Mind, “Respect is a vital component of any healthy relationship. People may argue and disagree, but they should maintain respect for one another.” A man might leave a woman who fails to show him respect by her words or by her actions.

Their wives abuse alcohol

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Alcohol abuse takes a toll on a relationship. Another reason why men divorce their wives is because their wives abuse alcohol, which makes the relationship very difficult. When there are children in the marriage, a husband might choose to leave to keep his children safe.

Their wives insult them

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A man might feel forced to divorce his wife if she constantly insults him. Men like to feel respected in a relationship, so when a wife is constantly belittling her husband and insulting him, he’ll feel like he’s not appreciated and will seek a divorce.

Their in-laws meddle

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Another reason why a man will divorce his wife is because his in-laws are too involved in the relationship. If in-laws get in the middle of every conversation, argument, and disagreement, the couple has no privacy. He feels like he has no say in the relationship.

They’re rejected by society

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Many people get divorced because their relationship was never accepted by society and as the years went on, the pressure for them to break up was too great to handle. Fighting for the relationship on a daily basis was never part of the plan and forces them to break up.

Their wives abuse substances

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“It has long been known that marriage (or other long-term, committed relationships) and substance abuse don’t mix. Having a partner who drinks too much or uses drugs is very much like throwing a stone into a still pond: the effects ripple out and influences all that is near,” says the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Their cultures are different

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Differences in culture can be very difficult to deal with. In the beginning, a couple might be willing to do whatever is needed to make sure they stay together. But as the years go by, this becomes more and more difficult and differences in culture can make a man leave his wife.

There’s a big age gap

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A couple who only has a couple of years between them might have more in common than a couple who has decades between them. A large age difference can make it difficult for a couple to see eye to eye and a man might decide to get a divorce if the couple can’t work out their issues.

Their religions are different

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Differences in religion can cause a lot of conflict in a relationship. A couple might strive to make it work during the early years of marriage but this can be very difficult once the couple has been together for a long time. This can make a man leave his wife.

Their wives abuse them mentally

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Another situation that is extremely difficult to deal with is mental abuse. A woman who puts a lot of pressure on her husband and constantly belittles him will affect his emotional state. He might feel like it’s in his best interests to get a divorce and protect his mental health.

Their wives are argumentative

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The Reader’s Digest says that “relationship fights are normal.” But a woman who constantly picks fights with her husband and likes to argue will test his patience and push him to the limit. A man might choose to divorce from a woman who always likes to argue and has to be right.

They have different interests

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A couple who have very different interests might struggle to stay together. If a man would like to spend the weekend socializing while a woman wants to spend the weekend indoors, they will constantly be at odds. A man might decide to leave his wife if they have nothing in common.

Their wives travel a lot

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A husband and wife need to spend time together regularly for the relationship to be successful. If a wife has to spend a lot of time away from home attending to business, she’ll be neglecting her husband, and he might look elsewhere for the companionship that he seeks.

Their wives are financially unstable

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Knowing how to manage your money is very important. If a woman is financially unstable and spends money frivolously, she could quickly burn through all of her assets and those of her husband. If she refuses to get help for her compulsive spending, her husband might leave her.

Their wives gamble

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Gambling is very destructive for relationships. Steve Rose, PhD, says “Gambling addiction can strain relationships through financial instability, emotional turmoil, social isolation, and family tension.” If a woman has a gambling problem, a man might decide that a divorce will be the best way to move forward.

Their wives have different life goals

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A man and a woman need to be on the same page when it comes to starting a family. If a man dreams of having a family and his wife can’t stand the thought of that, neither of them will be happy. A man might choose to leave his wife if they can’t decide on important matters.

Their wives are unfaithful

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One of the most difficult things to deal with in a marriage is when a partner is unfaithful. A man may quickly decide to divorce his wife if she is unfaithful to him and doesn’t show any signs of remorse or has been unfaithful to him on many occasions.

Up Next: 18 Reasons Why Men Get Grumpier As They Age

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