20 of the World’s Most Obedient Dog Breeds

There are certain dog breeds that are renowned for their obedience and will be much more likely to listen to you. Distinguished by their consistent ability to learn commands quickly and follow instructions with precision, here are 20 breeds that won’t run rings around you.

Border Collie

Photo Credit: Elayne Massaini/Shutterstock

Famous for their unmatched intelligence and tireless work ethic, Border Collies’ herding instincts, honed over centuries, show their eagerness to learn and follow commands. Combined with their boundless energy and laser-like focus, they are exceptionally responsive to training and a top choice for competitive obedience trials.

Golden Retriever

Photo Credit: Rala3030/Shutterstock

This gentle breed has a strong desire to form a bond with humans, making them remarkably receptive to training. Their patient demeanor makes them ideal for positive reinforcement techniques. The American Kennel Club says training starts as a pup: “If you do everything you need to for the first two years of the puppy’s life, you will have the dog of your dreams.”

German Shepherd

Photo Credit: Rita_Kochmarjova/Shutterstock

Bred for tasks requiring keen intelligence and quick responses, German Shepherds excel in training tasks. Their strong desire to please their handlers, coupled with their natural protective instincts, makes them both eager learners and devoted companions, ideal for both family life and working roles.


Photo Credit: Chendongshan/Shutterstock

Surprisingly, Poodles are much more than just a groomable art sculpture; they are actually extremely obedient companions. Psychology Today reveals that “Poodles were bred to be water dogs and working retrievers.” Poodles thrive on mental stimulation and excel in competitive obedience trials, proving that their beauty is matched by their brains.

Shetland Sheepdog

Photo Credit: Lisjatina/Shutterstock

Often referred to as “Shelties” or “shadow dogs” due to their strong bonds with their owners, this deep devotion, coupled with their eagerness to please, translates into a natural inclination towards obedience and a quick grasp of training. They thrive on challenges and the positive reinforcement that comes with mastering new skills.


Photo Credit: Mariya Kuzema/Shutterstock

A toy dog breed known for their striking appearance, they are surprisingly adept at learning new commands and tricks. Their passion for showing off for their owners makes them eager students. However, their playful nature can lead to mischief if not properly channeled, so ample mental stimulation is essential to keeping these energetic pups content.

Australian Shepherd

Photo Credit: Hanna Borysenko/Shutterstock

They readily embrace their role as a beloved family member, though patience and consistency are key to curbing their herding instincts. Early socialization is crucial for these devoted pups, but their intelligence and desire to work alongside their humans make them quick learners, and their loyalty and devotion strengthen their willingness to obey.


Photo Credit: alberto clemares exposito/Shutterstock

Despite their imposing stature and reputation as guard dogs, they are surprisingly eager to please and highly trainable. Their intelligence, loyalty, and desire to work alongside their owners make them obedient companions. When trained properly and with consistent guidance, Rottweilers thrive in obedience exercises and follow their handler’s lead.

Doberman Pinscher

Photo Credit: Tanya Consaul Photography/Shutterstock

Highly intelligent and fiercely loyal, they are often used as guard dogs. Their eagerness to please their owners, combined with their quick learning abilities, makes them highly trainable and responsive to commands. Modern Dog Magazine states, “The versatile Doberman loves having a job to do and responds exceptionally well to obedience training.”

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Photo Credit: Anna Darahan/Shutterstock

Instilled with a strong work ethic from their herding heritage, they show an eagerness to learn, making them highly trainable. Affectionate but not overly demanding, Corgis enjoy socializing with both people and other animals. Bred to be responsive to commands on the farm, they eagerly apply their intelligence and work ethic to training exercises.

Belgian Malinois

Photo Credit: Victoria Antonova/Shutterstock

The Belgian Malinois stands out as a breed that doesn’t just respond well to training; they actively seek it out. This hunger to learn is crucial, as it helps prevent them from asserting dominance. Their reputation for aggression often stems from misinterpretations of their protective nature. In reality, these dogs are incredibly devoted and known to be affectionate and loving companions.

Australian Cattle Dog

Photo Credit: WOLF AVNI/Shutterstock

They’re known for their independent streak, but they are still surprisingly obedient when properly trained and kept engaged. Bred for herding, they possess a strong work drive and intelligence, which can be channeled. These wild-hearted pooches choose to obey because it brings them happiness, not because they feel the need to please.

Miniature Schnauzer

Photo Credit: Svitlana Diuba/Shutterstock

Don’t let their name fool you; miniature Schnauzers are packed with personality and energy! Their enthusiastic nature requires a gentle but firm hand to keep their exuberance in check. Mini Schnauzers are highly intelligent, but their sharp minds can easily get bored. So as long as you keep them stimulated, then they will be ready to tackle any task you throw their way!


Photo Credit: Sharon Snider/Shutterstock

If you remember the movie Lassie, then you probably wanted a Collie when you were younger. They’re not just beautiful with their long, flowing manes; they’re also sharp as a whistle and exceptionally obedient. The Dog Journal says “Collies excel in obedience and agility training,” as well as being patient and gentle. They make ideal family companions.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Photo Credit: xkunclova/Shutterstock

While they’re known for their gentle and laid-back nature, they possess a surprising aptitude for obedience. Their desire for companionship makes them highly receptive to training. A patient approach will work best with this breed, as they thrive on praise and rewards. With consistent training, Bernese Mountain Dogs can become well-mannered and obedient.


Photo Credit: SubertT/Shutterstock

Pomeranians are much more than just adorable lap dogs. Their expressive faces and perky ears reflect their intelligence and avidity to please. These playful pups thrive on learning tricks to entertain their owners. Their energetic personalities and eagerness to please also make them excellent candidates for agility, rally, and obedience activities, as well as being ideal therapy dogs.

Labrador Retriever

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Renowned for their friendly disposition and eagerness to please, Labrador Retrievers are consistently ranked among the most obedient dog breeds. Their gentle nature and inherent passion to retrieve objects translate effortlessly into their learning and following commands, making them both devoted companions and versatile working dogs.


Photo Credit: Eudyptula/Shutterstock

Exceptionally athletic and intelligent, they are highly trainable dogs who will do anything to impress and please their owners. While they may possess a sensitive or seemingly boisterous side, consistent training can easily channel their energy into impressive obedience, resulting in a well-behaved and devoted companion.


Photo Credit: Ingrid-Pakats/Shutterstock

Hidden beneath a veneer of calm is an obedient, friendly, and intelligent dog. Due to their natural athleticism, they thrive on learning new things and excel in dog sports. Their watchdog heritage could lead to excessive barking at strangers, but with proper training, this alertness can be channeled into appropriate behaviors, ensuring a well-mannered and balanced companion.

Cocker Spaniel

Photo Credit: rebeccaashworthearle/Shutterstock

A way to a Cocker Spaniel’s heart and compliance is surely through his belly. Known for being four-legged foodies, they will learn best through rewards of treats and praise; harsh corrections can be counterproductive for these sensitive souls. Originally bred to hunt birds, they have a trainable instinct and respond well to obedience training.

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