19 Silly Rules That No Longer Make Sense to Follow (But People Still Do)

Just because society tells us we should do something, doesn’t mean we should. But while we may laugh at silly societal rules people used to follow decades ago, there are many things we still do today that make no sense at all. This list covers 19 rules we really need to stop following.

No Elbows on the Table

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

According to Martha Stewart, this unspoken rule has several origins, including the aristocratic desire to prevent slouching and as a way to keep your clothing clean and away from food. However, it seems silly that some people still find this gesture impolite today, as it’s often a comfortable position and can be a sign that someone is engaged in what you’re saying.

Waiting for Everyone Before Eating

Photo Credit: bbernard/Shutterstock

Some people still consider it very rude to start eating before other people have been served. However, a lot of people think this rule is outdated and unnecessary. It can also be impractical when you’re part of a large gathering or people are being served at very different times.

Men Should Not Wear Pink

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Unfortunately, some people still think that men shouldn’t wear pink, seeing it as a “girl’s color.” However, most of us now see this as an outdated rule that restricts our self-expression and fashion choices. It’s really time that we let people wear whatever they want without judgment or harassment.

You Must Not Wear Hats Indoors

Photo Credit: Alones/Shutterstock

While this social rule originated many years ago, some people still consider it rude to wear a hat indoors, especially in certain contexts. However, in many settings, such as casual events, this rule feels silly and outdated to keep following.

No White After Labor Day

Photo Credit: Dmitry Tsvetkov/Shutterstock

Country Living Magazine states that the unwritten rule about not wearing white after Labor Day has been around since the 1800s, when it was seen as both practical and a way of signaling your respect to the elite. But while some people still feel compelled to follow this rule, it is typically considered unnecessary, impractical, and restrictive to do so.

Only Wearing Black to Weddings

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For a long time, black has been seen as a color associated with grief, death, and mourning, which is why people believed it should be worn at funerals. However, many funeral hosts now see this practice as unnecessary and overly dreary, encouraging their guests to ditch the monochrome look for more colorful attire.

Not Discussing Salaries at Work

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Discussing someone’s salary or personal finances is often seen as taboo, especially in work settings or with colleagues. However, staying clear of this topic can actually be harmful in perpetuating unfair wage differences. Nowadays, many workplaces are striving for more transparency and equality, promoting a fairer environment.

Women Must Change Their Last Name After Marriage

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It’s about time that we stopped always expecting women to change their last name after marrying. As noted by Claudia Goldin and Maria Shim of Harvard University, this is an old tradition largely rooted in patriarchal laws and social customs. Thankfully, these laws are no longer in place, so it should really be up to every individual’s personal preference whether they choose to keep their old name or take on a new one.

The Man Should Always Pay on a Date

Photo Credit: Andrey Popov/Shutterstock

Here’s another outdated gender norm we should reconsider. Traditionally, men have been expected to pay on dates because they’ve been the sole or primary earners. But today, it’s much more common for both parties to be working and earning similar amounts, so it seems pretty unfair to always expect the man to pay.

Keeping a Neat Lawn

Photo Credit: fotocraft/Shutterstock

Many people still think that keeping a neat lawn is an important sign of politeness and discipline. But on the other hand, we’re becoming more and more aware of the benefits of keeping gardens more natural and wild. This helps provide more food and shelter for insects and other wildlife, supporting the ecosystem and animals further up the food chain.

Always Sending Thank-You Notes

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

While sending a thank-you note may be a nice gesture, it really shouldn’t be expected anymore. With the rise in technology, it’s much easier to send a quick “thank you” email or message that still conveys your gratitude. Most people appreciate the thought and gesture more than the way that it’s sent.

Avoid Talking About Religion and Politics

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Unfortunately, religion and politics are still considered two very taboo topics that many people prefer to stay clear of completely. However, while they can be divisive, it’s still important to be able to discuss them openly and respectfully in the right contexts, as this can help us better understand and be more inclusive of one another.

Ladies First

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

While this unwritten rule can be fairly harmless, some people believe it still reinforces outdated and potentially damaging gender roles. Therefore, it is becoming more common for people to be courteous to everyone and prioritize whoever needs the most care, regardless of their gender.

Always Making the Bed

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Some people still swear by making their bed every morning, finding that it gives them an important sense of discipline and cleanliness. However, some people actually argue that doing so can be less hygienic, as it can trap more moisture between your sheets. It may also put you more at risk of dust mites and allergens.

Not Wearing Mixed Metals in Jewelry

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Did you know that in the past, people commonly considered wearing multiple types of metal to be unfashionable? While some people still prefer to abide by this rule, many others are breaking this mold, finding new ways to express themselves, and adding more depth to their outfits.

Only Drinking White Wine with Fish

Photo Credit: FloridaStock/Shutterstock

The wine enthusiasts among us will know that there are all sorts of unspoken rules when it comes to pairing wines with different dishes. As noted by Decanter, one of these traditions is that you can only pair fish with white wine. However, in reality, different types of fish can be enjoyed just as much with other kinds of wine, including red wine and rosé.

Not Asking for Help at Work

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Sadly, for a long time, people have seen asking for help at work as a sign of weakness or incompetence. But thankfully, people are now beginning to see that it’s actually one of the best ways to strengthen work relationships, increase productivity, and foster a collaborative environment.

Not Wearing Horizontal Stripes

Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

Who says horizontal stripes don’t look good on anyone? While this fashion choice was once considered universally unflattering, more designers are choosing to incorporate stripes into their designs in a way that can look great on a variety of body types and outfits.

Waiting to Call After a Date

Photo Credit: Miljan Zivkovic/Shutterstock

People have all sorts of strange rules and expectations when it comes to dating, including waiting a certain amount of time after a date to call or message. However, by now, many of us are tired of playing these unnecessary games and prefer to be more direct and openly communicative in how we express ourselves.

Up Next: 17 Behaviors That Make People Think Less of You

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

If you want to be accepted by those around you, you have to behave in certain ways. Obviously, you should still be yourself, but there are certain social ‘rules’ people should abide by, like avoiding these 17 behaviors that make people think less of you.


20 Signs Someone Is Only Pretending to Care

Photo Credit: Lestertair/Shutterstock

Whether it’s to avoid hurting your feelings or if it’s part of a more elaborate plan to deceive you for benefits, people pretend for many reasons. The main theme with them, though, is that their actions never match the sugar-coated words that come out of their mouths. So that you don’t fall for someone like this, we’ve compiled 20 signs for you to look out for.


18 Items at Walmart that Aren’t Worth Your Hard-Earned Money

Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock

For many of us, Walmart is the go-to superstore. Whether we need groceries, clothing, or technology, Walmart is a one-stop shop for everything you would need. However, there are some Walmart products you should avoid at all costs, such as the following 18 examples.