20 Reasons Why Gen Z Will Struggle When They Get Older

As Gen Z steps boldly into the future, they’re armed with smartphones, memes, and a healthy dose of skepticism. But as they navigate the choppy waters of adulthood, there are a few icebergs lurking beneath the surface. Here’s a look at 20 reasons why Gen Z might find themselves scratching their heads (or tweeting for help) as they age.

Adulting Skills Gap

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A significant portion of Gen Z and millennials, about 63%, report not feeling prepared for adult responsibilities, according to Valley Central. Tasks such as changing a tire or managing finances indicate a skills gap that could pose challenges in their personal lives.

Housing Affordability Concerns

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If Gen Zoomers aren’t living at home with their parents, they are most likely renting and have roommates. Many wonder how they can “afford” a $2,000 studio apartment but can’t get a mortgage that would cost them $1,100 a month.

Changing Nature of Work

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The gig and freelance economy is thriving and giving people amazing flexibility in terms of where, when, and whom they work for. However, unlike traditional employment, freelancers face struggles with job security, access to benefits, and the ability to get housing and loans without a W2 employer.

Financial Independence Struggles

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With one in three not feeling financially independent and many relying on parental support, achieving financial autonomy could be a significant hurdle. CNBC reports, “Millennials and Gen Z face other financial challenges their parents did not as young adults. Not only are their wages lower than their parents’ earnings when they were in their 20s and 30s, but they are also carrying larger student loan balances.”

Delayed Adulthood Milestones

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Unlike previous generations who went to college, started their careers, got married, bought a house, and started a family on a pretty set timeline, Gen Z is taking longer to engage in “adult behaviors.” They are delaying going to college, and homes seem out of their reach; if they follow in the footsteps of millennials, they will also be getting married and having children later, if at all.

Rising Food Prices

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Food prices have sky-rocketed since the COVID-19 pandemic and they don’t seem to be coming down anytime soon. Unfortunately, this hurts the less financially stable Gen Z more than boomers, causing them to have to make less healthy food choices just to be able to afford to eat. One can only guess what the medical issues that will come from those choices will be in the future.

Meme Culture Burnout

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After years of communicating almost exclusively through memes, Gen Z might find themselves at a loss for words in face-to-face conversations. “Sorry, I don’t have a meme for that” could become a common refrain.

Educational and Career Aspirations

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The Walton Family Foundation finds “that while 75% of Gen Z youth are interested in STEM occupations, only 29% list a STEM role as their first-choice career.” Schools are struggling to keep up with the world of technology, making it hard to keep students interested and engaged long enough to make a decision to go into the field.

Loss of TikTok

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Millennials had their MySpace, then moved on to Facebook and Instagram, but they have nothing on Gen Z and TikTok. The iGeneration uses TikTok for their news, finding out new trends, and even making money. If TikTok is banned in the U.S., many will be left confused as to what to do with their time and where to find information.

Emoji Language Barrier

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As emojis evolve into Gen Z’s primary form of communication, older generations might struggle to decipher messages. “🍕🔥🐢?” “Oh, that means I’m running late because I stopped for pizza.” Bringing emoji language into the workplace could also land them in the boss’s office or back in the unemployment line.

Streaming Service Subscription Overload

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“Wait, which service has The Office this month?” With every company launching its own streaming service, Gen Z will face the daunting task of managing dozens of subscriptions. What once was an alternative to expensive cable has now become just as expensive and far more confusing.

Fast Fashion vs. Sustainability

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As sustainability champions, Gen Z will grapple with the paradox of loving fast fashion while wanting to save the planet. Budgets are tight with this generation, which keeps Shein and similar sites appealing to those who want to stay on trend for less, but it truly hurts their souls not to pick sustainable brands, which are far more expensive.

Aging Anxiety

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Dr. Tim Pearce writes about how Gen Z is taking over the world of facial cosmetic treatments, with 75% of facial plastic surgeons reporting a spike in demand from clients under 30. Gen Z’s preoccupation with aging, fueled by social media and beauty standards, may lead to increased stress and unrealistic expectations about appearance. Thanks a lot, influencers and celebrities.

Plant Parenthood Responsibilities

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Boomers had to head home to their kids, Millennials rushed home to their fur babies, and now as proud plant parents, Gen Z might find their homes overrun with greenery. “I can’t go out tonight; I have to water my 47 plants.”

The Return of Low-Rise Jeans

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Fashion is cyclical, and when low-rise jeans make their inevitable comeback, Gen Z will have to confront the fashion trend millennials vowed never to revisit. We can only pray they find a reasonable way to keep everything in their pants when they bend over. Whale tails cannot come back!

Job Title Confusion

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Creative job titles have taken over, with many not even sure what their own job means, much less someone else’s. Gen Z has to prepare themselves to explain that, yes, “Digital Overlord” is a real job and, no, it doesn’t involve ruling a dystopian cyber kingdom.

Too Many Passwords

Photo Credit: Linaimages/Shutterstock

Going to a restaurant now means scanning a QR code and signing into a special app just for that one restaurant. Looking at the news online also requires a login. With every app and website requiring a login, Gen Z’s memory will be tested as they try to remember whether their password includes an exclamation point or a hashtag.

Social Media Time Capsule

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Future employers will unearth Gen Z’s old social media posts, leading to awkward conversations. “So, about that tweet from 2022 where you said you’d never work a 9–to–5…” It makes Gen X so happy they grew up when things they did weren’t recorded and posted forever online.

Reality TV Stars in Real Life

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As reality TV stars become political leaders, Gen Z must navigate a world where their favorite Survivor contestant could be their senator. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a governor, and Ronald Reagan was president, so actors becoming politicians isn’t unheard of.

Missing Originality

Photo Credit: Jihan Nafiaa Zahri/Shutterstock

Trends are blasted all over TikTok, making the whole generation look like clones in their mom jeans and white sneakers. But what happens when the day comes that they are ready to stand out from the crowd? It may be hard to figure out who they are when they are used to influencers telling them what they like.

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