20 Things Older People Wish They Knew When They Were 20 

The older we get, the more lessons we seem to learn, and some of these lessons we wish we could’ve known in our early twenties, as it would’ve saved us a lot of heartache and distress. Here are 20 things older people wish they knew when they were 20.

The Importance of Self-Care

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Circle Health Group writes, “Self-care is an important part of living a healthy and happy lifestyle. Looking after yourself both mentally and physically is crucial to taking control of your health.” It’s so important to eat well and regularly exercise, as it improves our health and helps us manage stress and any other curveballs life may throw.

Build Strong Relationships

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Taking time to build strong relationships, especially with those closest to you, can significantly help in your later years. Nurturing relationships means you have people to turn to when you’re older and situations can take a turn for the worse. It gives you support for things such as divorce or losing a loved one.

Avoid Debt

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Getting yourself into debt is the worst thing you can do financially. Racking up credit card debt on unnecessary purchases may take years to pay off. Interest rates are high and debts can feel impossible to pay off. It’s better to save up for things you need rather than get into debt.

Pursue Your Passions

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You should never be afraid to pursue your passions, even if they’re completely different from everyone else’s. Just because people are settling down or getting corporate jobs doesn’t mean you have to do the same. You only have one life, and that means following your dreams.

Travel More

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Experiencing new cultures is one of the best forms of education. It’s always better to travel when you have fewer responsibilities, as it can become impossible when you have young children. You’ll make memories that last a lifetime, and if you can’t find anyone to go with, then solo travel can be incredibly empowering.

Learn to Forgive Yourself

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You need to accept that everyone makes mistakes, even you. For example, Verywell Mind writes, “Everyone makes mistakes, but learning how to learn from these errors, let go, move on, and forgive yourself is important for mental health and well-being.” Try to learn from your mistakes and have some self-compassion.

Value Your Time

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Your time is precious and you should make sure you use it wisely. Try to prioritize activities that will help you pursue your passions, whether that’s studying or going on adventures. Procrastination can be your own worst enemy and it’s important to avoid any distractions. Before you know it, years have passed.

Embrace Change

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Change isn’t always bad; sometimes it can allow you to grow or take you to new places. It allows you to become adaptable, and sometimes this is needed in both your personal and professional lives. Try to have an open mind when it comes to change, as it could be the exact thing you need to grow.

Invest in Personal Growth

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Taking time to work on your personal growth is always important. It can mean that you’re always doing what you can to learn new things, which gives you a sense of fulfillment. You may want to do this by discovering new hobbies, trying out new activities, or going traveling.

Routines Are Important

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Having a routine can be beneficial for your health. Northwestern Medicine says it’s a great way to manage stress, sleep better, eat healthier, and be more active. A routine will also help you avoid harmful behaviors such as substance abuse. They can keep you in the best possible form, both mentally and physically.

The Power of Networking

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Building a strong network can have many benefits for your professional career. Networking helps you progress by creating new relationships and opening doors to opportunities. It’s important to stay genuine when building connections, as it can come back to bite you when an opportunity arises.

Practice Gratitude

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Gratitude can work wonders for your mental health. It puts things in a different perspective, helping you see the good. Gratitude can also stop you from taking things for granted. You can do it simply in your head every morning or by journaling if you want to be more detailed.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

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There’s a popular saying that you shouldn’t worry about things that won’t bother you in five years. If you won’t be concerned at the five-year mark, then don’t let something affect you now. Spending too much of your time sweating the small stuff can stop you from achieving your goals.

Stay True to Yourself

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It can be tiring to try to be something you’re not. Always stay true to yourself, as you’ll not only feel better mentally, but you’ll also attract genuine people into your life. You shouldn’t have to compromise on anything or live up to other people’s expectations. You’re your own person, so do what you love.

Financial Independence is Empowering

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Not having to rely on anyone for money can feel extremely empowering. This is supported by Lexington Wealth, which writes, “Knowing you are in control of your financial well-being and future brings a sense of pride and confidence.” Try to budget and make sure you don’t overspend.

Be Open to Learning

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One of the greatest forms of education can be what you learn from others. Always be open to what people say; don’t switch off when they speak and respect what they say. People who are older aren’t boring when they start telling you their life stories; they’re giving you their wisdom by sharing their experiences.

Failure is a Part of Success

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Failure isn’t the end of all things; it’s a chance to learn and then make yourself better. You can create a sense of resilience, and this will help you bounce back and keep progressing with your dreams. Just because you didn’t get the promotion the first time doesn’t mean you won’t get it the second time.

Live in the Moment

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Try not to stress too much about the future. Life has a way of always working as it should, so try to live in the present. While it’s important to have dreams, don’t let them impact living in the moment. Try to stay mindful, enjoy the activities you’re doing in the present day, and appreciate your relationships.

Keep a Positive Mindset

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Calm writes, “Positive thinking is a way of looking at the world where you focus on the good and hopeful aspects of any situation.” Keeping a positive attitude is one way of ensuring that you can overcome almost any situation. It’s a great way to reduce stress and keep you grounded.

Ask for Help

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Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling or feel like you need a shoulder to lean on, then your loved ones will be there to help you. Even in a professional setting, asking for help can show you’re willing to learn and that you want to avoid making mistakes.

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Photo Credit: Bonsales/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Francisco G. Mendizabal/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock

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