17 Most Ugly States in the US

The U.S. is popular for its natural parks, small towns, and incredible beaches. But that isn’t in every state; in fact, there are some that don’t offer a visitor much at all. Here are 17 of the most ugly states in the U.S.


Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

The percentage of the state that’s parkland is just 0.81% in Indiana, says BestLife, making it one of the most ugly states in America. There are also 89 landfill sites in Indiana, which is much higher compared to other states. Indiana also has a green score of 39, which is very mediocre.


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Central Maryland isn’t considered very picturesque thanks to its long stretch of urban development. The state doesn’t have a large amount of parkland, with only 100,000 of the 7 million acres dedicated to green space. It’s also another state with a large number of landfills.


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The majority of eastern Pennsylvania is industrial estates and built up areas. There isn’t much parkland in Pennsylvania and only 1.02% of the state has open, green areas. It’s known for having many landfills and high amounts of trash per capita.


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Ohio is known as being an ugly state because it only has 0.77% of parkland and a high number of landfills. The state has a high population, which means more trash is generated per person compared to other states. Ohio has never been recognized for its natural beauty.


Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock

A large amount of Louisiana is just swampland, and there isn’t much natural beauty past New Orleans. It also has the second-worst green rating in the U.S., and parklands are limited. The state has high poverty rates, which can affect how environmentally friendly it is.


Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock

World Population Review writes, “Only 0.23% of the state’s total acreage is dedicated to parkland, and there are 77 landfills with over 33.7 tons of trash per capita.” While there are mountains in Georgia, the state does very little to make them seem appealing.


Photo Credit: Nejdet Duzen/Shutterstock

Outside of Chicago, the state doesn’t have many attractions, with barely any being of natural beauty. It has a high number of landfills and a low number of parklands, making it appear very ugly. It also has large cities, which means many built-up and industrialized areas.


Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

The east of Virginia is heavily urbanized, which doesn’t leave much room for natural beauty. Less than 1% of the state has natural parks, and it’s faced many environmental issues due to how built up it is. The state’s high number of landfills also contributes to its unattractiveness.

New Mexico

Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

Thanks to its struggles with poverty and poor education systems, New Mexico has issues maintaining the beauty of its state. It has many dry areas, creating dusty wastelands that aren’t appealing to visitors. Only 0.18% of the state is dedicated to parkland.


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While some areas of Michigan are beautiful, overall, it isn’t an attractive state. Many areas have become urbanized, and there are a high number of industrial sites. The state also faces environmental issues, with only 2.23% of it being dedicated to parkland. It also has a high number of landfills.


Photo Credit: Karl Eggleston/Shutterstock

A low percentage of Idaho is dedicated to parkland, and it has a high amount of trash per capita. There isn’t much natural beauty compared to other states, which can lead visitors to be incredibly underwhelmed. Economic challenges faced by the state mean it doesn’t have the funds to make it more appealing.


Photo Credit: Romiana Lee/Shutterstock

Even though Colorado is loved for its scenic mountains, when it comes to parkland, the state ranks low, with only 1.02% of the area dedicated to it. Colorado also has many industrial areas, and its urban sprawl means high amounts of trash per capita.


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Alot writes, “Las Vegas might be an eyesore in Nevada, but it’s nothing compared to the Las Vegas wannabe city of Reno.” While Nevada may be a tourist hot spot for Las Vegas, both of these cities have become incredible eyesores for the state.

New Hampshire

Photo Credit: Keith J Finks/Shutterstock

Even though New Hampshire has some natural beauty, its industrial areas have affected it and made it far uglier than it should be. The state has a low parkland percentage of just 1.35%. There are also large amounts of trash per capita and struggles when it comes to balancing the state’s natural beauty with urbanization.


Photo Credit: Krasnova Ekaterina/Shutterstock

Nebraska has large amounts of land dedicated to agriculture, and with all the crop growth, there isn’t much space for any natural beauty. The state has a minimal amount of parkland, with a percentage of just 0.31%. Numerous landfills and high trash per capita also affect the attractiveness of the state.


Photo Credit: Jason Schultz72/Shutterstock

The urban areas in Tennessee seem to overshadow the state’s natural beauty. It has a high number of landfills and trash per capita, which also means only 1.68% of the state is dedicated to parkland. The environmental impact has significantly affected the beauty of Tennessee.


Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

EWG states that Wisconsin has had fertilizer issues that have been polluting its water, making it even uglier than it already is. Along with this, the state has many other issues relating to environmental waste, and this can make it unappealing for visitors.

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