19 Incredible Things That Will Happen When You Quit Alcohol

Quitting alcohol can be a transformative experience, bringing a host of benefits to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Whether you’re considering cutting back or going completely sober, here are 19 things that can happen when you stop drinking alcohol. Some of these changes are serious and life-changing, while others might just make you chuckle. Either way, they’re all worth knowing!

Better Sleep Quality

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While alcohol might help you fall asleep faster, it disrupts the deeper stages of sleep. When you quit drinking, you’ll likely find that your sleep becomes more restorative. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and energized, ready to tackle the day without the grogginess that often accompanies a night of drinking.

Improved Hydration

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Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it makes you pee more, leading to dehydration. When you stop drinking, your body retains more water, improving everything from your skin’s appearance to your overall energy levels. Say goodbye to that constant feeling of thirst, and hello to a more hydrated you.

Clearer Skin

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“Dull and mottled skin is a common sign of alcohol addiction,” according to Ocean Recovery Centre. Your skin can start to regain its natural glow with the added hydration from dropping the booze. You might notice fewer breakouts, less redness, and a more even complexion. It’s like a free beauty treatment, courtesy of sobriety.

Weight Loss

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They call it a beer belly for a reason. Alcohol is packed with empty calories; cutting it out can significantly reduce your calorie intake, which often leads to weight loss. Plus, without those happy hour snacks and late-night munchies fueled by alcohol, you’ll find it easier to stick to a healthier diet.

Better Digestion

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Alcohol can wreak havoc on your digestive system, causing issues like bloating and heartburn. When you stop pouring beer and wine in it, your gut gets a chance to heal, leading to fewer digestive problems and a happier tummy overall.

More Money in Your Pocket

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Drinking can be expensive. Whether it’s nights out at the bar or stocking up on your favorite spirits, the costs add up. When you take a break from the drink, you’ll find yourself with extra cash that you can spend on other things, like a new hobby or a vacation.

Improved Mental Clarity

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“There are certain brain chemicals called excitatory neurotransmitters that will stop doing their job when you drink, which can make you feel sleepy and sedated,” writes Verywell Mind. Even after not drinking for a short period of time, you’ll likely notice that your mind feels sharper and more focused. Tasks that once seemed daunting might become easier to handle.

Enhanced Mood

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While alcohol might temporarily lift your spirits, it can lead to mood swings and increased anxiety in the long run. Quitting can help stabilize your mood, making you feel more consistently happy and less prone to emotional ups and downs.

Better Relationships

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Alcohol can strain relationships, whether through arguments, neglect, or other issues. You might find that your relationships improve as you become more present and reliable. Your friends and family will likely appreciate the new, sober you.

Increased Energy Levels

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Alcohol can sap your energy, leaving you feeling sluggish. When you stop drinking, you’ll likely notice a significant boost in your energy levels. You’ll have more stamina for exercise, work, and play, making life more enjoyable overall.

Stronger Immune System

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If you are prone to catching colds or everything else flying around, you may want to consider quitting drinking. Alcohol suppresses the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off viruses, bacteria, and infections.

Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases

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Long-term alcohol use is linked to various chronic diseases, including liver disease and certain cancers. You significantly lower your risk of developing these conditions without alcohol, giving you a better chance at a long, healthy life.

Improved Liver Function

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Your liver works hard to process alcohol, and heavy drinking can lead to liver damage. Your liver gets a much-needed break and can start to repair itself when you give it a chance to detox, improving its function and your overall health.

Better Sexual Health

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Men and women can either find more pleasure or, more often, less when under the influence. HIMS informs us, “While a cocktail or two may make you feel more confident and boost your sexual desire in the moment, excessive alcohol consumption can make bedroom activities more difficult and impact your sexual performance.” When sober, you might notice improvements in your sex life, including better performance and increased satisfaction. It’s a win-win for you and your partner.

Fewer Hangovers

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This one might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. No more hangovers means no more wasted days feeling nauseous, headachy, and regretful. You’ll wake up feeling good and ready to make the most of your day.

Improved Memory

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Have you ever woken up in the morning and didn’t remember the night before? Alcohol can impair memory, making recalling events and information harder, not only from the night of drinking. If you go out for a night with friends and abstain from alcohol, you’ll be the one filling everyone else in on the night’s events, and in the long term, you’ll be more likely to remember where you put your keys and to pick up milk.

Better Emotional Regulation

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Emotions can run high during a night of drinking; some people are happy, while others can easily tip to anger or even depression. For those who drink heavily, these states of emotional highs and lows can become regular appearances in their lives. Taking alcohol out of the equation can make your emotions a little more stable and may even kick your depression.

Enhanced Taste and Smell

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Food and wine pairings and whiskey tastings are commonplace among drinkers, but it may surprise you to know that in a recent study in BMJ of over 3,500 men and women, the Department of Nutrition at Harvard found that many heavy drinkers had impaired taste. Put the cocktails down for a while and it’s like rediscovering a whole new world of flavors.

Greater Sense of Accomplishment

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Quitting alcohol is no small feat, and successfully doing so can give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment. You’ll feel proud of your ability to make a positive change in your life, boosting your confidence and self-esteem.

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