20 Benefits of Dating Older Women, According to Men

Sometimes, men can be looking for a more mature relationship, which may mean they’ll want an older woman. They view older women as having more life experience and may even be looking to settle down sooner. Here are 20 benefits of dating older women, according to men.

Emotional Maturity

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As older women have experienced more of life, it means they’ve overcome more challenges, which makes them emotionally stable. They’re usually able to handle any conflict in a positive way and will do whatever they can to avoid drama. Older women are usually more grounded, especially when it comes to relationships.

Better Communication Skills

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Today writes, “It’s easier to have a relationship with an older woman because she knows how to communicate what she wants.” Older women find it easier to express their feelings and can be more open and honest in relationships. Being older also means they’re able to have deeper conversations, as they’ve experienced more of life.


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Older women are more likely to be independent and find it easier to be self-reliant. They don’t feel the need to be dependent on their partner, as they are fully capable of managing their own lives. This level of independence can make it easier for men to feel like they have a balanced relationship.

Sexual Confidence

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Older women often know what they want in the bedroom and they aren’t afraid to express this. Men can love the confidence that an older woman is able to express. She may be more adventurous, and this can enhance intimacy. They’re also more likely to communicate about what they want.

Appreciation for the Little Things

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It’s important not to take the little things for granted. For example, Verywell Mind writes, “The small, everyday acts of caring and the simple but sincere words of love and support can play a big part in ensuring happiness and well-being.” Older women find it easier to express these small acts of love.

Financial Stability

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Many older women are financially stable, especially compared to their younger selves. They’ve become more established in their careers and this has meant a bigger paycheck. While men aren’t interested in a woman’s finances, it’s nice that they can afford vacations and activities together.

A Different Perspective on Life

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For a man, dating an older woman can give them a fresher outlook on life. An older woman would have experienced more in life and this can change perspective. They can offer valuable life lessons that will help a man progress in his own life at a much faster rate.

Adventurous Spirit

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Older women are known for being adventurous, as they realize life is short and want to experience as much as they can. This can mean they’re more likely to want to travel, try new activities, or explore new hobbies. Having a sense of adventure can help to liven up any relationship.

Deeper Emotions

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As an older woman has experienced more in life, it means she’s likely to have deeper emotions. She may feel empathy on different levels or feel more joy in life. Men like that a woman is more in tune with her emotions, as it means a deeper connection can be created in the relationship.

Reduced Pressure for Starting a Family

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Dating an older woman can mean she’s already had children and doesn’t want any more, or she isn’t in a rush for kids. The thought of children can put pressure on a man, who may want to spend more time enjoying life before feeling like he has to settle down.

Relationship Challenges

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Older women are experienced in relationships and are emotionally more mature. This means they’re more capable of handling any challenges that are thrown at a relationship. Their experience can make them resilient, and they may be able to shed wisdom on how to cope with any challenges.

Mutual Respect

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Healthy Framework explains that older women are more likely to handle their own business. This helps a man feel as though he can respect her, as he sees her as being more inspirational. It leads to a sense of mutual respect, creating equality in a relationship.

Intellectual Stimulation

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Older women are more likely to have a deeper range of interests and a wider knowledge base. They’ve had more life experience and may be more educated than younger women. It means men can learn things from older women and have more engaging conversations. They want a more stimulating relationship, and they can find this with older women.

Reduced Drama

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Being in a relationship with an older woman means petty dramas are less likely to worm their way into it. Older women won’t become jealous, and they don’t care about being a part of drama. They prefer a simple life and will always choose quietness. It can create a more peaceful relationship, which all men want.

Breaking Societal Norms

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Dating an older woman is one way to break societal norms. Society usually expects relationships to be the other way around, where an older man dates a younger woman. However, this doesn’t always work out for the best. Relationships should be about compatibility and love, not what’s considered right.

Shared Values

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Older women will know exactly what their values are. They’ll know what they want from life and this can make them a more compatible option for men. When a man has the same values, it can bring stability to a relationship, as both know it’s for the long term.

More Realistic Expectations

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As older women are more experienced, it means they have more realistic expectations when it comes to relationships. They understand that no relationship is perfect and they’d rather focus on having a genuine connection with a person. Men appreciate this, as it means they don’t have to live up to impossible expectations.

Personal Growth

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Relationships with older women can be a perfect opportunity for men to grow. This is because they’re able to learn from their partner, who would’ve experienced much more of life compared to them. It allows them to become mature and develop in life at a quicker rate, helping them achieve success.

Stronger Support System

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Older women can find it easier to support their loved ones. For example, Marriage.com writes, “They offer a listening ear, empathy, and care during tough times, making you feel loved and understood.” Thanks to their life experience, older women are much more capable of supporting people through tough times.

Tastes and Preferences

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It’s more common for older women to have refined tastes when it comes to food, travel, and lifestyle. They may not settle for cheap hotels or fast food all the time. They can also introduce their partners to this way of living, and experiencing leisure in a more sophisticated way can be far more enjoyable.

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