19 Red Flags That Someone Might Not Be a Good Person 

We all want to find that special person we’ll spend the rest of our lives with. Is your partner a good person? In this article, you’ll find 19 red flags that a person might not be a good partner.

They don’t listen to you

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Does your partner really listen to you? When something weighs on your mind, your partner should be the first person you turn to for help with the problem or just for a listening ear. If your partner gets impatient when you speak to them, they might not be invested in the relationship.

They don’t converse with you

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Does your partner spend a lot of time talking to you? Someone who’s really interested in you will always want to converse with you. They’re captivated by you and they love listening to the things you have to say and contributing to the conversation. A person who doesn’t do this isn’t a good partner.

They don’t spend time with you

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“A couple that doesn’t spend a lot of meaningful time together may forget whether they love one another,” says Marriage.com. Does your partner try to spend their free time with you? If they don’t, they might be losing interest in you, and your relationship could be in trouble.

They don’t forgive you

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How willing is your partner to forgive you? Forgiveness is an essential part of a healthy relationship. If your partner is reluctant to forgive you for minor mistakes, then this could show that they are a very demanding person and aren’t deeply in love with you.

They lie to you

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Does your partner often lie to you? Lies are very destructive to a relationship. A partner who often lies shows themselves to be untrustworthy and self-absorbed. This kind of person can’t be trusted. A compulsive liar doesn’t make a good partner, and you should avoid them.

They don’t respect you

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Verywell Mind says that “respect is a vital component of any healthy relationship. People may argue and disagree, but they should maintain respect for one another.” Does your partner respect you? If they don’t, you’ll always feel unloved and unappreciated in the relationship.

They’re always arguing

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How easy is it for you to reason with your partner? If your partner is open to talking through your problems and listening to your point of view, they’re a good person. However, if they’re always arguing with you and are reluctant to listen to you, they’re not a good person.

You don’t trust them

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Do you trust your partner? Trust is the foundation of all good relationships. If your partner has proved to be untrustworthy on more than one occasion, you might find it difficult to trust them again. Without trust, the relationship can’t move forward. This is a definite red flag.

They’re always flirting

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Do you often catch your partner flirting with other people? If your partner feels comfortable enough to flirt with others while in your company, you can only imagine what they’ll do behind your back. Flirting is completely unacceptable in committed relationships and you should leave.

They never compromise

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How willing is your partner to compromise? If your partner never compromises and always insists on having their own way, your life will be miserable. Good relationships are based on compromise between both people, and your partner should know that.

They don’t remember important dates

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Does your partner always remember Valentine’s Day, your birthday, and your anniversary? If they do, they’re showing that these dates are important to them and that you’re important to them. If they show no interest in these dates, they’re not a good person to be with.

They’re not patient

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How patient is your partner? For a relationship to work, a couple must be patient with one another. This means accepting that you’ll both make mistakes and being reasonable about what you expect from one another. If your partner is reluctant to be patient with you, the relationship won’t last.

They speak harshly

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“In general, yelling and screaming are not considered healthy behaviors in relationships. Although people may raise their voices from time to time when they are angry or frustrated, yelling and screaming in relationships can be unhealthy for both you and your loved ones,” says BetterHelp. A partner who always shouts isn’t good for you.

They criticize you

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Is your partner a critical person? You do a lot of work around the house and throughout the day. When you come home, you want to hear someone praise you rather than criticize you. A critical person is very hard to be with and is not a good person.

They never say thank you

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How often does your partner say thank you? Your partner sees all of the hard work that goes into maintaining the home and working, but if they don’t praise you for it, you’ll feel miserable. A person who doesn’t say thank you is ungrateful and thinks that the world revolves around them.

They’re inconsiderate

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Is your partner considerate of your feelings? When they find out the things that you like and the things that you don’t like, do they act accordingly? If they don’t, it shows that they don’t care about your feelings and that they’re more interested in making themselves feel good.

They don’t value confidentiality

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Is your partner good at keeping confidential matters between just the two of you? If things that are private between the two of you are often shared with friends or family members, your partner is letting you down. You won’t be happy with someone you can’t trust.

They cheat

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According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, “Infidelity is one of the most common presenting problems for marriage and family therapists. It is devastating to relationships and can be one of the more difficult problems to treat.” If your partner cheats, they’re not a good person.

They boast

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Is your partner a boastful person? Someone who often boasts about their achievements and tries to steer conversations toward them isn’t a humble person. It’s likely that this person thinks that they’re better than everyone else. They won’t make you happy in the long run.

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