18 Things You Should Never Say to Millennials and Gen Z

When interacting with younger generations, you need to be careful and considerate of your words. The way you speak to your friends won’t necessarily be accepted by millennials or Gen Z. Here are 18 things you should never say to millennials or Gen Z.

“You’re So Entitled”

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BetterHelp reports, “A sense of entitlement is a personality trait that is based on a person’s belief that they deserve privileges or recognition for things that they did not earn.” Saying to millennials or Gen Z that they’re entitled can come across as rude and arrogant. It shows you’ve not taken into consideration their situation and have dismissed any struggles or achievements.

“Just Work Harder”

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This is a statement many older generations have been used to hearing throughout their lives, but it isn’t something you should say to younger people. The younger generations value a work-life balance and feel overworking is unhealthy for their physical and mental health.

“Why Don’t You Buy a House?”

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Comparing the time you spent growing up with that of younger generations can be a mistake. Stating to young people today, “Why don’t you buy a house?” will probably see them be quite dismissive. House prices have skyrocketed, which makes it extremely hard for young people to get on the property ladder.

“You’re Too Sensitive”

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The younger generations are very good at prioritizing their mental and emotional well-being. They’re encouraged to express and discuss their feelings and they shouldn’t be shamed for this. It’s much better to take an empathetic approach and offer support for the younger generation instead of trying to put them down.

“You Spend Too Much Time on Your Phone”

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You may feel that younger people spend way too much time on their phones, but you should never directly say this to them. They have grown up in a different period of time than you and technology is an integral part of their social lives. It’s a form of education, entertainment, and networking all in one.

“Why Do You Need a Safe Space?”

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Safe spaces are important in today’s world, especially for millennials and Gen Z. It’s a place where everyone can feel respected and included and it supports mental health. Asking, “Why do you need a safe space?” can come across as rude and disrespectful to the younger generations.

“You Should Settle Down Already”

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According to the Sydney Morning Herald, “Nothing is certain and trying to avoid change or loneliness or uncertainty by settling down with the first person you meet, or someone you’re not even sure is right for you, will end in tears.” You should never tell anyone else what they should be doing with their lives, especially younger people.

“Your Generation Is So Lazy”

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This statement is a stereotype that would come across as very rude if you said it to someone from a younger generation. Millennials and Gen Z value efficient and smart work and may take different approaches than older generations. Also, many of them juggle multiple jobs or work on their side hustles.

“Back in My Day…”

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Starting your statement with “Back in my day…” will more than likely see a millennial or Gen Z become disengaged with what you’re about to say next. This is because times have changed since previous generations and to think they’re the same is naive.

“You Have It So Easy”

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This generalized statement wouldn’t be well received by Gen Z or millennials. It’s immediately dismissive of any challenges that the younger generations face today and it can make people view you as being uneducated in the present day. Assuming someone else’s life is easy when you haven’t lived it yourself comes across as arrogant.

“Why Don’t You Have Kids Yet?”

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This is a question you should never ask anybody, as you don’t know their individual circumstances. HuffPost reports that they may not want kids, can’t have kids, or their marriage could be under strain. It’s a very personal question, and asking this oversteps boundaries.

“You Need to Toughen Up”

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Saying to someone, “You need to toughen up,” shows a severe lack of empathy for them and their situation. You’re immediately dismissing their feelings, which a millennial or Gen Z is not going to appreciate. It’s important to understand mental health and not say anything that could trigger anyone.

“Social Media Is Ruining You”

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Saying this to the younger generations is probably going to make future interactions difficult for you. Social media is a tool younger generations use to connect with others. Platforms can educate individuals while also providing entertainment. It’s better to encourage responsible usage instead of outright dismissal.

“Why Don’t You Just Call?”

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

There has been a clear generational shift that sees younger generations hardly calling people anymore. Younger people prefer to opt for digital communications through either texting or messaging. It suits their fast-paced lifestyles more. Asking them this question can show a lack of understanding about their generation.

“You Need to Get a Real Job”

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Times have changed and the definition of a “real job” is also changing. Today, younger generations are presented with many new ways of earning an income that weren’t available for the older generations growing up. Freelancing or entrepreneurship are valid career paths that younger generations are opting for today.

“You Can’t Change the World”

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

This is a very dismissive statement that could knock a younger person’s confidence. Millennials and Gen Z are focused on making positive change, and saying “You can’t change the world” undermines their ability. They’re generations that are active in both social and political movements and are striving to make a positive impact.

“Your Fashion Is Weird”

Photo Credit: SpeedKingz/Shutterstock

Science of People reports, “The type of clothes you wear –  and the kinds of accessories you use to either jazz them up or tone them down –  says a lot about who you are, where you’re from, what you do and how you feel about yourself.” Fashion presents an opportunity for people to express their identity, and criticizing their looks dismisses their individuality.

“Why Don’t You Just Get Over It?”

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This is a rude statement to make to any person, as you’re immediately dismissing someone’s thoughts and feelings. Mental health struggles are real, and saying this to someone can further impact their mental well-being. Instead, try supporting younger generations by expressing empathy instead of criticism.

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Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

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