Husband Material: 17 Signs He’s the One 

Are you in a committed relationship but aren’t sure if the guy you’re with is the one for you? In this article, you’ll find 17 signs that the person you’re with is good husband material.

He converses with you

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You can be sure that the person you’re with is the one because they don’t just talk to you; they really converse with you. They’re engaged in what you say and they hang on to every word. They love talking to you about subjects that they don’t have a lot of knowledge about.

He forgives you

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“Knowing how to forgive your partner and let go of past hurts is a critical tool in any relationship. Forgiveness is also healthy for you, both emotionally and physically,” says Verywell Mind. Your man might be the one if he’s willing to forgive you and move on instead of holding grudges.

He’s always honest

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You can be confident that you found the right person if your partner is always honest with you. You feel like you can trust them completely because they’ve never tried to pull the wool over your eyes and you know and trust that they never will.

He respects you

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Respect is an essential part of a relationship. Your partner shows you that they respect you not only by how they act but also by how they speak to you. They respect you, your family, and your friends and would never want to do something that would make you feel embarrassed.

You don’t argue often

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Every couple has disagreements from time to time because you’re two completely different people coming together. But you and your partner hardly argue. He is not an argumentative person and neither are you, so when you do disagree, you try your best to quickly see eye to eye again.

He loves being with you

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You know you’ve found the man of your dreams because he can’t get enough of you. He loves to be with you and spend time with you. Although you have different hobbies and spend some time apart, he rushes back home just to see your face and ask you about your day.

You trust one another

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You found Mr. Right. You can be sure of that because you trust your partner and he trusts you. When he goes out, he tells you where he’ll be and who he’ll be with and you trust that he’s telling you the truth. There’s complete transparency in your relationship.

He never flirts

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According to Choosing Therapy, “Flirting that crosses either person’s relationship boundaries repeatedly can negatively affect the couple in many ways.” This is why your partner never flirts with other women. His attention is always on you and no one else. He’s completely captivated by you.

He yields

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Your knight in shining armor always yields. When the two of you have to decide between doing what you want to do and what he wants to do, he often lets you win. He’s happy when you’re happy and he’s willing to make sacrifices for you. You do the same for him.

He listens

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You know you’ve found your other half if the person you’re with loves to listen to you. They ask you questions and listen to your opinions. They want to know what’s bothering you, how you’re feeling, and what they can do to help you. And you listen to them too.

He remembers important dates

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When your partner remembers important dates such as anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, and birthdays, they show that these dates are important to them too, and that they want to celebrate them with you. You also make an effort to remember the important days in their lives.

He’s patient

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“Long-term couples confirm the beauty of practicing patience in a relationship, which is a huge asset to their long-term success. Patience, respect, and reflectiveness all work together to strengthen the bond that is the base of a nurturing, lasting relationship,” says Your partner is always patient with you.

He speaks calmly

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A man who is really committed to their relationship with you will make sure they always speak to you in a loving and respectful manner. Even when they do disagree with you, they’ll express their feelings in a calm tone of voice without getting angry.

He praises you

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Your perfect man is the one who always sings your praises. They talk well about you while you’re in the room and behind your back. They talk well about you to their parents and their friends. They’re always boasting about the things you do and how great you are.

He’s thankful

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No one wants to be in a thankless relationship. But your man isn’t like that. He always thanks you for the things you do. And you make a habit of thanking him too. This makes both of you feel good about yourselves. Psychology Today says that gratitude strengthens a relationship.

He’s considerate

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You’ll know if the guy you’re with is your forever man if he’s a considerate person and knows how to keep sensitive matters between you private. You know that you can tell him your deepest, darkest secrets because you’re confident that he will never share them with anyone else.

He compliments you

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You’ll know you’ve found the right guy if the person you’re with compliments you regularly. Instead of complaining about the things that aren’t right in the home, they are always looking for ways to compliment you and thank you for your hard work. They recognize your limitations.

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