18 Questions You Should Always Ask Before You Commit to Someone

Before committing to a relationship, it’s important to understand the other person. You want to check if you’re compatible and if you share similar views on life. Here are 18 questions you should always ask before you commit to someone.

What Are Your Long-Term Relationship Goals?

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It’s important to understand what your partner wants out of a long-term relationship. Understanding this can help you work out whether your goals and vision align. You may have differing views on marriage or living situations, and it’s important to discuss these together to come to an agreement.

How Do You Handle Conflict?

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Experience Life reports, “Conflict happens. One of the great myths is that people never disagree, or even discuss difficult and uncomfortable issues.” Ask about previous conflicts they may have had and how they handled them. Reassure them that your reasoning for asking is to be able to resolve future conflicts in the best possible way.

What Are Your Thoughts on Finances?

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Many issues in relationships have to do with finances. Asking your partner their view on finances can give you a better understanding of each other’s financial responsibilities. It will help you understand whether you have similar financial goals and habits that will align.

How Important Is Family to You?

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Everybody has differing views on family and has been raised in different ways. By asking this question, it helps you understand your significant other better. It can help give you an understanding of what involvement they expect from you in their family and give you an opportunity to express your wishes for their role in your family.

What Are Your Views on Parenting?

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Some may feel this question can be a little direct, but it’s important to understand one another’s views. If they’re vastly different, then it can prevent you from wasting each other’s time by committing to a long-term relationship. It’s important for you both to discuss how you best see fit to discipline your children.

How Do You Value Personal Space and Independence?

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This is a very mature question to ask when approaching a commitment with someone. This helps you understand their boundaries and ensures you can adhere to them. It will give you an opportunity to understand when you can do things together and what things are best done alone.

What Are Your Expectations About Home and Living Arrangements?

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Living together in a relationship is a big move. For some, it can be overwhelming; for others, it can be exciting. It’s important to understand each other’s views on this so one of you isn’t demanding too much of the other. It also provides an opportunity to talk about getting a new place together or moving into your partner’s home.

How Do You Manage Stress and Mental Health?

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According to Psych Central, those who can openly communicate about what stresses them out are able to actively manage it. Having a desire to understand your partner’s stress levels and how they cope with their mental health is one of the best things you could do to support them.

What Are Your Core Values and Beliefs?

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Discussing each other’s core values and beliefs can help you understand one another on a deeper level. You’ll be able to identify whether they have any ethical or religious practices they follow. It will give you an opportunity to discuss how to manage any differences in values you may have.

What Are Your Career Ambitions?

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It’s important to have an understanding of your partner’s professional life, not just their personal life. Understanding their career ambitions can give you an idea of what kind of demands their work may present, such as relocating for work, which could be something that is required in the future.

How Do You Communicate Your Feelings?

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It’s really important in a healthy relationship to understand each other’s communication styles. This is reflected in Verywell Mind, which reports that expressing your feelings will create closeness in the relationship. It presents the opportunity for you to understand how best to support your partner.

What Role Does Physical Intimacy Play in Your Life?

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Understanding your partner’s physical intimacy levels can prevent disappointment in a relationship. Having an understanding of their comfort levels, any boundaries they may have, or their desires is really important to know to be able to create a bond with each other and meet their needs.

How Do You Approach Responsibilities and Chores?

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In some relationships, people can be left feeling like they take on all the responsibilities and complete all the chores. By discussing this before committing to a long-term relationship, it can help you come to an agreement on shared responsibilities. This can help either of you or both of you avoid feeling undervalued.

How Important Are Adventure and Leisure to You?

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If you’re someone who loves adventure, then it’s probably important that you find a partner with a similar view. By asking this question, you can get to know each other’s travel desires and what countries you’d like to visit. You can discuss how to implement leisure activities into your relationship as a hobby to share.

How Do You Feel About Pets and Animal Care?

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Your partner’s views on pets can be a big make or break in a relationship. It may be important for you to have pets in your life, and if your partner doesn’t share that opinion, it may be hard to commit. You can understand what pets you both are interested in and discuss responsibilities.

What Are Your Thoughts on Social Media?

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According to Vice, “Everyone has different opinions on the whole ‘amount of your life that you should reveal on social media’ thing.” Today, social media can have a big impact on relationships. People can often feel neglected in their relationships because their partner is more obsessed with social media.

How Do You Envision Handling Major Life Changes?

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Life can throw curve balls our way at any stage. Often, major life changes can have a negative impact on relationships due to stress. Understanding how your partner envisions handling any changes can give you a good idea of whether you’re compatible. You can discuss challenges regarding health or careers and how best to help each other through these situations.

How Do You Deal with Exes and Past Relationships?

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Learning about your partner’s past relationships can be a great way to support them through your relationship. You can understand any trauma that may still be present from previous relationships and figure out how to support them through that. It also allows you to set any boundaries necessary when communicating with exes.

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Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Ems Images/Shutterstock

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