18 Times the Bible Was Ahead of Its Time

The Bible documents history, and even with this, it has been able to offer many solutions to some of the contemporary problems we have today. Including environmental sustainability and alternative conflict resolution, here are 18 ways the Bible was way ahead of its time.

The Concept of Quarantine

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We start from what we see in Leviticus, where the Bible gives directions that we isolate lepers to prevent the spread of the disease. Of course, this coincides with the modern public health measure of quarantining, which was vital to managing the spread of COVID during the 2020 pandemic.

Guidelines on Food

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We also learn from the Bible, through Leviticus too, about dietary laws that make distinctions between clean and unclean animals worthy for us to eat. Today, for instance, the Cleveland Clinic explains how pork, one of the Bible’s unclean foods, exposes us to dangerous levels of unsaturated fat and sodium.

Sustainable Environmental Practices

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Genesis carries a mandate from God that we “till and keep” the earth. And this tells us to protect the earth like our own, bringing up the idea of environmental sustainability. But the Bible doesn’t end here. It also aligns with the modern, sustainable agricultural practice of land rotation by telling us to leave land fallow every seventh year.

Environmental Ethics in War

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Staying with the environment, the Bible also goes further, through Deuteronomy 20:19, to tell us not to destroy fruit trees when we attack during war. It goes hand in hand with the Red Cross‘s advice that we do not cut fruit trees or destroy buildings in a bid to avoid a humanitarian crisis.

Ethics Against Animal Cruelty

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It’s only recently that we’ve seen organizations like PETA advocate for animal rights. But the Bible already told us, through proverbs, that a righteous man cares for his beast—which could be an animal you use for transport, protection, or as a pet. Deuteronomy also tells farmers to allow their animals to rest on the day of the Sabbath.

Hygiene and Sanitation

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The laws of Moses prescribe that believers dispose of refuse outside their abode of living to prevent the spread of contaminants. And this is similar to modern waste management practices. What’s more, the Bible also talks about washing ourselves after coming in contact with the dead, which, as we now know, helps control the spread of infections.

Justice and Fair Trials

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The Bible also contains laws that are similar to but predate modern legal systems around the world. This is particularly true of its requirement that two to three witnesses be present to back up an accusation before a trial may be fair. It also shares the idea of asylums for individuals accused of killing until a fair trial can be held.

Equality Before the Law

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Regarding our modern justice system, the Bible also had laws that ensured equality before the law. In Leviticus, it states that both native-born and foreign residents had the same rights and obligations and prescribes against favoritism in deciding legal matters. The Bible also promotes social justice by advocating for marginalized groups like widows, orphans, and the poor.

Demanding Respect for Human Rights

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Exodus, through the story of Pharaoh and the Israelites, paints a glaring picture of how destructive slavery can be to a people. And, through the story of Joseph it also sheds light on the sinful, unnatural practice of kidnapping and human trafficking, which have now become a means of modern slavery in our modern world.

Murder Versus Manslaughter

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Like we see in the criminal justice systems of today, the Bible makes a distinction between the crime of murder and the incident of manslaughter. While it prescribes the punishment of death for murder, Deutronomy 19:4 from Bible.com, says, “If someone kills another person unintentionally…the slayer may flee to any of these cities to live in safety.

Mental Health Awareness

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The Book of Psalms acknowledges feelings of anxiety and depression, and it encourages us to seek help through expression and community support. The Bible also reassures us not to despair during periods of distress, and through its rituals of grieving, it also shows us the importance of letting out all our sorrow to the healing process.

Building Parapets

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Deuteronomy 22:8 instructs us that when we build a new house, we should erect parapets on its roof so as not to “bring guilt of bloodshed on your household if anyone falls from it.” This follows modern construction practices of including parapets in designs, which now also help reduce wind loads and prevent the spread of fires in buildings.

Workers’ Rights

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In the Bible, we also have commandments that are similar to modern principles around wages and leaves from work. We’re told not to allow the sun to set before paying the laborer his wages—pointing to due compensation—and there are also laws that tell us to allow workers rest during the Sabbath day.

Social Welfare Systems

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Identifying the need to care for the poor, the Bible offers a series of social welfare measures as support against economic hardship. It instructs farmers to leave the edges of their fields for the poor to harvest for food, and the Epistles of Paul explains the need for the redistribution of wealth to achieve balance.

Interest Rates

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Psalm 15:5 instructs us that we don’t charge interest on money, food, or anything that is lent to our countrymen—especially to the poor. We now see the negative impact of interest rates on the financial health of many people and even countries around the world.

Bankruptcy Laws

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Leviticus 25 lays down the principle of forgiving debts after 50 years (popularly referred to as the year of jubilee), and this serves as a precursor to modern bankruptcy laws. As we see from Cornell Law School, US bankruptcy laws now provide for the discharge of unsecured debts to benefit the debtor.

Public Communication and Governance

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The Bible also lays down certain structures for communal (and now state-wide) governance that involve an authority communicating and enforcing laws. Leaders are also made accountable to both God and the people, which mirrors principles of governmental accountability as well as systems of checks and balances.

Conflict Resolution

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We also learn the importance of alternative dispute resolution as the prime measure for resolving conflict. According to the Bible, the peaceful practices of mediation and reconciliation offer better solutions over legal and violent means—which we know almost never end well today.

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