The World’s 18 Most Dangerous Cities (10 Are in America)

From bustling American streets to sun-soaked tourist hotspots, danger lurks in unexpected corners. The dark underbelly of these cities, rife with violence and crime, will shatter any illusions of them being safe. We expose 18 of the world’s most perilous cities.

St. Louis, Missouri

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In recent years, this city has taken the number one spot in America as the most dangerous city to live in throughout the US. Best Diplomats remarked that “one of the factors contributing to St. Louis’ high crime rate is poverty. The city has a poverty rate of 22.4%, higher than the national average of 12.3%.” Coupled with unresolved historical segregation and a lack of investment in certain neighborhoods, this has created pockets of concentrated poverty and crime.


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Infamous for being an extremely violent and dangerous city. The BBC said, “Tijuana is regarded as the murder capital of the world, with 138 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants each year.” Primarily driven by organized crime and drug trafficking, Tijuana is experiencing increasing gang violence between rival drug cartels. This is also the main cause of death in the city, but furthermore, it suffers from high levels of petty crime, such as theft and robbery, making it unsafe for residents and visitors alike.


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The capital of Venezuela has caused many of its natives to migrate. The United Nations maintains that “Due to a severe economic and political crisis, 7.7 million Venezuelans have left everything behind to seek safety from growing violence, insecurity, a lack of food and medicine, and poverty in their homeland.” They rate in the top 3 in the world for the highest amount of homicides. Rampant gang violence and a lack of law enforcement contribute to Caracas’ danger.

Los Cabos

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Los Cabos is home to long white-sand beaches with warm and clear waters that are some of the best on the planet for surfing and snorkeling. But it is also rife with cartel violence, drug trafficking, and turf wars, which have made Los Cabos one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Shootings and homicides are frequent, posing a significant risk to residents and tourists.

Cape Town

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Cape Town is a city of breathtaking beauty and vibrant culture, but it is also plagued by a dark underbelly of crime and violence. Despite its stunning landscapes and thriving tourism industry, it has a disturbingly high crime rate, particularly violent crimes like murder, assault, and robbery.


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Fortaleza is the capital of the northeastern Brazilian state of Ceará. It’s famous for its beaches, which are defined by red cliffs, lagoons, and palm trees. However, it is also infamous for its gang violence, drug trafficking, and high levels of poverty, which have contributed to Fortaleza’s alarming homicide rate. Research Gate stated that it “has become the most violent state capital in the last years.” Shootings and other violent crimes are frequent occurrences.


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Widespread corruption within the police force undermines efforts to combat crime and maintain order in Acapulco. Rival cartels fight for control of drug trafficking routes and territory, resulting in frequent shootouts and kidnappings. Furthermore, criminal organizations extort businesses and individuals, creating an atmosphere of fear and insecurity.


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Natal, a state in northeastern Brazil, has extremely serious issues with trafficking, gangs, drugs  and social disparity. Rival gangs are constantly engaging in violent turf wars to gain control of drug markets and territory, leading to frequent shootings and murders. Natal is a major hub for drug trafficking, fueling violence and organized crime. High levels of poverty and inequality create social unrest and contribute to criminal activity.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Home to the Indy 500 motor race in the USA, as well as countless museums and impressive parks, Indianapolis might seem like a safe city. But, easy access to firearms and a culture of violence have exacerbated crime rates. Violent crime rates have started to decline in recent years because of initiatives like the Indiana Crime Guns Task Force, which aims to stop the entry of firearms into the city.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico, faces significant challenges that contribute to its reputation as a dangerous city. Consistently ranking among the US cities with the highest violent crime rates, including homicide, robbery, and aggravated assault. In 2020, the city’s violent crime rate was more than double the national average.

Stockton, California

Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

The Stockton crime rate has been steadily increasing over the past decade. The city went bankrupt in 2012, primarily due to the world financial crisis, which caused a huge drop in property value and resulted in high unemployment rates. The city has yet to fully recover and is still plagued by its effects, which have led to rising crime rates in the area.

Cleveland, Ohio

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

In the heart of America, Ohio battles a persistent crime problem that threatens to tarnish the state’s otherwise idyllic image. While not as notorious as some other states, Ohio’s crime rates, particularly in its urban centers, raise concerns for residents and businesses alike. From violent offenses like murder and assault to property crimes like theft and burglary, the specter of crime looms large, threatening the safety and well-being of Ohioans and challenging the state’s efforts to make it safe and secure.

Rio de Janeiro

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A city famed for its vibrant carnival and breathtaking beaches, also grapples with a grim reality: a persistent and alarming crime rate. Tourists and locals face the threat of violence daily, from petty theft on the beaches to armed robberies and carjackings in the streets. The city’s favelas, often controlled by powerful drug gangs, are hotspots for violence, with frequent clashes between rival factions and law enforcement.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Once a thriving industrial hub, the rising tide of violence has residents on edge. The city has experienced a surge in homicides, carjackings, and other violent crimes, prompting calls for action from community leaders and law enforcement. The escalating violence has not only tarnished Milwaukee’s image but has also instilled fear and uncertainty in the hearts of its citizens.

Baltimore, Maryland

Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock

A city teeming with culture and history, but also an excessively high crime rate. Shootings echo through neighborhoods once filled with laughter, and the siren’s wail has become an unwelcome soundtrack to daily life. The crisis, fueled by poverty, drug addiction, and a lack of opportunity, has eroded trust in law enforcement and left many feeling abandoned.

Memphis, Tennessee

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Residents live in fear of the escalating gun violence that has become an all-too-common occurrence. Carjackings, robberies, and assaults further plague the city, casting a dark cloud over its future. The majority of homicides in Memphis are classified as murders, and the rest are ruled as justified homicides or involuntary manslaughter. In the vast majority of these deaths, a firearm was used.

Detroit, Michigan

Photo Credit: Harold Stiver/Shutterstock

This city seems to be crumbling under the weight of a persistent crime epidemic that has left its mark on the city’s landscape and psyche. Violent crimes, shootings, and assaults plague neighborhoods. The city’s abandoned buildings and empty lots serve as grim reminders of a bygone era. With a rise in homeless numbers and a mental illness crisis, this city doesn’t show any signs of getting any safer.

Kansas City, Missouri

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With a number of reasons causing such high violent crime numbers, Kansas City has seen its homicide rate soar to alarming levels, with shootings becoming an almost daily occurrence in some neighborhoods. Some have put it down to a shortage in the number of officers for jail issues or a lack of investment in mental health.

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Photo Credit: CREATISTA/Shutterstock

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