Why Older Women Are Choosing to Live Alone: 19 Big Reasons

More and more older women are choosing to live alone, embracing the freedom and new opportunities it offers them. The idea that solo living leaves people feeling isolated and lonely is a thing of the past, and many women find that it helps their overall well-being and mental health. Here are 19 reasons why so many women are opting for this lifestyle choice.

Independence and Freedom

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One of the biggest perks of living alone is the freedom you have to make your own decisions. Setting your daily routines, deciding on which hobbies to put the most time into, and how you want to socialize can all be tailored completely to what makes you the most happy.

Escape from Traditional Gender Roles

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Older women often find themselves wanting to break away from the gender norms that define what they are expected to do around the house. While modern women are working hard to break down these traditional views, the Pew Research Center found that 69% of Democrats “say the country hasn’t gone far enough when it comes to giving women equal rights with men.”

Better Quality of Life

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Spending time alone gives you the space your mind needs to process the information you’ve learned throughout the day. This can improve your mental health, and the opportunity to create a completely personal living space will improve your overall well-being too. Living alone also reduces the risk of conflicts with others.

Personal Growth

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As women age, they may benefit from living alone as they are able to spend more time reflecting and improving on themselves. Not having to meet the needs of others often allows you to use more of your energy to create and learn by trying out new hobbies or going back to education.

Financial Control

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Being in total control of your finances is empowering, and some people find the task of managing money enjoyable. According to Rest Less, “One of the best things you can do to take control of your finances is to draw up a budget so that you know exactly where your money is going, and see where cutbacks could be made.”

Healthier Social Relationships

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Living alone means that you can socialize on your own terms and set your own personal boundaries without affecting others who live with you. Healthline also says, “Living alone gives you the chance to examine your relationships and note the ones that don’t do much for your well-being.”

Peace and Quiet

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Having a quieter home environment means you’ll be able to relax more fully and help reduce your stress levels after a busy day at work or socializing. This can also help you get a better night’s sleep, which will improve your overall health and energy levels.

Making Your Own Decisions

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Allowing yourself autonomy when it comes to everyday decisions such as what to eat for dinner or what time you want to wind down for the evening is very empowering. Scheduling your days and living exactly how you want to often means you live your life in a way that’s more authentically you.

Safety and Security

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Without other people coming in and out of their homes, some people feel safer in the knowledge that their property is secure and they’re not in any danger. If it’s something you still worry about, you can install camera doorbells or other home security features that will give you peace of mind.

Technology and Connectivity

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According to The Guardian, 27% of households in America have one person living in them. They say one factor in this is the connectivity that technology offers people, which “has allowed people to experience the pleasures of social life even when they’re living alone.”

Simplified Living

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Creating a space for one is often appealing to older women who enjoy the process of downsizing and decluttering their homes from the bigger family houses that they’re used to. This means there is less time spent on maintaining the living space, and household jobs become more manageable.

Rejecting Caregiving Roles

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For some, the pressures of caring for young grandchildren, adult children, or aging spouses are not appealing, and living alone reduces this. While there have been significant steps in recent decades to change the societal expectations of women, there’s still a struggle for many to be seen as equal to men.

Control Over Personal Space

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Personalizing your own personal space in a way that brings you happiness is another great benefit of living alone. You can decorate and maintain your home however you wish, without having to compromise to meet the needs or tastes of others.

Recovery from Loss

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Spending your downtime on your own can give you some much-needed space to learn to cope with the loss of a spouse or partner. Of course, family and friends can be a lifeline during this time, but having your own space gives you a chance to rediscover who you are.

Focus on Self-Care

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Often, people who live on their own find it easier to keep up their self-care routines. Not sharing your space or a schedule with anyone else means you’re more likely to stick to regular exercise, bedtimes, and other self-care rituals that improve your mental health.

Control Over Your Own Environment

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Without anyone else around, you only have to worry about meeting your own needs in the home environment. Whether you like the temperature at a certain level, the TV at a quiet volume, or you have strict standards for cleanliness, you can make yourself completely comfortable.

Opportunity for More Travel

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Another benefit of living alone is that you can travel whenever it suits you; there’s no need to fit in with another person’s preferences or schedules, plus packing for a solo trip is much easier. Traveling more often will give you the opportunity to enjoy new experiences and meet other like-minded people.

A Fresh Start in Retirement

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For many older women, living alone during retirement gives them the opportunity for a fresh start. They can decide on routines that suit them and try out new hobbies that meet their own personal interests. It also gives them the time to meet new people and socialize in different ways with others.

Building Connections in Your Community

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Just because you live alone doesn’t mean you’re isolated from others. In fact, it will often push you to get out and build stronger connections within your local community. You could consider joining clubs or volunteering to meet new people, which will help improve your mental health.

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Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Lestertair/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock

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