17 Key Phrases of Socially Intelligent People

Talking to people in the right way can help you build strong, positive relationships. By using these 17 key phrases, you can communicate more effectively, increase mutual respect, and create an inviting atmosphere. Socially intelligent people will use them for positive conversations at work, at home, or in social situations.

“I understand where you’re coming from.”

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By telling someone you understand their perspective, you show that you’re actively listening to them and are empathetic towards their feelings or thoughts. This can help people feel heard, which is particularly useful for diffusing conflicts. According to the Help Guide, “They’re then more likely to take the time to empathize with you as well.”

“Great job on that project!”

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Giving someone praise for specific things they have achieved or contributed motivates them and boosts their morale. It also shows that you’re paying attention to the hard work they’re doing, and celebrating their success. Over time, this can enhance someone’s productivity.

“What are your thoughts?”

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Asking others for their opinion on a decision you have to make or something that you’re reviewing shows that you respect their expertise and viewpoint. This helps to encourage a feeling of inclusivity and also increases the chance of effective collaboration.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

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Thanking someone for their effort shows them that you value what they bring to a team or a project, which can increase job satisfaction and loyalty. This also helps you; as Psych Central says, “Expressing gratitude encourages you to redirect your attention to the people, places, things, and experiences that make your life richer.”

“I believe in you.”

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When someone is doubting themselves or feeling nervous, this phrase is a great motivator. It shows that you trust them and have confidence in their ability to complete the task at hand. Over time, using this kind of language can really boost people’s self-esteem.

“Let’s figure this out together.”

Photo Credit: Egoitz Bengoetxea/Shutterstock

Maybe someone can’t figure out how to solve an issue, or you’re working on a project as a team; by saying something like this, you demonstrate that you want to collaborate. You’ll encourage people to work better as a team and allow them to feel shared responsibility for the work.

“How can I help?”

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Proactively offering your assistance to someone who is struggling or to a team that is trying to complete a project shows that you care and want to support others. It can help reduce someone’s stress levels and make overwhelming tasks seem more manageable.

“I’m sorry, let’s fix this.”

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

By apologizing and helping to find a solution to an issue or something that has gone wrong, you show that you’re ready to take accountability for your mistakes. It also shows you’re committed to making things right. When you apologize, try to keep it specific to the issue, as this makes it more sincere.

“That’s a great idea!”

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Validating the ideas and contributions others make will encourage them to think creatively so that you can come up with innovative solutions together. This phrase will make them feel valued, which is essential for getting people to work effectively in a team.

“Can you tell me more?”

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Asking questions helps validate others by showing genuine interest in what they’re saying. Verywell Mind says this “shows that you are listening and trying to understand.” It can also encourage them to share more detailed thoughts and feelings with you so that you can build a closer relationship.

“We did it together.”

Photo Credit: JLco Julia Amaral/Shutterstock

Even if you put in a lot of the work or came up with the final solution, acknowledging that you couldn’t have done it without the help of others helps create a sense of shared pride in your hard work and achievements. Celebrating each member of a team in this way also boosts morale.

“I hear you.”

Photo Credit: Dejan Dundjerski/Shutterstock

Telling others that you’re actively listening to them shows that you’re taking on board their thoughts or concerns. Using a phrase such as this helps to build trust between you and shows you’re empathetic towards their point of view.

“Let’s lighten up a bit.”

Photo Credit: Iammotos/Shutterstock

If things get a little tense or there is conflict between individuals, using humor can ease this. The Help Guide suggests that when “used respectfully, a little lighthearted humor can quickly turn conflict and tension into an opportunity for shared fun and intimacy.”

“What can we learn from this?”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

When something goes wrong, it’s important to try not to focus on the negative. By asking what you can learn, you turn it into a positive because you’re using it as an opportunity to develop your knowledge. This is much more constructive in a team environment, and it will also help to reduce the chance of people feeling discouraged by the mistake.

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”

Photo Credit: marvent/Shutterstock

This phrase will encourage those around you to be open and transparent, even with information they may feel worried about sharing. You’ll also show the person that you’re grateful for their efforts, which will make them feel more confident to communicate with you in the future.

“I appreciate your perspective.”

Photo Credit: bbernard/Shutterstock

If there’s a disagreement or you’re working in a team with a lot of different opinions, telling people that you value their perspective helps show that you respect them. This means you’ll be able to have more inclusive conversations and make informed decisions together.

“Let’s wrap this up nicely.”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

When you’re working in a group setting, if you’ve had to have a difficult conversation or things have become tense, it’s always a good idea to end on a positive note. This means everyone goes away feeling like they’ve achieved something as a team, and feels encouraged to take any actions they need to.

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Photo Credit: Bonsales/Shutterstock

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