18 Reasons Why the Bible Is Still Important Today

Despite its age, the Bible is one of the world’s most important and widely read books. At least 5 billion Bibles have been sold, and that number is only increasing. But why is such an old text still considered relevant in the twenty-first century? There are 18 reasons why Christians still read it.

It Contains Sacred Stories

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The Bible is the first place Christians go to experience and enjoy their religion’s most sacred stories. There are hundreds of stories in the Bible, so people can’t be expected to remember them all. Subsequently, the text stores these sacred stories, preserving them throughout history.

It Teaches Important Lessons

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Kindness, honor, respect, and integrity are all foundational Christian values, and the Bible promotes them all through its important lessons. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lists Jesus teaching unconditional love, God’s ever-present power, and Christ’s sacrificial crucifixion as some of the most significant teachings in the Bible that can help us today.

It Inspires New Followers

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Many previous atheists and agnostics were converted to Christianity after reading the Bible because its teachings inspired them. Reading about God, His holy work, and His creation convinces them to attend church and get involved in wider Christian communities, promoting faith and a new way of living.

It Unites Communities

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Jesus encouraged His disciples to work together and unite communities of Christians through their love of God, work that they still do today. People attend church to hear Bible passages read aloud and to discuss their faith. This encourages people to leave the house, socialize, and get involved in a thriving community.

It Helps Guide Society

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Christianity emphasizes the importance of virtuous behavior, and the Bible is frequently used as a moral guide for society. It helps us be kinder, improves our treatment of others, and shows us how to set boundaries and express our feelings. Whenever we feel lost, we can find comfort in the Bible.

It Gives People a Sense of Purpose

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Religion is a fantastic way to invigorate people and give them a sense of purpose. By following the word of God as it’s written, doing good deeds, and aiming to join Him in Heaven one day, Christians live happy, purposeful lives. They see the difference they make and are encouraged to continue their good work.

It Has Influenced the English Language

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Not only is the Bible an incredible religious source, but it has also greatly influenced the English language. According to Historic UK, the King James Bible contributed 257 phrases to the English language, more than any other text, including Shakespeare’s works! It’s no wonder such an influential book is still important.

It Encourages Charity

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Charity is very important to Christians, and we have the Bible to thank for that. Jesus was an incredibly charitable figure, always helping those less fortunate than Him and inspiring others to join His worthy cause. Reading these charitable biblical stories encourages us to do the same nowadays and improve the world.

It Convinces Skeptics

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Skepticism is one of the biggest reasons some people struggle to accept religion, so the Bible is an essential tool in convincing people to convert. For many, reading the Bible is enough to enlighten them and convince them to give Christianity a chance. Its stories are powerful and change people’s lives.

It Elevates Human Understanding

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It’s tricky and terrifying to imagine something so much bigger than us, but the Bible is a helpful tool for elevating human understanding of God. By reading His word, humans can better understand the universe, its mechanisms, and its sacred origins. They can also read it many times.

It Negates Incorrect Assumptions

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People have wrongly assumed things about Christianity for centuries, and sadly, incorrect assumptions are still rife. However, Christians point to the Bible for evidence that many of these assumptions about Christianity, including intolerance, ignorance, cruelty, and hatred, are false. Contrary to what many believe, the Bible is entirely relevant nowadays.

It Means a Lot to Christians

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When something means a lot to people everywhere, it’s culturally significant. After all, there’s a reason the Bible is the top-selling book year after year: people want to read it. The scripture is integral to the Christian faith and is considered sacred. They use it as a guide and seek to find themselves in it.

It Gets More People to Read

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Reading is an excellent way to exercise your brain and improve memory, so any book that gets more people to read deserves praise. A survey by the Pew Research Center found that 45% of Christians read the Bible at least once a week, so it’s one of those important books.

It Motivates People Through Hard Times

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Sometimes, things get tough, and we rely on coping mechanisms to help us get through them. Reading the Bible is a healthy coping mechanism that offers plenty of comfort. Christians regularly use their faith to motivate them to overcome adversity, just as Jesus did, and that includes reading the Bible.

It Promotes Humility

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Though it details many incredible feats of strength and power, like David defeating the giant Goliath, Moses parting the Red Sea, and Samson pulling a temple down, the Bible also promotes humility. Christians are encouraged to be meek and mild and let their actions speak for themselves. It’s an incredibly honorable text.

It Encourages Freedom of Thought

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Non-believers frequently criticize the Bible for forcing ideas on readers, but that isn’t true. It actually encourages freedom of thought by allowing readers to generate their own ideas about the stories. Though the Bible is the sacred word of God, it isn’t an authoritarian text with no room for interpretation.

It Offers Relevant Perspectives

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The Bible may be an ancient book, but it can still offer suitable perspectives for contemporary society. According to Compelling Truth, the Bible remains relevant because it addresses the universal needs of all people. Its perspectives on how we should live and behave are applicable to any period.

Its Message Is Timeless

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Finally, the Bible is still important today because its message is timeless. It teaches us to be indiscriminately kind to each other, be generous whenever we can, and live our lives as ethically as possible. None of those lessons are outdated; they’re integral to ensuring a thriving, united society.

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