20 Most Common Reasons Why Men Leave Their Marriages

Marriages take work and effort to last and thrive. If people work on them, then they can last a long time and be fulfilling, but this isn’t the case for every marriage. Here are the 20 most common reasons why marriages don’t work and men walk out.

Lack of Communication

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Many judge their relationships based on how good their communication is. When there’s a lack of communication in a marriage, it can be very difficult to last. Communication is key for both parties to understand one another. When it is lacking in a marriage, men can often see this as the time to walk away.


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Business Insider reports, “It’s normal to feel betrayed, less confident, or fearful of the future after learning of a partner’s affair, whether emotional or physical.” It’s incredibly hard for a man to stay in a relationship if his partner has cheated. They can feel betrayed and hurt by their partner’s actions, and it can be difficult to trust them.

Financial Strain

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Finances can have a negative impact on relationships, which is why some men leave their marriages. When money is tight, people can often become stressed, and when married, this can affect both partners. There can be disagreements over financial decisions due to differences of opinion.

Unmet Emotional Needs

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It can sometimes be portrayed that women are emotional partners, but men also have emotional needs. When these needs aren’t met for a man, they can feel neglected and that their marriage is no longer serving them. Being disconnected from their partner can result in them leaving their marriages.

Growing Apart

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When couples first get together, they likely have things in common and share interests. But later in life, they can develop new interests and hobbies that their partner has no interest in. For men, it’s extremely important to share experiences together, as this is a key way to feel connected in their relationship.

Unrealistic Expectations

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Men can sometimes find that their partner has unrealistic expectations of them. This can put a lot of pressure on a man to be something he is not. His partner can become frustrated when he doesn’t meet these unrealistic expectations, which can have a negative impact on their marriage.

Conflict Resolution Issues

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CNBC explains that 46% of marriages end due to conflict, with common reasons being career choices and parenting techniques. It’s important that these conflicts are resolved in the correct manner for the marriage to move forward and grow. When arguments aren’t resolved, it can be exhausting for a man.

Substance Abuse

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When a partner suffers from substance abuse, this can be very hard to accept and deal with and will often lead to marriage breakdowns. This may be because the man feels he has done everything he can to support his partner through their tough time, but no improvements have been made.

Lack of Intimacy

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Intimacy is a really important aspect of any relationship for a man. It allows them to feel connected with their partner, both physically and emotionally. A loss of desire for intimacy or attraction in a partner will often result in a marriage breakdown. It’s important to meet your partner’s needs in a marriage to maintain a healthy relationship.

Domestic Violence

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When it comes to domestic violence, many think of men being abusive to women. However, this isn’t the only case, and unfortunately, men can be victims of domestic violence too. This can cause a lot of physical and mental harm, and once this is apparent in any relationship, it should signal the end.


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According to Marriage, compatibility can take many forms, such as different goals, communication methods, or emotional connection. It’s common for couples to disagree on things in a relationship, but sometimes, marriages can reach a stage where they don’t agree on anything. Partners can have completely different views and beliefs about life.

Lack of Appreciation

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It’s always important to show appreciation for your partner. When a man doesn’t feel appreciated for what he does in his marriage, he feels undervalued. Resentment can start to build up, and it can make him feel like there’s no point in putting in effort if it’s not recognized.

Parenting Conflicts

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When children come along in a marriage, this can cause some conflict. Partners can have different views on how to raise their children, which can cause tension. If they can’t understand each other or come to an agreement on how to discipline their child, then it can cause the marriage to break down and the man to leave.

A Midlife Crisis

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It’s common for men to reach a certain age and have a midlife crisis. This often leads them to reevaluate what they want in life. They end up reflecting, wishing they had done things differently, and begin to rectify these things. This can see them leave marriages they feel weren’t serving them.

Lack of Support

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Men can often feel the pressure to support their partners and children, doing this regardless of their own issues. But when they feel they’re not being supported back by their partner, this can be difficult, as they feel like they are constantly giving without any return.

External Influences

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The external world outside of a man’s marriage can often have an impact on them walking away. They may hear or see their friends’ or coworkers’ relationships and feel they want certain aspects of that in their marriage that they aren’t receiving from their partner.

Sexual Incompatibility

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Having a good sexual connection in any relationship is very important to maintaining a healthy bond. Hello Divorce explains, “It’s a difficult situation to be in because the people may love each other, yet they may feel incomplete or as though they are sacrificing something important about themselves to be together.”

Mental Health Issues

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Men can find it hard to talk about their mental health issues. Sometimes, this lack of communication can lead them to walk away from their marriage to prevent hurting their partner further or to focus on their own well-being. It’s important to support your partner as much as possible when they’re suffering from mental health issues.

Job Stress

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Work can be stressful from time to time and managing work life and personal life can become difficult. People can carry the work stress over into their marriage and take it out on their partner. Also, working long hours and traveling for work may put a strain on a marriage as there is less time to connect.

Lack of Fun and Adventure

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Men enjoy fun and adventure in many aspects of their lives, especially their marriage. They want to enjoy life to the fullest with their partner, but when their partner doesn’t feel the same, it can make them walk away from the relationship. Spontaneous moments and shared experiences are a great way for a man to stay connected with his partner.

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Photo Credit: Bonsales/Shutterstock

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