17 Habits Women Should Never Do After 60

While turning 60 certainly isn’t the end of the world for women, it should mean the end of certain habits. Your 60s may be considered a time to embrace retirement and the golden years, but it’s also crucial to adapt to your changing health needs and lifestyle demands—and this means letting go of some bad habits. Let’s go over 17 that should be avoided!

Ignoring Nutritional Needs

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Sorry ladies, but it’s time to increase your intake of fiber, antioxidants, and lean proteins. Up until this point, you may have consumed as much sodium and processed foods as you liked, but this is a habit that needs to end. Focus on your nutritional needs and include calcium-rich foods in your diet to support bone health.

Avoiding Regular Exercise

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Getting the motivation to get up and work out can be tough, especially as you get older, but it’s important to engage in moderate aerobic activities like walking or swimming. We also recommend you include some strength training in your routine to maintain muscle mass and bone density.

Skipping Annual Health Screenings

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Now more than ever, regular health check-ups are necessary, so it’s best to break the habit of skipping out on them. As told by MedlinePlus, “These visits can help you avoid problems in the future. For example, the only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have it checked regularly.”

Overlooking Mental Health

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Unfortunately, your mental health can decline with age, so do your best not to overlook it. We recommend you stay as socially active as possible to combat loneliness. You can also engage in activities that challenge the brain, like puzzles or learning new skills. Of course, always seek professional help if you’re experiencing signs of depression or anxiety.

Neglecting Skin Care

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If you’re one of the many women out there who want to appear as youthful as possible for as long as possible, then you need to be using sunscreen and moisturizers daily. Neglecting your skin care is a bad habit, as is excessive sun exposure, which can accelerate skin aging.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

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Even when retired, it’s important to get an adequate amount of sleep each night, so do your best to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. If you struggle with this, here are a couple of tips: don’t use any electronics for at least an hour or two before bed, and avoid caffeine and heavy meals in this same timeframe.


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We know it’s easier said than done, but as shared by the American Cancer Society, those who quit smoking aged “55 to 64 avoided about 56% of the extra risk of dying from cancer they would have had if they’d continued to smoke.” So, smoking is definitely one habit to quit. You can consult a healthcare provider for support.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

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Likewise, too much alcohol is terrible for the body, especially after 60. It’s suggested that you limit your alcohol intake to one drink per day or less, ideally replacing it with healthier alternatives like flavored water. You should also educate yourself on alcohol’s effects on medications and health conditions.

Wearing Inappropriate Footwear

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You may have spent your younger years cramming your feet into heels and uncomfortable sandals, but now’s the time to choose shoes with good support and slip-resistant soles. We’re not saying to forgo style completely, but it’s best to opt for flats or orthotic shoes for the sake of your joint health and mobility.

Ignoring Dental Health

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Much like other parts of your body, your teeth can unfortunately suffer with age. So, after 60, make sure not to ignore your dental health any longer. Regular dental check-ups can help you prevent gum disease and tooth loss. You should also make sure you’re brushing and flossing daily.

Overlooking Eye Health

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The American Optometric Association recommends annual eye examinations for everyone aged 60 and over. If you haven’t had your eyes checked in a while, this is your reminder to schedule an eye exam and keep them regular! It’s important to be monitored for age-related issues like cataracts and glaucoma.

Not Staying Hydrated

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Many of us are guilty of not drinking enough water, but this is a habit that definitely shouldn’t be continued after 60. We suggest you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. It’s said that thirst diminishes with age so it’s more important than ever to stay on top of this and remember to stay hydrated.

Excessive Sitting

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Try to break up long periods of sitting with activities. Even if you have nothing to do, force yourself to stand or walk for a few minutes every hour. Lounging around is a habit that many older women find themselves doing in retirement but it’s not good for the body.

Eating Too Much Sugar

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Sugary treats are fine to consume from time to time, but they certainly shouldn’t be a habit, especially as you get older. Swap out your afternoon soda for a glass of water, or a processed slice of cake for a piece of fruit that has natural sugars instead.

Totally Avoiding Fats

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Too much of anything is a bad thing, but that doesn’t mean you should cut out fat completely from your diet. Healthline recommends you include healthy fats like avocado, salmon, and nuts in your diet—though you should still attempt to avoid trans fats and limit saturated fats.

Forgetting Strength Training

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Any exercise is good exercise, but don’t forget to incorporate light weights or resistance bands into your routine. Of course, we’re not recommending high-risk exercises like heavy lifting, but it’s important to include exercises that improve your balance and flexibility as these can decline with age.

Dismissing the Importance of Community

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Many women over 60 feel lonely as their kids and grandkids are busy with their own lives, so while you may have done so before, make sure not to dismiss the local community going forward. You can participate in community groups or online forums, and volunteer or join clubs that align with your interests.

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Photo Credit: Bonsales/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Francisco G. Mendizabal/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock

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