17 Dumb Reasons So Many People Dislike Boomers

Boomers are sometimes misunderstood by other generations. They grew up and lived in completely different times compared to the younger generations of today and they can often be judged on that. Here are 17 dumb reasons why so many people dislike boomers.

Boomers Are Behind the Times

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Many dislike boomers because they feel they’re behind the times, which obviously isn’t the case for all. Others feel they don’t embrace how many people live today. They feel boomers aren’t open to change and evolving with the times. However, many boomers have welcomed changes in technology and other aspects of modernity.

Boomers Are Financially Set

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Fortune reports, “Most (65%) millennials and Gen Zers are concerned about baby boomers’ influence on their financial future.” Many boomers are disliked because they’ve been successful. Others can be jealous that boomers have their finances together, although this isn’t the case for all boomers, and those who are financially stable have worked hard all their lives to achieve this success.

Boomers Don’t Care About the Environment

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One dumb reason others don’t like boomers is because they feel that boomers don’t care about the environment. This is a silly reason because it simply isn’t true. Many boomers do as much as they can by taking the correct practical steps to help with climate change.

Boomers Are Unhealthy

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Some view boomers as being a drain on society. They feel they’re an unhealthy generation that can use up medical resources. Boomers actually tend to maintain healthy lifestyles and make health-conscious decisions when it comes to food to help extend their lives for as long as possible.

Boomers Are All Alike

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Saying that a whole generation of people are all the same is dumb and a terrible stereotype. Just like any other generation on the planet, boomers are made up of diverse individuals. They have different values, cultures, and religious beliefs, just like other generations.

Boomers Are Set in Their Ways

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Boomers can be viewed as traditional and in some cases, this can be fair but not for everyone. Boomers are a generation that has had to adapt to constant changes throughout their lives. They have learned to embrace change and take it in stride instead of being left behind.

Boomers Are Societal Burdens

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According to the Vancouver Sun, “Critics have written lately about the burden boomers and seniors will become as they age. ‘Experts’ have predicted drastic increases in medical costs as these boomers become old and infirm.” People who have this view forget that it’s the previous generations that have built and molded societies into what they are today.

Boomers Resist Modern Work Culture

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Boomers can be disliked because some have the opinion that they resist modern work culture. Those boomers still working have embraced the changes in workplaces throughout their whole careers. They know from experience that changing with the times is important to stay relevant.

Boomers Are Not Technologically Savvy

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Many feel that boomers are a struggling generation when it comes to technology and this just isn’t the case. Boomers have grown up through the evolution of technology and have embraced the benefits of it. They may take longer to learn the skills of each new technology but they’re most certainly technologically savvy.

Boomers Had It Easy Financially

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Your Tango states that expenses for baby boomers were much different than they are now for Gen Z, as much has changed since the boomer generation was young. Boomers are often judged for having easier times, especially financially. This is a dumb reason to dislike them, as they’ve lived through multiple recessions, which would’ve impacted their finances substantially.

Boomers Are Disconnected from Younger Generations

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This is a silly reason to dislike boomers, as many of them have children and grandchildren that they’re extremely connected to. Boomers are also great mentors in professional and personal capacities, where they offer support and advice to younger generations to help with life experiences.

Boomers Have No Concern for the Future

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Some feel that, because of their age, boomers have no concern for the future, which is a dumb reason to dislike them. Many boomers are concerned, like other generations, about how the future is going to look. They have family members they care about, and they want the best for them.

Boomers Don’t Use Modern Communication Tools

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Many younger generations can dislike boomers because they don’t use modern communication tools. This obviously isn’t the case for all boomers, with some embracing social media, smartphones, and video chats to help stay connected. Those who don’t use modern communication tools should still be respected, regardless of their reason not to.

Boomers Are Not Involved in the Gig Economy

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Boomers can be disliked because they aren’t involved in the gig economy. Some boomers do work in the gig economy; for example, they work in consulting roles or part-time for extra money during retirement. Others choose to stick to their employed roles as they wind down during retirement, as they feel it provides more security for them.

Boomers Lack Entrepreneurial Spirit

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This is a very dumb reason to dislike boomers and it’s a view often held by the younger generations. What they don’t realize is that a lot of the products or services they use today come from boomers who had an idea and the courage to execute it.

Boomers Are Not Active Online Consumers

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Many with this dumb view believe malls are often full of older people but boomers, like other generations, actually see the benefit of online shopping and regularly do it. They enjoy online shopping and it’s been reported that 92% of boomers shop online. They like that it comes with the added benefit of being able to compare products and read reviews.

Boomers Are Isolated from Community

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This is a silly reason not to like boomers because it simply isn’t true. Boomers can often be lonely from time to time and actually use their communities as opportunities to socialize with others. They’re a caring generation, and they’ll often volunteer to help out at community events.

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