18 Biblical Predictions That Actually Came True

We all know that the Bible records history from the past. But do you know that there are multiple prophecies in it, very detailed, that eventually came true? Well, here are 18 of these prophecies that are interesting to read.

Tyre’s Destruction

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Ezekiel 26:3–21 holds a promise from God that many great nations will come against Tyre, and her walls and towers will be broken down, leveled like the top of a rock. And this unfailingly came to pass after Alexandar the Great destroyed Tyre and its extended island city in 332 BC, after which it never regained its prominence.

The Suffering Servant

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The University of Northern Iowa says that in Isaiah 53:1–9, the Bible describes that there will be a servant who will come to suffer for the sins of Israel and will be rejected by the people. He will also be subject to an unfair trial and die amongst criminals, which lays out Jesus’ ministerial life in precise detail.

A Reborn Israel

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We see in Ezekiel 36:24–28 that God says he will take the Jews out of all the nation and gather them at their home as a unified people. After 2,000 years of living in exile across the world, Jews finally got their long-awaited prophecy fulfilled in 1948 when the state of Israel announced its independence.

Bethlehem as a Ruler’s Birthplace

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In Micah 5:2, taking from Bible.com, there’s also a prophesy specifically saying that a ruler over Israel will rise from the small town of Bethelehem, and he will have origins from ancient times. Jesus fulfilled this with his birth at Bethlehem and as a descendant of the ancient kingdom of David—solidifying our previous prophesy.

The Temple in Jerusalem’s Destruction

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Jesus promised in Matthew 24:1-2 that, about the Temple in Jerusalem, “not one stone will be left upon another.” This eventually happened in 70 AD, when the Romans completely destroyed the temple. And today, another building stands on its foundation, signaling its total ruin.

Edom’s Desolation

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In Jeremiah 49:17–18, we see predictions that the city of Edom will be turned into an area where people will pass and scoff at, given its level of ruin. The Babylonians fulfilled this prophecy by destroying it in 6 BC, and it still lies in its leveled state today—never rebuilt.

The Preservation of Jerusalem

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The Bible also says that Israel will become a burden for the nations around her and that these nations will come against her but will never succeed—only ending up injuring themselves. The Office of the Historian shows this happened in the Arab-Israeli war of 1948, where the seven invading countries only ended up ceding more land to Israel.

David’s Eternal Throne

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Jeremiah, in Jeremiah 33:17 this time, prophesies that David will have a descendant sitting on his throne forever. Christians interpret this prophecy as having been fulfilled by Jesus himself, who is a descendant of David, sitting forever on the throne of God’s spiritual, everlasting kingdom.

Cyrus the Great

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A more astonishing prophecy is the one contained in Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1, where Cyrus was specifically named 150 years before he was even born. Reading from the ESV Bible, God says Cyrus will strip kings of their kingdoms and rebuild the city of Jerusalem, setting the Israelis free from Babylon.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

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David makes mention of a form of execution where an assembly of people pierce his hands and feet and tear his garments off his body—after which he cries to God for help. The punishment of crucifixion didn’t exist during this time, which was roughly 1,000 years before Jesus’ execution, and it closely matches the details of it.

The Worldwide Spread of the Gospel

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In Matthew 24:14, there is a clear message that the Gospel will be preached in all the nations of the world, and it’s only after that that the end will come. Today, the gospel has indeed spread to even some of the most remote places across the globe, and this is now further facilitated by the internet.

The Survival of the Jewish People

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God promises the people of Israel, through Jeremiah 30:11, that, although he will put an end to other nations where they have been scattered to, the nation of Israel will always continue to exist. The people of Israel, despite many prosecutions in history, still maintain their identity today.

The Fall of Egypt

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Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 29:15, says that Egypt will never regain its status as a ruler above nations. And this has remained true since the prophecy was made. Egypt has since been ruled by Libyans, Nubians, Assyrians, Romans, and the British, and today it is only revered for the history of past kingdoms.

The Fall of Babylon

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In Isaiah 13:19–22, the Bible doesn’t just say that the Kingdom of Babylon would lose all its glory to destruction; it goes further to prophesy that it will never be inhabited again. Of course, it now lies in ruins in modern-day Iraq (close to Baghdad) and is only open for tourist visits.

The Fate of Judah’s Kings

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Jeremiah 22:30 tells us that both Jehoiachin and his descendants won’t prosper sitting on the throne of David or have any rule over Judah. And this came true during Jehoiachin’s rule, when the Babylonians dethroned him, after which none of his seeds sat on the throne.

Nineveh’s Destruction

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Nineveh was destroyed by the allied forces of the Babylonians and the army of Median king Cyaxares in 612 BC, never to regain its former glory. This goes in line with the Bible’s prophecy in Zephaniah 2:13–15 that God will destroy Assyria, rendering its capital Nineveh dry as a desert.

The Betrayal of Jesus

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Again, King David alluded to the plight of his descendant, Jesus, this time in Psalm 41:9. Here, he says that a beloved friend, who had eaten from his bread, will turn heels against him. Jesus fulfilled this fate at the hands of Judas Iscariot, a close disciple who betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver.

Silence Before the Messiah

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God says in Amos 8:11–12 that there will be a period of “famine” where no one will carry the word of God despite everyone searching for it. We learn that this happened before the appearance of Jesus, as there hadn’t been a messenger from God 400 years prior.

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