17 Things Boomers Get Blamed For That Just Aren’t Fair

Boomers find themselves getting blamed for a lot of things by younger generations. Younger generations believe the boomer generation had it a lot easier than what youngsters do today. Here are 17 things people blame boomers for that just aren’t fair.

Ruining the Economy

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According to Yahoo! Finance, “In the latest battle between the generations, younger Americans are allegedly blaming baby boomers for a faltering U.S. economy — including concerns surrounding high interest rates, unaffordable housing, and even Social Security going bankrupt.” This isn’t fair to the generation as they had their own financial struggles.

Not Caring About the Environment

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Younger generations often feel they’re doing all the work to make the world a better place. They can feel older generations don’t care about the environment, as they won’t be around as long as the younger generations. What they’re forgetting is that boomers have been focusing on improving the environment for decades.

Being Self-Centered

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Boomers are often harshly labeled as being self-centered. This is certainly not the case, as many boomers contribute to society in different ways. Boomers are known for being volunteers and mentors for younger generations. They can be heavily involved in community work, with some being philanthropists.

Being Financially Irresponsible

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It’s not fair to say that all boomers are financially irresponsible, as this stereotype overlooks the financial diversity within the generation. They’ve faced economic downturns that negatively impacted their investments and pension funds, but they’ve had to adapt to come through those difficult periods.

Being Stuck in the Past

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Boomers do like their traditional ways, especially when it comes to business. For example, The Guardian reports that 86% to 92% of companies are still using checks. This is often because they are boomer-owned. However, many boomers welcome the opportunity to adapt to new societal changes as it’s a chance to learn and grow.

Not Adapting to Technology

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Many view boomers as technophobes and believe that only younger generations are using technology. This isn’t the case, as boomers have grown up through the evolution of technology, so it can be argued they have more experience than others. They lived through and adapted to the introduction of the computer.

Being a Burden on Healthcare

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Older generations are likely to need healthcare more than younger people, but to say they are a burden is unfair. Boomers try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by staying active to reduce any health problems. They’ve also contributed to advancements in medical technology.

Not Understanding Modern Workplaces

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Workplaces have significantly changed since the boomer generation first started working. They’ve had to adapt to a changing workplace environment during their careers and have actually embraced it. Many enjoy and thrive in modern workplaces so much that they choose to work beyond retirement age.

Having It Easy in Retirement

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Retirement in general is meant to be a more relaxing period of your life, but that doesn’t mean that it’s easy. Boomers suffer from financial difficulties in retirement as their pensions may not be as strong as a working wage. They also have to worry about challenges with healthcare and the potential costs.

Being Wealthy

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Some people view boomers as being wealthy, which is a stereotype that isn’t fair. To say a whole generation is rich clearly isn’t true. Many boomers stay in employment or take on a part-time role during their retirement years to help with the cost of living.

Not Supporting Younger Generations

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Megan Gerhardt, via LinkedIn, reports, “As retirement approaches, many older employees may feel that their knowledge and insights are not valued by younger generations.” To say that boomers don’t help younger generations is completely untrue. Boomers have vast life experience, and they’re often happy to share tips with younger generations.

Being Unable to Handle Modern Jobs

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There is no denying that jobs have changed over a boomer’s career, and there are new ways of working today. But to say boomers can’t handle modern jobs is harsh. Boomers have had to spend their whole careers taking on new challenges and adapting to the times, and that’s no different from what they still do today.

Being Out of Touch With Current Affairs

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It could be argued that boomers are actually far more in touch with current affairs than any other generation. Younger generations aren’t as focused on the news or political matters, whereas this tends to be something boomers are interested in on a daily basis.

Not Caring About Social Justice

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Many who say boomers don’t care about social justice haven’t taken the time to look back in history to see how they have massively contributed. Many boomers played a key role in historic civil rights and social justice movements. They continue to support and guide younger activists today.

Not Valuing Diversity

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Younger generations say that boomers don’t value diversity. However, according to Progression HR, it’s just that boomers view it differently. They see diversity as being a place that is equal and fair, while younger generations consider it to be about race, sex, religion, and physical ability.

Opposing New Educational Methods

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Many boomers value the importance of correct education for the younger generations. Some are actively involved in local school boards and support progressive educational initiatives. So this is an unfair statement to make about boomers. They often encourage and even finance their grandchildren through college.

Causing the Housing Crisis

Photo Credit: mojo cp/Shutterstock

To state that an entire generation caused a housing crisis would be a little extreme. There are many complex factors that lead to a housing crisis that are beyond the control of one generation. Boomers themselves were significantly impacted, and many struggled with housing market challenges.

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