17 Ways to Tell If Someone Is a Sociopath or a Psychopath

It can be hard to understand a person’s personality traits. However, after spending some time together, there are often signs you can pick up on showing potential concerning behavior. Here are 17 things that can show you that someone may be a sociopath or a psychopath.

They Lack Empathy

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A lack of empathy towards others can be a sign that someone is a sociopath or psychopath. For example, according to Science Daily, “psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow affect, glibness, manipulation and callousness.” These people can have difficulty understanding and relating to other people’s emotions.

They Are Manipulative

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A common characteristic of sociopaths and psychopaths is that they tend to try to manipulate people. This can even be a charming way to hide their true characteristics, but it’s all with the end goal of getting what they want. They have no issue exploiting others for their own personal gain.

They Are Superficially Charming

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If you feel someone is overly charming, be cautious, as it could be a sign that they’re a sociopath or psychopath. This can be more difficult to spot as we normally think of charm as a positive trait. Look at when and how they are charming; is it in a controlling or manipulative situation?

They Have a Superiority complex

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Psychopaths and sociopaths can sometimes have an inflated sense of self-importance. This can lead them to believe that they’re superior to others. They can often expect special treatment and admiration from others. Their actions can be selfish, reflecting their beliefs about being superior.

They Are Impulsive

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Being impulsive from time to time can be a positive thing, but if you notice someone always being impulsive without fearing the consequences, this could be a sign they’re a psychopath or sociopath. They may get involved in risky situations without thinking about safety or may even show a lack of self-control.

They Lack Remorse

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Psychopaths and sociopaths often show no signs of remorse. This is mentioned by BetterHelp, reporting that, “They may lie, cheat, manipulate, and steal and simply not care about the effects or consequences. They may also use gaslighting and other manipulation techniques.” They don’t feel guilty for their actions when harming others.

They Are Irresponsible

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Acting irresponsibly in certain situations and disregarding social norms could be a sign of psychopathy or sociopathy. It’s common for such people to not fulfill the obligations or commitments they’ve made. They don’t fear any consequences of their irresponsibility either.

They Overrely on Others

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Psychopaths and sociopaths have a tendency to abuse the generosity of other people. They have no issue relying on other’s finances or resources because of their single-mindedness. They only care about themselves and are happy to take advantage of others to do what’s best for them.

They Lie Easily

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You may think lying is an easier way to spot a psychopath or sociopath, but they can be clever at hiding their lies. They happily fabricate stories or deceive others for their advantage. Try to pull them up on their behavior, and you’ll see they have no care for your feelings.

They Have Little Control Over Their Behavior

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Sociopaths and psychopaths often have poor behavioral habits and tend to behave out of context in certain situations. They may be aggressive or irritable in calm interactions for example. They can also react negatively to even the slightest criticism, regardless of who it’s from.

They Have a History of Early Behavioral Problems

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According to Choose Therapy, if children don’t show signs of empathy when someone is hurting, they may be revealing sociopathic behaviors. You can often see signs that someone is a sociopath from an early age. This can be the start of antisocial behavior as they struggle to fit in with the crowd. They may have used violence when they were young to deal with certain situations.

They are Sexually Promiscuous

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Psychopaths and sociopaths are known to apply sexual charm to manipulate others into getting what they want out of them. They tend to engage in numerous casual, superficial relationships. When they do have relationships, they lack depth and meaning due to their lack of emotions.

They Don’t Have Realistic, Long-Term Goals

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You may find that a psychopath or sociopath sets unrealistic long-term goals. This is because they lack awareness of challenges and overestimate their own abilities. These goals lack any depth of thought, and they often quit something before they’ve even started. You may see this professionally when people are constantly changing jobs.

They Don’t Have a Stable Lifestyle

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The Psychiatric Times reports that psychopaths don’t have a stable social network or close bonds with other people. People with psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies often have chaotic lifestyles. They tend to get bored very easily, so a stable life doesn’t serve them. They struggle to fit typical societal roles and will have a very up-and-down lifestyle.

They Engage in Criminal Activities

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People who engage in criminal activities are often different from the average person. This can be a sign that they could be a psychopath or a sociopath. They don’t fear the consequences, and they don’t care about hurting others, so often the criminal activities they engage in can be of the very worst kind.

They Lack Accountability

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Regardless of the extent of a psychopath’s or sociopath’s actions, they will not accept accountability for their mistakes. They don’t understand the concept of accountability and will deny responsibility and blame it on other factors. If you find yourself being blamed for someone else’s actions, avoid that person at all costs.

They Are Unable to Form Deep Emotional Bonds

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Psychopaths and sociopaths often struggle to maintain relationships due to their lack of ability to form deep emotional bonds. You may know someone who doesn’t have close relationships or is always changing friends, and this can be a key sign. They lack any emotional bond, even with family members.

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