17 Things You Didn’t Know Were Mentioned in the Bible

The sacred text of the Bible is full of information that we take for granted. While many stories are considered works of fiction, there is no denying that it contains historically accurate information and even a little foreshadowing. Here are 17 things you didn’t know were mentioned in the Bible.


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We consider unicorns to be mythical creatures, but the Bible mentions their existence in multiple verses. Although the creature we know from folklore may not be exactly the same as the one described in the Bible, the unicorn is a symbol of Christ’s power.


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When compared to the age of the Bible, psychology is a relatively modern concept. Yet the Bible constantly refers to behaviors and emotions in a way that we would understand as psychological analysis. The National Institutes of Health states that psychology didn’t emerge as a scientific discipline until 1879, but the Bible highlights that there was awareness of this topic before this.


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Another creature we understand to be mythical but is also featured in the Bible is the dragon. Dragons are mentioned in various contexts but are typically symbolic of evil. However, their depiction in the Bible is greater than the fire-breathing creatures of legend that we know.


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There are many worshippers of the Bible who say that the concept of dinosaurs doesn’t align with Scripture’s accounts of the creation of the world. While the word ‘dinosaur’ is not discussed, there are many creatures mentioned with similar descriptions to dinosaurs.


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Many think of the Bible as a beacon of light but that doesn’t mean that evil traits are not mentioned. Cannibalism is mentioned in the Bible multiple times, both as prophetic warnings and as part of historical accounts. It shows the harsh realities that ancient societies were faced with.

Tarot Cards

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The Bible and tarot cards are conflicting concepts, so much so that the Bible even mentions their prohibition. The Bible condemns divination and occult practices, one of which is the reading of tarot cards. Christianity.com describes tarot cards as evil and sinful, advising that they should be avoided by Christians.


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We consider tattoos to be relatively modern but the Bible references tattoos. It prohibits the marking of one’s skin which many religious scholars have interpreted to mean tattoos. The Bible teaches us that our body is a temple and it is thought that defacing it with permanent ink is disrespectful.


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There are several Biblical passages with interpretations that refer to aliens. Ezekiel experienced a vision of a flying object with living creatures, which we would understand to be a UFO. While aliens are not specifically mentioned, there are references to extraterrestrial beings.


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Alchemy is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible but there are references to alchemical concepts. Stories of purification and transformation are connected to alchemy, but while we may consider them to be medieval science, the Bible expresses them as the miracles of God.


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According to the World Health Organization, the world’s first successful vaccine was not until 1796, but there are sources suggesting vaccination existed as early as 200 BCE. One of these sources is the Bible with principles of public health and healing relevant to the development and use of vaccines.

Time Travel

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Several Biblical passages have interpretations connected to time travel. There are many premonitions, visions of future events, and encounters with guardian angels that could be interpreted as instances of time travel. There are up to 50 Bible verses connected to the theory of time traveling.


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The Bible discusses ethical principles related to the sanctity of life and reproduction. Although these verses can have multiple translations, many scholars interpret them to mean consequences for potential cloning processes in the future. Cloning would defy the boundaries of God’s creations.

Artificial Intelligence

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In the last year alone, AI has taken over the world. As such a modern concept, it is hard to believe that it may have been mentioned in the Bible, but the idea of artificial intelligence is an old theory. The Bible’s themes of human creation, knowledge, and wisdom provide implications for the ethics of AI.

Quantum Physics

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Mystery and the nature of reality are both explored deeply in the Bible. Lots of these themes are similar to concepts of quantum physics. Seeking Truth says that quantum physics exposes the theory of multiple dimensions, a concept that the Bible also supports in its portrayal of God.

Social Media

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Principles related to communication, relationships, and the power of words are all discussed in the Bible. The one thing that connects these concepts in the modern world is social media. The Bible may not have a direct teaching on social media, but it implies that we should use it in a way that serves others.

Virtual Reality

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Themes of illusion, deception, and spiritual warfare are woven throughout the Bible. Many modern scholars consider some of the verses to be a premonition of the downfall of society that could occur as a result of virtual reality. The Bible teaches us to face challenges, while virtual reality is a means of escaping these challenges.

Climate Change

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Climate change has always been a hot topic of conversation, even in the Bible. This text which is thousands of years old, discusses natural disasters and global upheaval, showing that there has always been a need for humans to be eco-conscious.

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