19 Phrases Confident People Use When They Want to Be Assertive But Not Rude

Nobody wants to be thought of as rude, but none of us want to be seen as a pushover, either. Luckily, there is a happy medium. Here are 19 phrases that confident people use when they want to be assertive but not rude.

I Understand Your Point, But I See It Differently

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This phrase encourages open dialogue, which, according to Forbes, is important. It acknowledges the other person’s perspective and creates an environment for open communication. However, it also clearly states a differing opinion without dismissing the other person’s ideas.

I Believe in My Approach Because…

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Saying these words will provide clear justification for one’s viewpoint, which can help others understand and respect your perspective. At the same time, it will show self-assurance as long as you are backing up your stance with persuasive reasoning.

Can We Explore This Further?

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This phrase encourages others to get involved in decision-making, inviting others to participate in the exploration of ideas or solutions. It also demonstrates openness, as it indicates a desire to fully understand all aspects of the situation before making a decision.

Let’s Find a Solution That Works for Both of Us

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This phrase suggests a cooperative approach to problem-solving and shows leadership without being confrontational. It also shows that you value the needs and inputs of others, which encourages mutual respect, which Cal State says is of utmost importance for fostering a healthy and productive work environment.

I Would Appreciate Your Support With…

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This phrase asks for assistance directly and clearly communicates your needs, which can lead to better outcomes and understanding. It also shows respect for the abilities of others. It shows that you recognize and value the skills and contributions of others, which can enhance collaboration.

I’m not comfortable with that

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Stating your discomfort is a good way to respectfully set boundaries. This phrase allows you to assert your limits without offending others by politely declining or expressing discomfort. It also helps people to clearly understand your principles or limits, which helps maintain professional integrity.

Your hard work is appreciated, however…

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Beginning a sentence with recognition of hard work can soften the impact of any critical feedback that follows, balancing praise with constructive criticism. It also encourages receptiveness of feedback without causing discouragement, and in the opinion of Harvard Business Review, appreciation will strengthen bonds in the workplace.

Let’s agree to disagree

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This phrase acknowledges differences without any conflict and accepts that agreement may not be possible, which can prevent situations from escalating. This will allow you to preserve professional relationships and move past unresolved issues without resentment.

Would you be open to…?

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Asking “Would you be open to…?” is a good way to introduce new ideas or changes without imposing them on others, which shows consideration for different opinions. It also asks for input in a way that can make others feel included and valued.

Please correct me if I’m wrong

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This phrase shows humility, a trait that FAU says makes people more likable, and indicates openness to feedback, which helps to encourage honest and productive conversations. It also demonstrates that you are willing to learn from those around you and that you value accuracy over your ego.

I need some time to think this over

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When you state that you need time to think about something, you are indicating to others that you take decisions seriously and take time to think things through. This shows that you are responsible for your actions and realize that some decisions may have a wider impact.

This is what I can commit to

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This phrase will set clear expectations for everyone involved and clarify limits and any boundaries you may have. Being transparent with wording like this will ensure that commitments are realistic and manageable, which can help in building trust.

Thank you for your patience

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Expressing gratitude in this way can strengthen relationships and foster a positive working environment, and it may prevent people from becoming frustrated. This phrase acknowledges and appreciates the patience or understanding of others, which enhances mutual respect.

I feel…

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Using “I feel” statements can help to express emotions and convey personal reactions without blaming or criticizing others. They help avoid conflict, as they focus on you and how you see things and not on what someone else has done or said. They also promote a more open and emotionally honest dialogue, which can prevent misunderstandings.

It’s important for me to…

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This helps to communicate your priorities and what matters to you personally or professionally. Saying a phrase like “It’s important for me to…” expresses your values or needs and encourages others to respect your perspective.

Could we consider…?

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Asking a question like this invites contributions from others and opens up the floor for new ideas, suggesting a willingness to consider different viewpoints. This helps to encourage a cooperative approach to decision-making or problem-solving.

From my experience…

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This phrase shares personal insight without dismissing anyone else’s perspective. Relating personal experiences and providing practical examples encourages knowledge sharing and promotes an environment where people are eager to learn new things.

This doesn’t align with our goals

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Use this phrase to help redirect conversations towards collective goals or projects, ensuring alignment in group efforts. Saying, “This doesn’t align with our goals,” will encourage discussions to move in the right direction and turn the focus to the group objective.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention

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This shows appreciation for information and encourages continued openness and sharing. It also signals that you value the input of others and are approachable, which can foster an environment where communication freely abounds and the sharing of ideas is welcomed.

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