18 Things Old People Just Can’t Get On Board with Today

There are many things about the modern world that older people just can’t get on board with! The world has changed so fast, leaving us feeling a little out of touch. You’re not alone; let’s investigate 18 things old people just cannot get on board with these days.

Embracing the Digital World

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The digital world is the key area in which old people just can’t get on board. They face challenges with smartphones, computers, and tablets and can’t get behind social media platforms. While the Pew Research Center notes a growth in adaptability, there are still many old people feeling left behind.

Smart Home Technology

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There are many gadgets around the house these days; aside from smartphones, even our thermostats, security systems, and lights are controlled by some sort of gadget! It’s becoming pretty exhausting; we miss the simple and minimalist homes we had in the past.

Software Updates

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Have you ever noticed that your smartphone wants to update all the time? Just as you get used to the older interface, a new one comes out, demanding you to learn new things all over again. There’s no wonder that old people can’t get on board with the constant changes!

Streaming Platforms

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These days, young people seem to be constantly ‘binge-watching’ TV series or YouTube videos instead of watching cable TV like older people prefer to do. There’s just something about the mass-produced nature of these modern streaming platforms that feels impersonal and unrelatable to older people.

Modern Communication Methods

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Communication these days doesn’t just have a sprinkle of technology; instant messaging involves emojis, memes, and acronyms… it feels like a whole different language for us old folk! Sadly, this is how the kids prefer to chat these days, so we reluctantly join in, but we’d prefer a phone call or visit any day!

Online Doctor’s Appointments

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If you get driven crazy by all the online bookings needed these days, don’t worry–you’re not the only one! It’s super frustrating, especially when even booking a doctor’s appointment is digitalized. We don’t want health-tracking apps or e-meetings; just give us the old-school doctor experience.

Contemporary Fashion

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Fashion today is insanely different from when we were younger. Sure, fashion always changes, but the general sense of clothing has changed a lot as well. These days, fast fashion, casual dress, and accessories are becoming increasingly popular—something that would have boggled minds back in the ‘60s!

Online Banking Tools

Photo Credit: Andrey Popov/Shutterstock

S&P Global has discussed how high street banks closed at record rates between 2019 and 2022, with the bank companies preferring their customers to carry out their banking online through apps. Are you serious!? That’s not ideal for us old folk who’d rather speak to a person in a branch.

The ‘Gig’ Economy

Photo Credit: Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock

Companies like Uber and Fiverr have revolutionized how young people travel, vacation, eat, and work. We’re happy for them, but it’s all very confusing to us old people. Whatever happened to turning up at a company’s headquarters and handing in your resume?

Online Privacy

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Technology is one thing, but the world of cybersecurity can be truly overwhelming and even dangerous, especially for older people. In addition to being vulnerable to information theft, old people are also more at risk of losing access to their online accounts due to the never-ending list of passwords we have to memorize!

Adult Education

Photo Credit: Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock

We can all agree that it’s never too late to learn something new, but when the world of adult education has become so digitized, this can prove to be hard work. Many adult education courses are online nowadays, and it’s really off-putting to us old folk.

New Social Norms

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Society’s social norms are changing at a truly blistering rate; new family structures and social configurations are in place everywhere, gender diversity has broadened to unprecedented degrees, and general social etiquette and political correctness are not what they used to be. We’re trying to keep up, but give us a break–it’s exhausting!

Dietary Trends

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When we were younger, even being vegetarian was unheard of, so there was certainly no such thing as ‘vegan.’ However, CookUnity claims that there are now as many as 3% of Americans who consider themselves to be vegan. Don’t even get us started on gluten-free, keto, and intermittent fasting!

Modern Transportation

Photo Credit: pcruciatti/Shutterstock

In addition to the confusion of ride-hailing apps like Uber, there are other reasons why older people struggle to get ‘on board’ with transport. Nowadays, ticketing systems for trains and buses are often online; honestly, it’s almost like they’re trying to scare us oldies away!

Modern Politics

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There are an increasing number of new political ideologies in the world, but even mainstream political views seem to be constantly on the move. Social media and online news have had a massive impact on that, and frankly, it’s all becoming overwhelming, preventing old people (and young people) from jumping on board.

Modern Art and Culture

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Today, we’re seeing a rise in contemporary art forms like digital art, installations, and performance art, which never really existed before. Much like other points on this list, this is great to see, but don’t be surprised when we turn our nose up at it. It’s just all too confusing!

Environmental Concerns

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The world is becoming eco-friendly, which is, of course, a good thing. For example, PR Newswire reports that eco-friendly packaging has grown substantially in recent years! It’s great to hear about this, but why do the kids have to be so extreme about it all? The world isn’t burning any time soon!

Modern Slang

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Finally, language constantly evolves; even we old folk had slang when we were young! However, the way young people talk nowadays takes things to the extreme. It can be pretty hard work to get on board with these new dialects, which is hard when you just want to catch up with your grandkids.

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