17 Misconceptions Protestants Still Hold About Catholics

Catholics and Protestants belong to Christianity; however, there are rifts between the two denominations. Catholics and Protestants were at war for centuries, and some of those conflicting ideas still exist. However, not all of these are accurate, just like these 17 misconceptions Protestants still hold about Catholics.

Catholics Worship the Virgin Mary

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One of the most rampant Protestant misconceptions about Catholicism is that Catholics worship the Virgin Mary instead of Jesus Christ. Mary is prominently featured in Catholic images within the church because they wish to honor her role in Christ’s life and Christian salvation, but Catholics don’t worship her.

They Believe in Working For Salvation

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Christians believe Christ died so humanity’s sins may be forgiven, allowing us all to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. However, Protestants often criticize Catholics for supposedly believing we must work for our salvation, which is patently false. The Catholic church has never taught this, and it believes Christ’s sacrifice saves us.

Catholics Don’t Believe in Christ

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Believing that Catholics don’t believe in Christ is a ludicrous misconception that many Protestants still hold. The Catholic Education Resource Center teaches that Catholics believe in the Holy Trinity, which includes Christ as the Second Person to the Father: the Son. Catholics love Christ and direct their prayers to Him.

The Pope is Infallible

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Protestants don’t follow the Pope because they reject papal supremacy. However, Catholics don’t mindlessly follow everything the Pope says, nor do they believe he is infallible like God. They believe he is infallible when speaking on moral matters, but ultimately, his guidance helps them, and they also think for themselves.

Constantine Founded the Catholic Church

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Constantine the Great was Emperor of Rome from AD 306 to 337, and his reign elevated the status of Christianity in Rome. Before converting to Christianity, he was pagan, which is likely why some Catholics claim he founded the Catholic Church. However, this is untrue; Constantine simply decriminalized and promoted the Christian faith.

Catholic Beliefs are Pagan

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Relating to the last misconception, many Protestants falsely believe that Catholicism is paganism disguised as Christianity. The Constantine rumors are partially to blame for this misconception, but so are ideas about Catholic rituals evolving from pagan beliefs. However, pagans are polytheistic, so they’re very different from monotheistic Catholics.

They Worship Icons

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Catholic churches are filled with statues, stained glass windows, and other images to teach biblical stories. Because of the difference in their churches, Protestants have the misconception that Catholics worship icons, which the Bible strictly forbids. Christian Answers confirms that Catholics don’t believe statues are God, so they don’t worship them.

Catholics Changed the Bible

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The Bible is integral to the faith of both Catholics and Protestants, but the latter often accuses the former of changing it to fit their beliefs. A common accusation is that Catholics added seven books to the Bible, but though these texts were written, they’ve never been canonically considered biblical.

Catholics are Anti-Science

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Atheists often accuse Christians of being anti-science, so it’s shocking when Protestants direct the same claims at Catholics. Catholicism has never been closed-minded towards science. In fact, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican City promotes the progression of the mathematical, physical, and natural sciences.

They Ask Priests to Forgive Their Sins

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All Christian denominations believe in confessing your sins, but Catholics attend confession with priests the most. That’s likely why some Protestants wrongly believe that Catholics ask priests to forgive their sins. However, that’s untrue. The priest’s authority conveys forgiveness that Catholics believe can only come from Christ Himself.

The Vatican Owns All Catholic Churches

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Protestants don’t believe in papal supremacy, so many actively oppose the Vatican and the Pope. Claiming that the Vatican owns all Catholic churches is an attempt to discredit Catholics by implying the Pope controls them. Aside from churches within Vatican City, all Catholic churches are owned by local parishes or bishops.

Catholics Worship Saints

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There’s a trend of anti-Catholic Protestants attempting to discredit Catholics by claiming they worship anyone or anything other than God, but these accusations are all false. Catholics might pray to saints to have their prayers conveyed to God, but they do not worship them. They reserve their worship solely for God and Christ.

They Re-Sacrifice Christ During Mass

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Mass honors Christ’s noble sacrifice when he allowed himself to be crucified for the sins of mankind, so it’s offensive for Protestants to still believe that Catholics wish to re-sacrifice him. According to the National Catholic Register, Catholics use mass to represent Christ’s one sacrifice, not repeat it.

Catholics Disregard the Old Testament

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Another common misconception Protestants have about Catholic Bible study is that Catholics only prioritize the New Testament. However, Catholics base their faith on the entire Bible and use the teachings of the Old Testament to read and understand the New Testament. The whole Bible factors into what Catholics believe about the world.

Catholics are Materialistic

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Catholic churches are frequently criticized for being too lavish for places of worship, but these short-sighted complaints are further attempts at shaming Catholics. Protestants share this misconception because their churches are, by contrast, much simpler. However, Catholics are also charitable and kind and don’t prioritize material things over their faith.

All Catholic Priests are Corrupt

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Unfortunately, many Catholic priests have disgraced their positions through various scandals, giving anti-Catholic Protestants ammunition against the entire denomination. However, it’s ignorant to tar all Catholic priests with the same brush. Every religion has encountered corruption, and so have all branches of Christianity.

They aren’t Christians

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Perhaps the most ridiculous misconception of all is protestants accusing Catholics of not being Christians. This misconception has fueled centuries of conflict between Protestants and Catholics, but Merriam-Webster firmly defines a Christian as ‘one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ,’ so claiming Catholics aren’t Christians is nonsensical.

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