18 American Phrases That Don’t Make Sense Anywhere Else in the World

Have you ever talked with an American and become baffled by what they were saying? We know certain statements can be confusing. That’s why we’ve compiled 18 American phrases for you to understand and even adopt into your own vocabulary.

“Table It”

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When you don’t want to discuss a subject now, you simply request that it be brought up on another date. An American may tell you to “table it.” To table an item is to postpone considerations for it, usually because there are more important things to deal with at the moment.

“Out of the Ballpark”

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An American will tell you that you hit something out of the ballpark if you were very accurate about it. The word “ballpark” also comes in a few other phrases. A “ballpark figure” is a “rough estimate” of something, and “being in the same ballpark” means two things are “similar.”

“Go Postal”

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In a 2000 story, the Washington Post narrated how employees of the US Postal Service had a bad reputation for killing co-workers because of disputes—35 people died between 1986 and 2000. So, if you’ve ever had an outburst of anger or rage that pushed you into violence, then Americans will say you “went postal.”

“Jump on the Bandwagon”

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When you jump on the bandwagon, you’re joining in on a popular activity or copying what multiple people are doing. You may also hear someone say there’s a “bandwagon effect” around something. This just means people are doing something simply because a lot of other people are doing the same.

“Buy the Farm”

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To “buy a farm” doesn’t mean to purchase a plantation or ranch; it means to die untimely. The phrase comes from Air Force slang, “I bought the plot,” alluding grimly to earning a plot of burial land after paying with your life.

“Sell the Farm”

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Now, “selling a farm” is much more understandable. It simply means selling or liquidating all your assets to get money to invest in something else. Some people will say they “bet the farm” when they put a large chunk of their cash into a risky business or trade.


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Americans will tell you that dealing with flakes can be frustrating, but what are they? A flake is someone you can’t rely on to keep a promise, perform a task, or remember something. Sometimes, Americans also call someone with strange behavior a flake, given how unpredictable this person can be.

“The Whole Nine Yards”

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“The whole nine yards” means “comprehensively” or “in total absoluteness.” For instance, when you’re with someone for the whole nine yards, you support this person entirely. NPR shares multiple theories for where this is from, linking it to fully-set sails, World War II, and even a play in American football.

“Go Pound Sand”

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Are you looking for a ruder way to tell someone to get lost? If you don’t mind being impolite, you can say this person should “go pound sand.” By saying this, you aren’t just telling someone to go away; you’re also calling this person stupid.


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“Clutch” is slang for doing something awesome at a crucial moment. You “came in clutch” in the basketball game because your team needed the game, and your performance got you the win. Sometimes, clutch is used in place of “excellent,” “effective,” or “useful.”


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To ‘Jones’ for something means to have an unhealthy fixation on it. The slang alludes to Manhattan’s Jones Alley—a street known to have been plagued by drug addicts in the 1960s. Despite this, the New York Times explains that the phrase is now used for a general yearning; it’s not just about addiction.

“Plead the Fifth”

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Pleading the fifth is another way of saying you don’t need to answer a question or can’t be forced to say anything. It’s a phrase rooted in the Fifth Amendment, which gives Americans the right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination. Of course, this means it’s used in a legal context, too.

“For the Birds”

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Have you ever thrown out some grains of food for the birds? It’s not far off exactly what the phrase “for the birds” alludes to. Something is “for the birds” if it doesn’t have any value to you. The statement commonly shows disdain for something Americans see as worthless.

“John Hancock”

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While you use your “signature” to authorize transactions, Americans use their “John Hancocks.” These two terms mean the exact same thing; the phrase only pays homage to the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence in 1776, John Hancock, who Stanford University lauds as having the most famous signature in American history.

“More Bang for Your Buck”

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You get more bang for your buck when you get results or returns that are way more than the effort you put in. Sometimes, the phrase is also used in a comparative sense, but these days, it’s more commonly used to emphasize when something is good value for money.


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A podunk, also called “Podunk Hollow,” is a small town seen as unimportant or ignorable. The term also refers to an isolated or inaccessible town akin to “the middle of nowhere.” You’ll probably agree that living in a podunk can be depressing!

“Take a Raincheck”

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Like “tabling it,” another way to postpone something for later is to take a rain check. With roots in baseball, you especially use this when you’re invited to an event you cannot attend but still want to show interest in it for the future.

“Barking Up the Wrong Tree”

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Finally, you’re wasting your time if you “bark up the wrong tree.” When you have an objective, this phrase is used if someone sees that you’re following the wrong course of action to achieve it. It can also mean you’re accusing someone of something they had no involvement in.

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