19 Cities in the US That Are So Bad You Won’t Want to Visit

The US has many gorgeous, culturally enriching cities that are happy to welcome tourists all year round. However, several cities consistently disappoint tourists due to their dirty, dangerous, and barren conditions. Here are 19 of the worst cities in the US that are so bad you won’t want to visit.

St. Louis, Missouri

Photo Credit: Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

St. Louis is one of the worst cities in the US because it’s so dangerous. It was the American ‘murder capital’ for years and still has a high crime and assault rate, so it’s best to avoid visiting for your own safety. Even residents of St. Louis are starting to move out.

Detroit, Michigan

Photo Credit: Harold Stiver/Shutterstock

Detroit is often considered one of the worst US cities to live in, and it’s not one you’ll want to visit, either. It has high rates of both violent and property crime, as well as a declining population. Detroit has also ranked as one of the dirtiest US cities over the past few years.

Houston, Texas

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Houston, Texas, is famous for its connections to space exploration, but it isn’t anything out of this world. Fox 4 News reported last year that Houston was the dirtiest city in the US thanks to pollution and a cockroach problem. It’s also a concrete jungle with few things for tourists to do.

Memphis, Tennessee

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Memphis is famous for its Elvis Presley associations but is an otherwise disappointing tourist destination. The entire city is considered dangerous, with high crime and poverty rates. There are also prominent cases of gang and gun violence in Memphis, so you’ll likely feel on guard wherever you go if you visit.

Gary, Indiana

Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

Residents and tourists alike constantly criticize Gary, Indiana, for being one of the ugliest cities in the US, and they’re not wrong. It also once held the titles of US murder capital and most miserable US city. Its gray streets are unappealing to explore, and there’s little else to do, sadly.

Hollywood, Los Angeles, California

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This one might surprise you. Hollywood is a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, one of the most globally famous in the US, but Americans warn that it’s a tourist trap. Though it has great sites, it’s overpriced, and the streets are usually dirty. Tourists are also likely to be targeted by pickpockets.

Birmingham, Alabama

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Birmingham has a reputation for being one of the worst cities in Alabama due to its high violent crime rate, making it one of the most dangerous American cities to live in or visit. It also has poor living conditions, so the sense of unhappiness is palpable and will ruin your trip.

Baltimore, Maryland

Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock

Baltimore is another city you should avoid if you want a relaxing vacation. It’s notorious for its high crime rate, including violent crime, and its lack of cleanliness. House Fresh has named Baltimore the dirtiest city in the US, with 47,295 sanitation-related complaints, so it loses points for pleasantness, too.

Bakersfield, California

Photo Credit: ELW/Shutterstock

Due to its high-emission industries, Bakersfield has the worst air pollution of any US city. Residents report petroleum smells throughout the city and poor air quality. Bakersfield’s air pollution could harm your health even during a short visit, so is it really worth it?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Photo Credit: Real Window Creative/Shutterstock

Studies from 2022 named Philadelphia the rudest city in the US, so you might not feel welcome or comfortable visiting as a tourist. Areas of Philly are also unpleasant to look at due to gray streets and decaying infrastructure, and things aren’t improving because the economy is low.

San Francisco, California

Photo Credit: IM_photo/Shutterstock.

San Francisco doesn’t live up to the hype, so if you do visit, you likely won’t be hurrying to come back soon. Despite its wealth, it has massive problems with poverty and homelessness, and its heavy foot traffic means littering is common. It’s worth skipping San Francisco for underrated cities instead.

Dallas, Texas

Photo Credit: f11photo/Shutterstock

Unfortunately, Dallas is known for being one of the worst-smelling cities in the US, which should be enough to put you off visiting. The Society of Environmental Journalists reports that residents have been complaining about odors reminiscent of rotting animals caused by a biofuel plant that is now, thankfully, shutting down. Gross!

Phoenix, Arizona

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Phoenix is called the ‘least sustainable’ city in the US because it’s incredibly hot and has previously struggled to meet water demands. People have also criticized it for being overly beige, with the scenery lacking vigor. The Phoenix Mountains outside the city are gorgeous, but the urban areas are very ugly.

Sacramento, California

Photo Credit: NorCalStockMedia/Shutterstock

Sacramento is another city in California that has a reputation for poor sanitation. It’s been ranked the second dirtiest city in the US, and many visitors have also complained about noticing bad smells. Worse still are Sacramento’s bad economy and rising crime rates, so you might want to think twice before visiting.

Cleveland, Ohio

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Cleveland is one of the most polluted cities in the US, thanks to poor air quality and people dumping garbage in natural areas. Cleveland has previously been ranked as Ohio’s most dangerous city, with many documented cases of violent crime. Ohio has much nicer cities, like Cincinnati, that you should visit instead.

New Orleans, Louisiana

Photo Credit: GTS Productions/Shutterstock

While New Orleans has some well-known tourist spots, it’s not a city you should rush to visit. It has a littering problem, which makes many streets unappealing to look at, and many areas are avoided due to high crime rates. New Orleans also has a lot of nightlife, so it’s usually loud.

Camden, New Jersey

Photo Credit: Kyle J Little/Shutterstock

Camden has been voted both the ugliest and most dangerous city in New Jersey, so it’s sadly one to avoid. Camden has gone downhill despite its thriving past due to rampant crime and a tanking economy. It has several dilapidated neighborhoods that residents and tourists alike don’t feel safe in.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Milwaukee’s terrifying crime rates should be enough to dissuade any potential tourists. Spectrum News reports that it ranks third out of all large US cities for robbery, murder, and aggravated assault. It’s also known to be one of the US’ most racially segregated cities, so it’s best to avoid visiting until things improve.

Jacksonville, Florida

Photo Credit: ESB Professional/Shutterstock

Sadly, this list would not be complete without Jacksonville. This is another US city to avoid due to its unfortunate crime rates, which are above Florida’s average. It’s also one of the worst US cities to drive in because the roads often become gridlocked. Unless you’re actively seeking out stress, there’s no real reason to visit.

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