19 Things Men Want To Avoid As They Get Older

They say you are only as old as you feel. While that is true to a certain extent, there are certain things you may want to stay clear of as you age. Here are 19 things men want to avoid as they get older.

A trip to the doctor

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No one likes a trip to the doctor but health conditions only get worse the older you get. Make sure you keep yourself in top health to avoid needing a trip to the doctor. Make sure you have a great diet, stay active, and keep your brain ticking. Oh, and of course, an apple a day!

Unnecessary dental checks

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Dental checks should be a regular part of your healthcare routine throughout life but we want to avoid any of the unnecessary appointments as we get older. The better you take care of your teeth, the longer they are going to last. Look after them well to avoid any unnecessary dental checks or dentures may be on the horizon.

Ignoring your age

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It would be a dream to be exactly as we were in our twenties forever but sadly, things change as we get older. Don’t ignore your age, listen to your body. Dr Salzman at Jefferson Health says that the longer you ignore signs of ageing, the quicker they progress. Make sure you get things looked at quickly, regardless of whether it is hearing, eye sight, illness or mental health.


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One minute you’re 21 and next, you notice a new wrinkle every time you catch sight of yourself. Whilst we only jokingly say avoid mirrors, you may want to avoid over examining yourself in them, you can’t turn back the clock. Just remember every new fine line is a moment of happiness or laughter.

DIY haircuts

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Unless you are a trained barber, DIY haircuts can be a mistake at any age. However, the older you get, the older a dodgy haircut makes you look. If you have been cutting your own hair all your life, it is time to seek out a pro. A professional hairdresser can help you achieve a flattering style that will knock years off your image.

Extreme sports

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You certainly want to keep active as you age but extreme sport participation may need to decline. Keep at it as long as you can but listen to your body and don’t push yourself too far. Know your limits.

The desire to skip reading glasses

Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

According to Look Optic, the need for reading glasses is one of the first signs of ageing. However, many people who notice vision changes are in denial for too long. It may be comforting to know that everyone will need reading glasses eventually. It is inevitable because the eye muscles weaken as you age. Don’t struggle, just get the glasses!

Saying ‘I’m too old for that’

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While there are many traits that accompany getting older, there is no reason why you can’t do most things. Avoid saying ‘I’m too old for that’ and just embrace it. Age is just a number.

Excessive stress

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Life is a rollercoaster of stress but getting older is a time to relax. Hustle time is over, just chill out. Avoid excessive stress, it is not worth it and can lead to health problems or mental health conditions.

Loud music

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When you’re first hitting the bars and clubs, loud music is great. Yet there is no doubt, the older you get, the more annoying it gets. Just avoid it! You don’t have to expose yourself to it. Plus, Hopkins Medicine recommends that avoiding exposure to loud music will help protect your hearing and prevent gradual loss as you age.

Too much alcohol

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An excess of anything should be avoided when you get older and that includes alcohol. Of course, you can enjoy a few beers or a couple of glasses of wine but we get more sensitive to alcohol as we age. Hangovers are harder, balance is not what it used to be and health conditions can worsen. Enjoy in moderation!


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If you have been a smoker all your life, now is the time to kick the habit. Smoking is linked to so many health conditions that are only exacerbated by age. It’s never too late to give up!

Poor sleep habits

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If you find yourself with more time on your hands, either due to kids flying the nest or retirement, it is easy to fall into poor sleep habits. Great sleep is the foundation of health so don’t let your sleep habits slip just because your schedule isn’t as rigid.

People who tell you how to act

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People’s opinions are theirs and theirs alone. Avoid anyone who tells you how to act. You are never too old to do something. Enjoy life and stay young at heart!

Being angry

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The more life you experience, the more you learn to handle your emotions. Avoid being angry because it’s just not worth it. Anger not only causes stress but it can damage relationships. Just let it go.

Biting your tongue

Photo Credit: AboutLife/Shutterstock

While you should avoid being angry, that doesn’t mean you should bite your tongue. With all this life experience under your belt, you are wiser and should just speak your mind. Don’t let anything go unsaid.

Crowded spaces

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Crowded spaces become more intolerable the older we get. Psychology Today argues that we become more introverted with age so it is completely normal to hate crowded spaces. Don’t get frustrated, just avoid the places you think will be crowded.


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It is common to become more isolated as we get older but it will benefit your health to be social. Meet friends, spend time with family or join a club, connection with others is incredibly important.

Being sedentary

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Make sure you stay active. Enjoy activities you love, head out for walks and explore the world. Avoiding being sedentary will positively impact both your mental and physical wellbeing.

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