16 Signs You’re Far More Successful Than You Give Yourself Credit For

When there’s failure after failure, you start to think that maybe you aren’t what you thought of yourself after all. It’s normal to feel this way. Failure is only a part of life, and here are 18 things that tell you to keep being yourself.

You Love Your Job or Career

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You may have noticed that almost everyone around you complains about how draining and unrewarding their jobs are. Fortune even reports that 45% of Americans wouldn’t wish their jobs on their worst enemies. If you love your job or the career you’re in, you best believe you’re living a happier life than most Americans.

You See Progress

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Feelings of financial stagnancy are common, and this may even be the case for you. However, if you can look back at your life and see that the problems you have now are either minor or of better value than the problems you had before, then you need to be proud of how much you’ve grown. For instance, being broke today could be what you considered rich in the past.

You Don’t Have Many Regrets

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There are a lot of wrongs you could have easily made before you got where you are today. While many people have made mistakes they wish they could correct with a snap of their fingers, you may just look back and laugh at your cringe-worthy moments at best. You don’t carry the weight of regrets like many other people.

You Know Yourself

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Self-awareness is key to unlocking happiness, and it’s the first step in getting better for yourself. When you know the things you like and the things you can’t live with, it’s easier to create goals, set boundaries in your relationships, and evaluate your life better. It’s a rare trait that only 15% of people have, Harvard’s Business Review shares.

You Have Time For Hobbies

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The American work culture is the most hectic in the world. People work so many hours that they only have extra time to sleep or enough energy for TV shows. Being able to engage in hobbies is full is a privilege that not many get to enjoy.

You Have Great Friends

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Almost half of Americans say they feel lonely because they don’t have close friends and family. This number goes up to 61% when you take only young people into consideration, and you easily see how scarce great friends are. If you have people who keep you comfy during difficult times, you have an emotional advantage over many.

You’re Able to Pay Bills

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Reports estimate that every four in ten Americans finds it difficult to pay expenses, with millennials and Gen Zs feeling the most pressure. Being able to easily meet obligations on credit card debt, auto-loan repayments, mortgages, or college debt puts you ahead financially and mentally.

You Have a Goal You’re Working Toward

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As Business Review shares, “Having a plan is one of the best stress-reduction strategies out there.” Most people only have dreams they wish to fulfill without any plan to achieve them. Having milestones and objectives means, unlike many others, you live life without anxiety and make better choices because you always know what’s next for you.

You Don’t Settle for the Barest Minimum

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There are a lot of people out there who have to settle for the cheapest, raggediest car or the most boring romantic partner you could imagine. They don’t have the means to pursue something of  greater value. At least, even if you can’t afford your dream now, you’re living a great life if you can go for things that give you fulfillment.

People Have Good Things to Say About You

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When you hear people say they’re proud of who you are or where you’ve gotten to, it’s a clear sign that there’s growth and substance in your life. It’s understandable if you still feel bad about your career or romantic life—a lot of us set our goals very high to feel motivated. Nonetheless, you should feel proud of yourself if others are proud of you.

You Feel Great In Romantic Relationships

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Being in a relationship without trust issues or without being held back by insecurities gives you peace to hold onto. As Forbes reports, a whopping 57% of Americans aren’t ready for a relationship. If you’re in one or open to being in one, it means you’re able to live better with the emotional risk or overwhelming priorities that trouble others.

You Can Set Boundaries

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Many people don’t get to dictate how they want to be dealt with or cared for. This is because they either worry about how others will feel or fear that they’ll push people around them away. If you can set and stick to your healthy boundaries (particularly being able to say “no”), then you have more control over your happiness than many.

You’re Healthy

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Nearly half of Americans suffer from one chronic illness or another, and the mere fact that you don’t have to visit the hospital every week should give you peace of mind. Not only do you avoid the pain of poor health, but you also avoid the hefty costs of healthcare. You get to save more money for your valuable endeavors.

You Believe In Yourself

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CNBC reports that “51% of young Americans say they feel down, depressed, or hopeless”—they’re pessimistic about their lives or reaching their goals. Yes, failure can put you down. But if you still have the will to make things turn out better for yourself, then you’re still very much on the path to success.

You Help People

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It takes a lot to be philanthropic in character and finances, and being able to share goodness with others is a sign of a healthy mindset. Many people feel trapped by financial and social insecurities, and these limit their abilities to give. The pleasure of helping people with these insecurities is something to be proud of.

You Have an Independent Mindset

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Victims of the bandwagon effect, i.e., people who have a herd mentality, don’t know how to think for themselves. They live in instability, as what other people say shapes their opinions and choices. If you have an independent mindset, you wield more critical thinking skills to take your life by the scruff of its neck, define yourself, and ride undisturbed toward a goal.

You Forgive

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One trait that sets you up well in interpersonal relationships is the ability to look over others’ shortcomings. You understand that no one is above mistakes, and unlike many others, you are able to create safe spaces for yourself and your partner to live happier lives. The difficulty of letting go of grudges is one thing many people still struggle with today.

You Aren’t Obsessed With Materialism

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Materialism is a desire that pushes you into distress and dissatisfaction, even when your life is going great. If you don’t always envy the jewelry others wear, the cars others drive, or the homes others live in, then your mentality is in the best place to make great decisions. You’re never forced to take on bad debt just to keep up with the Joneses—a decision you may regret in a decade.

Up Next: 20 Things Your Boss Is Legally Forbidden to Ask of You

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20 Things Your Boss Is Legally Forbidden to Ask of You

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Photo Credit: Francisco G. Mendizabal/Shutterstock

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