19 Traits of Women Who Don’t Need External Validation From Others

Women were once expected to seek validation to prove themselves, but this notion is outdated. Modern women choose their own goals, speak their minds, and chase the things they want. These women are self-assured, sporting the following 19 traits that help them achieve without needing external validation.

They’re Independent

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The phrase ‘independent woman’ is used a lot nowadays, and for good reason. Women are more economically, socially, and politically independent than ever before. A woman who doesn’t need external validation from anyone else thrives alone because she can run her life well, satisfy her needs, and know what she wants.

They Stand Up For Their Beliefs

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Though historically spoken over, women’s voices have become louder over the past century, with many unafraid to stand up for their beliefs, even if it means standing alone. From the Suffragettes to Rosa Parks to Malala Yousafzai, strong women can change the world, and they don’t need society to tell them that.

They’re Resilient

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Resilience is vital in a world where women have had to fight for their rights. Resilient women don’t need external validation because they believe in themselves, and according to Forbes, 61% of women feel this way in their personal lives and 65% in their professional lives!

They Think For Themselves

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A woman who knows her own mind can’t be easily swayed by society because she knows what she wants and is confident in her abilities. She doesn’t need to ask others to validate her thoughts and feelings because she’s comfortable with them and doesn’t want to debate.

They Work Hard

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Hard work is one of the gateways to success; every self-assured woman knows this. They love setting goals and seeing the results when their hard work pays off, and it’s these results that motivate strong women. They don’t care about the praise they might get from other people when they accomplish something!

They Believe in Themselves

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SUCCESS writes that women typically struggle with feelings of self-doubt and imposter syndrome more than men, so they’re less likely to bet on themselves. However, more women are starting to take leaps of faith, ignoring external voices and betting on their own abilities in order to achieve.

They’re Physically Comfortable

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Body image struggles are still negatively affecting women’s lives, but society is slowly becoming more inclusive. Women are able to feel more comfortable in their bodies, and this physical contentment rubs off on other areas of their lives as they no longer rely on external approval from strangers.

They Don’t Try to Impress Others

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As was just mentioned, women have always called for society to acknowledge their accomplishments, but now, plenty of women are too self-assured to ask for external validation. They’re humble and don’t feel the need to brag; they’d much rather let their successes speak for themselves!

They Set Boundaries

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While external validation can be nice, it also means opening yourself up to other people’s opinions. In many cases, people violate your boundaries to give their opinions, and this is not something that strong women are putting up with anymore. They’re setting boundaries to protect themselves and maintain a sense of inner peace.

They’re Authentic

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People who lie about themselves to receive praise from others are usually insecure, and this simply isn’t present in women who don’t need external validation from others. Being themselves is enough for them, and they don’t care what society says about that.

They Speak Positively

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While women need to be unafraid to speak their minds and stand up for themselves, it’s also a sign of success when they can speak positively about their lives. Even if everything hasn’t entirely gone to plan, they don’t let it get them down and don’t beg others to validate their negative emotions.

They’re Ambitious

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Anna Fels points out that many women deny having ambition, but the truth is they don’t lack it; they’re made to feel ashamed. Why should women be criticized when men get rewarded for their ambition? More women now notice this societal double standard and refuse to hide their ambition.

They Raise Other People Up

A strong woman doesn’t feel the need to put other people down to validate herself. Instead, she raises them up because she knows how hard it is to have society against you. She will happily share her pedestal with others without feeling that they’re taking attention away from her.

They Take Risks

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Sometimes, taking a risk doesn’t pay off, but you’ll never know unless you try. That’s exactly the mindset more women are embracing, especially those who’ve faced setbacks due to a lack of external support. They know that it’s worth taking the risk if they’re struggling because it could lead to something great.

They’re Not Restricted By Societal Norms

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Societal norms have dictated women’s lives for centuries, from how they dressed to who they married. However, now women have the freedom to choose, and they’re choosing themselves first. If they marry or have children, it’s their choice, and external opinions are unnecessary.

They’re Content Alone

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Women don’t lose their agency anymore when they get married, but it’s a sign of self-security when a woman can be content alone. Psychology Today explains that plenty of women are happy to remain single and be more selective when picking a partner, patiently enjoying their own company.

They Don’t Entertain Gossip

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Talking behind other people’s backs is always a sign of insecurity, but there’s a stereotype that women gossip about their friends. This simply isn’t true; plenty of women refuse to entertain gossip. A strong woman doesn’t tear other women down; she lifts them up and is happy to do it.

They’re Graceful

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All women know that they need to tread carefully because being accused of being ‘difficult’ is a massive threat to their goals. Self-assured women can take constructive feedback on board, gracefully accept criticism, and adapt. However, they won’t shy away from sticking up for themselves and will always refuse to accept disrespect.

They Prioritize Happiness

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Above all, women want to be happy. External validation may offer temporary relief, but it isn’t the key to true happiness. A woman must strive for the things that make her happy in life, whether it’s a dream job, a great partner, or something as simple as watching the sunset. You go, girl!