Are you looking for a way to cut the costs of household expenses? Then check out the 19 everyday devices that will spike your electricity bill in this article.
Vacuum cleaners
A vacuum cleaner is a classic example of a device that will spike your electricity bill as soon as you turn it on. Some people try to get around this by using a mini vacuum cleaner, such as a handheld device, or by going back to using a dustpan and brush for cleaning.
Coffee machines
“Coffee is… one of the most popular drinks worldwide. This coffee statistic may shock you, but the beverage is second only to water. On average there’s around 400 billion cups consumed each year,” says Nescafé. But running a coffee machine multiple times a day can be expensive.
Electric heaters
Electric heaters are one of the most electricity-consuming devices that we have in the home. Electric heaters are very expensive to run and don’t keep the house warm for a very long time. Instead of using electric heaters, many people prefer to use gas heating.
Hair dryers
A hair dryer will also make your electricity bill higher. Thankfully, a hair dryer is not a device that we use for many hours a day. If it were, it would end up costing us a lot of money to run it each month. To save money, some people prefer to let their hair dry naturally.
Electric cooktops
We all have to cook each day, but the method we use to do so could be costing us a lot of money. Using an electric cooktop is not cost-effective in areas where electricity prices are high. In these areas, it’s better to invest in a gas cooktop for making meals.
Air conditioners
A home that doesn’t have a general cooling system might have a small air conditioning unit in some of the rooms. These air conditioning units are great at cooling rooms down in the summer, but they are expensive to run. Some people try to cut the cost of air conditioning by using a fan.
Large freezers
According to Ask USDA, “To store frozen foods at best quality, keep the freezer set to maintain zero (0°F or -17.8°C).” Keeping a freezer at such a low temperature can be very expensive. Having a large freezer separate from your fridge is great for big families but is also costly.
There’s no better way to start the day than with a cup of coffee or tea. But putting the kettle on takes its toll on your electric bill. If you make several hot drinks throughout the day, you’ll find you’re spending a lot of money on your electric bill from kettle use alone.
Electric fireplaces
Electric fireplaces do look beautiful in modern homes but they also cost a lot of money to keep on. Due to the high price of electricity in many countries, some people have their electric fireplaces removed and replace them with real coal and wood-burning fireplaces.
Ice machines
Having an ice machine in the home is really nice, especially during the summer months. But what a lot of people don’t realize is that ice machines are very expensive to run. To reduce the cost of having an ice machine, many people unplug them when the weather gets cooler.
Washing machines
Washing machines are very expensive to run. In an attempt to spend less on their electricity bill, some people use their washing machine for cool washes only, as hot washes use more electricity and are therefore more expensive. Other people sell old washing machines and buy more eco-friendly models.
The U.S. News & World Report says, “After sleeping, Americans spent most of their time watching television, averaging about 3.1 hours per day.” Most of us have the television on for hours each day, and unfortunately, this puts a strain on our electric bill. Yes, even our entertainment is expensive.
Tumble dryers
Having a tumble dryer is essential if you live in an area where the climate is cold. But running a tumble dryer is very expensive. Most people make sure they fill their tumble dryer before putting it on. If it’s a nice day outside, they won’t use the dryer at all.
Dishwashers are another good example of a household appliance that can spike your electricity bill. Many families who are trying to reduce their electricity costs only run the dishwasher when it’s full or once a day. They pre-wash very dirty dishes so they don’t have to put the dishwasher on twice.
A microwave is a very convenient household appliance but it can also put a strain on your electricity bill. Families who are trying to reduce their utility expenses try not to use the microwave too frequently, or in some cases, don’t use one at all.
Figures from show that “among all households in 2018, 92% had at least one type of computer and 85% had a broadband internet subscription” in the U.S. Desktop computers are very common and use a lot of electricity to keep them running all day.
Electric ovens
In areas where electricity is more expensive than gas, using an electric oven can be very costly. Instead of using an electric oven, some homeowners have decided to invest in a gas oven. When they do use the oven, they put a number of meals in at once.
Having the lights on all day every day is becoming too pricey for many people. To avoid spending far too much each month on their electricity bill, some people have decided to use energy-saving bulbs and turn off the lights in the rooms they’re not in.
We all have to have a refrigerator, but the way that we use it can either cost us more money or help save us money. Many families have upgraded their refrigerators to newer models that are more energy efficient. Avoiding leaving the door open for too long also cuts costs.