18 Things You Should Think Twice Before Telling Your Doctor

Doctors have trained for many years to ensure they are qualified enough to look after you and your health. Unfortunately, many people continue to do and say things during their medical appointments that leave healthcare practitioners concerned or exasperated. If you’re looking to avoid that scenario, pay close attention to these 18 things you should never say to your doctor.

“I’ve Already Diagnosed Myself on the Internet”

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It’s okay to check your symptoms online, but even if you’re fairly certain you have a certain illness, disease, or disorder, you should never presume that you know for sure without getting a professional opinion. As noted by Verywell Health, this can lead to needless scares, confirmation bias, and a dependence on unreliable sources. The doctor may also feel like you’re undermining their professional expertise when you say this.

“I Don’t Think I Need to Follow That Advice”

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Even if you don’t agree with everything your doctor tells you, you shouldn’t tell them you don’t need to follow their advice unless you have the support of a different medical professional. If you’re unsure that something your doctor is telling you is correct, it’s best to get a second professional’s opinion rather than simply choosing to ignore them.

“You’re Just Like My Last Unhelpful Doctor”

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It’s normal to get frustrated at doctor’s appointments sometimes. However, you should never insult them or compare them to other unhelpful individuals. Doctors are usually trying their best to help you, and these kinds of comments can strain your professional relationship. If you don’t trust them or their opinion, you may want to speak to a different doctor instead.

“I Don’t Remember the Name, But I’m Taking a Blue Pill”

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Many of us are taking many different pills or medications, so it’s understandable that it can be difficult to remember all their names. However, it’s important to make sure you know exactly what medications you are taking so your doctor can give you the best treatment and advice possible.

“No, I Haven’t Noticed Any Changes Since My Last Visit”

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If you really haven’t noticed any changes since your last visit, it’s okay to say so. However, even small changes can be significant and are important to mention so that the doctor can assess whether any changes need to be made to your treatment plan.

“I Don’t Need That Test; I Feel Fine”

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Doctors will usually recommend tests for a good reason. As such, you should not decline a test just because you think you’re healthy enough to go without it. If you have other concerns about the test, you can discuss them with your doctor to find a viable solution that works for both of you.

“I Saw a Commercial for a Medication I Want to Try”

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Just because a medication looks good in a commercial, that doesn’t mean it’s the best drug for you. It’s okay to question your doctor about whether it could be an effective treatment, but it’s important to listen to their professional opinion rather than jump to uninformed conclusions.

“I Don’t Think That’s Related to My Problem”

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When your doctor is giving their professional opinion or advice, it’s important to listen first and discuss any concerns later. Phrases such as this can undermine their expertise, and it’s important to remember that even minor symptoms or lifestyle factors can be significant to your healthcare.

“No, I Can’t Afford That Treatment Plan”

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Obviously, it’s completely okay to discuss your financial constraints and concerns during a doctor’s appointment. However, it’s recommended not to completely shut down a treatment plan based on this. Your doctor will likely be able to work with you to create a more affordable plan that works for both of you.

“Why Should I Tell You About My Drug Use?”

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When it comes to your health, it’s incredibly important to tell medical experts about all of your lifestyle and substance use information to ensure they can give you the best care and treatment possible. According to Rachael McGuirk, MD, failing to disclose this important information can cause significant issues with your treatment plan and medication effectiveness.

“All My Symptoms Started Overnight”

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If all of your symptoms really did start overnight, then naturally, it’s good to say so. However, people often oversimplify the onset of their symptoms in this way, which can be detrimental to the doctor’s diagnosis and treatment process.

“It’s Just Like What Happened to My Friend”

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Even if you probably have the same health issue as someone you know, it’s important that you don’t immediately jump to that conclusion. Everyone’s symptoms are slightly different and could point to different issues, so it’s essential that you accurately describe your own personal experience.

“The Medication Isn’t Working, So I Stopped Taking It”

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Just because a medication doesn’t seem like it’s working, that doesn’t mean it’s true. When your doctor instructs you to take medication for a certain period of time, it’s important to do so unless you run into negative side effects. As noted by Mind, stopping suddenly can lead to health complications. You should discuss any issues with your doctor so you can both work together on a solution.

“I Don’t Have Time for That Treatment”

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Many of us lead busy lives, so it’s understandable that you may have concerns about how long a treatment plan could take. However, it’s important to discuss these concerns with your doctor instead of outright refusing to try it. This will ensure you receive the most effective care possible.

“Can’t You Just Give Me Antibiotics?”

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Some people demand antibiotics without understanding the problem of their misuse. Antibiotics do not work against viral infections, and when people take too many unnecessarily, this can cause them to become ineffective when you truly need them.

“I Don’t See Why My Lifestyle Habits Are Relevant”

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It can feel difficult to share personal details about your health and lifestyle habits with your doctor. However, these factors can have a significant impact on your health, so it’s important that your doctor is properly informed about them.

“I Don’t Need a Follow-Up Appointment”

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When your doctor recommends a follow-up appointment, it’s usually for a good reason. As stated by CHI Health, it is important for them to assess any changes in your health, especially after you’ve started a new medication or treatment plan.

“That’s Not What I Read Online”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

There is a wealth of health-related information online, but that doesn’t mean all of it is accurate or helpful. You should not disregard your doctor’s professional opinion simply because you read something different online. If you’re really unsure, you can always get a second professional opinion before jumping to conclusions.

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